Analysis of Sediments Cores from Lake Basin of Olduvai Using X-ray Diffraction

Kathryne Fogle, “Analysis of Sediments Cores from Lake Basin of Olduvai Using X-ray Diffraction” Mentor: Lindsay McHenry, Geosciences Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, East Africa is important anthropologically and has provided information on key phases on early human evolution and vertebrate…… Read More

From Life to Fossil: Horseshoe Crabs and the Preservation of Their Fluorescence

Autumn Routson, “From Life to Fossil: Horseshoe Crabs and the Preservation of Their Fluorescence” Mentor: Victoria Mccoy, Geosciences The ability to fluoresce is found in all modern chelicerates, yet its significance and mechanisms still remain a mystery. Understanding which extinct…… Read More

The Milwaukee Column: A Simple, Affordable, and Effective Apparatus for Teaching and Research of One-Dimensional Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Dylan Childs, “The Milwaukee Column: A Simple, Affordable, and Effective Apparatus for Teaching and Research of One-Dimensional Flow and Transport in Porous Media” Mentors: Charles Paradis, Adam Schmidt, and Maxwell Morgan, Geosciences How groundwater travels and interacts with porous media…… Read More