Emma Horvath, “Visualizing Growth: The Development of Immersive High-Dimensional Information Coordinate Systems”
Mentor: Christopher Willey, Art & Design
The purpose of my research is to assist Professor Willey with visualizing researchers’ growth by using researchers’ keywords and a 3D coordinate system. The research aims to develop ways to visualize/catalog the growth of research over time within a teaching and learning environment geared towards intrinsic motivation. The process involves an online channel where researchers share their documentation containing specific keywords related to their efforts linked to a time and day on Slack. By compiling several research documents together, we see a grouping of similar keywords related to a researcher’s efforts. The yield is a concatenated cluster of linked keywords that evolve over time in line with the researcher’s documents. Each researcher’s keywords can be searched in a database, such as the Dewey Decimal Classification system used to classify books. We use the one-hundredths place of a unique number of a keyword to identify a location on a circle (the azimuth in a horizon coordinate system) then use a 60-degree downward aiming arc to identify the rest of the DDC number up to the ten-millionths place after the decimal. This second number is referred to as the depth in coordinate systems and it is this number gives the information’s location in space. After each keyword is converted into a spatial datum in 3D space, the points are then connected to form a 3D shape. Willey’s hypothesis is that the shapes that are generated will evolve and turn into fractals so it looks like roots, going deeper and growing as people spend more time learning. We want to be able to visualize a person’s area of study and how it evolves at a glance. We believe this new context will change how people understand their own teaching and learning, while simultaneously giving facilitators a new way to consider assessments.
Hello! This is Emma. I am graduating this semester with a degree in Information Technology Management. I have been working with Professor Willey since the start of this semester, but have been aware of him and his SURF space for a few years now. What drew me to the project was the shared desire to categorize and visualize data in a new and helpful way.
Like the topic and enjoy it. Would love a bit more details when presenting.