Selena Cao, “A Review of Heavy Metals Water Detection Technologies and Global Policies”
Mentors: Dennis Webb, SAGE Water, Sakib Mahmud, UW-Superior, Marcia Silva, Global Water Center
Poster #30
With the presence of heavy metals in water posing a threat to human, animal, and environmental safety, monitoring technologies are a vital tool in determining remedial action, and future water policy. The comprehensiveness, cost effectiveness, sensitivities and time requirements of monitoring technologies determine how likely institutions are to use them. Scientists, engineers, activists, and policymakers need accurate information to understand the scale of heavy metals contamination and decide future policy. This poster will review current monitoring technologies, establish the importance of using monitoring technologies, and suggest policy changes, while understanding the world’s diverse needs, capabilities, and current situation on handling heavy metals pollution. The social, political, and economic consequences of heavy metals contamination demands holistic decisive actions.