Walk 2 – Building 3
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Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Building
333 West State Street
Architects: Frank D. Chase (Chicago) 1924
The building demonstrates some characteristics of the Art Moderne style, with its emphasis on flat surfaces and rectilinearity, although it predates that style by a few years. A six-foot high frieze, illustrating the history of communications, wraps around the top of the building. Carved lunettes over the third-floor windows show the insignia of famous printers. The low relief of these carving reinforces the flatness of the wall surface.
The exterior of the steel frame building is clad in pinkish-yellow Mankato-Kasota Limestone from north of Mankato, Minnesota. The stone is produced only in the quarries at Kasota. It is a unique stone, being a very strong dolomitic limestone than can take a polish as well as marble. It is relatively dense compared to other limestones and has a higher resistance to weathering. This building is over seventy-five years old and shows very little deterioration of the limestone.