Logan Teehan, “A Novel Sequential Injection Solid-Phase Extraction Method for Determination of Amphetamines”
Mentor: Joseph Aldstadt, Chemistry & Biochemistry
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are a classification of synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of known illicit substances with variations in structure that make their elucidation difficult. The difficulty in identification of these substances for forensic scientists as well as substance abuse programs, where quick and reliable methods of detection are essential, gave rise to the need of a new method of screening. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool that could be quite useful for structural determination of NPSs but is problematic when interferences are present as found in authentic samples. Sequential injection analysis (SIA) using solid-phase extraction (SPE) allows for the isolation of analytes from interferences that would normally make methods such as NMR very difficult. SPE is a method of extraction that separates components of a mixture based on their differing chemical and physical properties. The use of NMR in tandem with SIA-SPE can provide a possible solution to the qualitative and quantitative measurement of these substances. Our method involves running a sample through a chromatography column in which the desired analyte binds to the column. The unwanted components of the sample are then washed through to waste. The column is then washed with a solution that elutes the analyte from the column and carries it to the NMR to be analyzed free of the initial interferences. In the development of this method, we will optimize key factors such as flow rates, solution conditions (pH, ionic strength), and SPE separation conditions. Once optimal conditions are found, the method will be tested on simulated and authentic samples to confirm the efficacy of the method.
Hi, I’m Logan Teehan I’ve been working with Dr. Aldstadt for about about a year now and on this project in specific since the fall. I hope you enjoy the presentation!
I could not follow power point, hard time understanding what was being said.