Cat Control

Alison Maciejewski, “Cat Control”
Mentor: Nigel Rothfels, History

Domestic and feral cats in the United States have become an invasive species. Cats are not “native” to North America therefore they are a threat to the wildlife. However, cats have roamed the continent for hundreds of years. Cats reproduce quickly and in the wild they are uncontrollable hazards to songbirds who did not previously have a specific predator. Those with domestic cats sometimes let their pet outside to wander unneutered. In return wildlife is faced with supporting potential feral cats and kittens. In Milwaukee county, feral cat colonies have been on the minds of both bird advocacy groups and those who advocate for cats since the mid-nineties. “Trap-Neuter-Release” became the go to method by Humane Societies in the area. My project will focus on Milwaukee county’s issues with feral cats. Through my research I would also like to find the best solution to controlling the domestic and feral cat population in areas with notable songbird populations.



  1. Very interesting topic! As a pet owner of a former stray animal, I certainly appreciate your passion for this topic. I find the trend of newspaper mentions to be surprisingly random. As social perceptions of animal rights and protection have increased in the last few decades, one might think the curve would continue to increase. Do you have any ideas as to why there was a drastic decrease in newspaper mentions regarding the feral cat population since the 1990s?

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