Daisy Ortega Moran, “Website Illustrating Play- and Humor-Infused Exposure Therapy to Reduce Fears of Children with Williams Syndrome”
Mentor: Bonita Klein-Tasman, Psychology
Poster #101
Williams syndrome is a neurogenetic condition that results from missing genes on chromosome 7. Individuals with Williams syndrome have a variety of medical needs and a specific behavioral phenotype including social disinhibition and vulnerability to anxiety. Many children with Williams syndrome have specific phobias that interfere with their daily lives. We are developing a website to help community professionals learn about an intervention approach, Play and Humor-Infused Exposure Therapy, that has the goal of reducing anxiety and fear. The Play-and Humor-Infused Exposure website will aid clinicians by including background about this therapy approach and an intervention video glossary. This website has a number of sections: The About This Therapy Approach page holds information on how Play and Humor-Infused Exposure Therapy is used to expose children with Williams syndrome to their fears and anxiety triggers. In the therapy, the children are encouraged to have contact with those fears working from low intensity contact to more challenging contact, gradually building up their comfort. The Intervention Video Glossary includes video examples of the intervention approach. This website will help the community of professionals and families learn about how to use the Play and Humor-Infused Exposure Therapy approach with children with Williams syndrome who experience fears and anxieties.