“From Intrinsic to Amotivation: The Validation of an Instrument to Better Understand Student Motivation in Chemistry

Mira Beranek, “From Intrinsic to Amotivation: The Validation of an Instrument to Better Understand Student Motivation in Chemistry” Mentor: Kristen Murphy, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #28 Exam scores and other quantitative measures provide insight into students’ performance in a course……. Read More

3D Printing Polymeric Microneedles to Cure Melanoma Skin Cancer

Mohith Kumar Sathish Kumar, “3D Printing Polymeric Microneedles to Cure Melanoma Skin Cancer” Mentor: Qingsu Cheng, Biomedical Engineering Poster #174 Microneedles are small, minimally invasive devices used to deliver targeted drugs, such as cancer therapies. When used to treat melanoma…… Read More

A Comparative Study of Organizational Hierarchy in Protestant Church Denominations and Its Effects on Clergy

Kallen Bohl and Cainan Squibb, “A Comparative Study of Organizational Hierarchy in Protestant Church Denominations and Its Effects on Clergy” Mentor: Timothy O’Brien, Sociology Poster #22 This project is a comparative study of hierarchical and non-hierarchical protestant churches which aims…… Read More

A Coupling Reaction between a Benzophenone and Racemic BOC Alanine

Grace Wheeler “A Coupling Reaction between a Benzophenone and Racemic BOC Alanine ” Mentor: Alexander Arnold, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #13 The reactions that have been performed include a coupling reaction between a benzophenone and racemic alanine , where the product would…… Read More

A Multi-Media Approach to Identifying Core and Adaptable Components in Mental Health Interventions for the Latinx Community

Jalise Kerkenbush, “A Multi-Media Approach to Identifying Core and Adaptable Components in Mental Health Interventions for the Latinx Community” Mentor: Gabriela Nagy, Psychology Poster #21 In developing complex interventions, it is important to understand the extent to which the intervention…… Read More

A Qualitative and Quantitative Study: Exploring Anxiety in Undergraduate Level Chemistry Courses

Preston Burdett, “A Qualitative and Quantitative Study: Exploring Anxiety in Undergraduate Level Chemistry Courses” Mentor: Kristen Murphy, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #33 Participating in undergraduate level chemistry courses can elicit anxious feelings in students. Previous research suggests that anxiety varies…… Read More

A Scoping Review of Perceptions of Sexual Violence among Higher Education Personnel at University Campuses

Madelynn Hill, Mahrukh Delawarzad, and Manizha Nazari, “A Scoping Review of Perceptions of Sexual Violence among Higher Education Personnel at University Campuses” Mentor: Rose Hennessy Garza, Public Health Poster #166 Sexual violence is defined as any type of unwanted sexual…… Read More

A Statistical Method to Analyze Climate Change Impacts on Mid-Latitude Weather Patterns

Ben Page, “A Statistical Method to Analyze Climate Change Impacts on Mid-Latitude Weather Patterns” Mentor: Paul Robber, Atmospheric Sciences Poster #137 The goal of this project is to analyze reanalysis upper-level atmospheric data – data that has been synthesized to…… Read More

Adolescent Trauma: Sleep’s Impact on Depression and PTSD Implications

Alexandra Lato, “Adolescent Trauma: Sleep’s Impact on Depression and PTSD Implications” Mentor: Christine Larson, Psychology Poster #54 Adolescent sleep patterns impact emotional and psychological well-being. Sleep disturbances can increase the risk for depression and PTSD symptoms, particularly in youth trauma…… Read More

Age and Gender Matter: Acute Impact of Chlorine Contamination and Heat Shock on Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)

Jacob Peterson, “Age and Gender Matter: Acute Impact of Chlorine Contamination and Heat Shock on Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)” Mentor: Dong Fang Deng, Freshwater Sciences Poster #144 Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) is a crucial ecological and economic freshwater fish in…… Read More

Age, Coping, and Substance Use among Latinx/o/a Immigrants

Edwin Chiquito Jacome, “Age, Coping, and Substance Use among Latinx/o/a Immigrants” Mentor: Gabriela Nagy, Psychology Poster #6 Latinos comprise the second-largest growing ethnic group in the United States, representing approximately 19% of the overall population (63 million). As of 2021,…… Read More

Aging Together

Zoe Kearney, Connor Keane, and Kelly Prather, “Aging Together” Mentor: Andrew Steward, Social Work Poster #7 Aging Together is a pilot program designed to provide peer support and education to older adults regarding ageism and health. Participants reflect and share…… Read More

An Ultimate Guide to Sedimentary Structures: A Comprehensive Catalog

Kasserena Cvikel, “An Ultimate Guide to Sedimentary Structures: A Comprehensive Catalog” Mentor: John Isbell, Geosciences Poster #41 Existing geological atlases skillfully illustrate general sedimentary structures; however, they lack glaciogenic examples and descriptions. The purpose of my research is to catalog…… Read More

Analysis of Algal Toxins in the Winnebago-to-Green-Bay Waterway

Taylor Moss, “Analysis of Algal Toxins in the Winnebago-to-Green-Bay Waterway” Mentor: Todd Miller, Public Health Poster #132 Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms produce toxins that are dangerous for human, animal, and environmental health. Lake Michigan at Green Bay Wisconsin frequently experiences…… Read More

And Then What Happened? Exploring Taphonomic Change at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery 2

Gil Amador, “And Then What Happened? Exploring Taphonomic Change at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery 2” Mentor: Shannon Freire, Anthropology Poster #211 Through study of human remains from archaeological contexts, bioarchaeologists can tell stories about people in the past,…… Read More

Are You a Lefty, a Righty, or Ambidextrous? Assessment of Brain Lateralization Using Handedness Assays Treefrogs

Arabella Voegeli, “Are You a Lefty, a Righty, or Ambidextrous? Assessment of Brain Lateralization Using Handedness Assays Treefrogs” Mentor: Gerlinde Höbel, Biological Sciences Poster #199 Brain lateralization is common across the animal kingdom and thought to be beneficial because eliminating…… Read More

Assessing Human Performance on Scene Recognition and the Likelihood of Erroneous Recognition of Famous and Non-famous Landmarks

Wade Allen, “Assessing Human Performance on Scene Recognition and the Likelihood of Erroneous Recognition of Famous and Non-famous Landmarks” Mentor: Caitlin Bowman, Psychology Poster #24 How we form new memories is of particular interest within the field of cognitive neuroscience……. Read More

Atheist Influencer’s Perceptions of the Atheist Community

Maria Jensen, “Atheist Influencer’s Perceptions of the Atheist Community” Mentor: Esther Chan, Sociology Poster #151 This poster examines answers from fifteen qualitative interviews conducted by a research team in order to illustrate common narratives about how atheist influencers view themselves…… Read More

Bacterial Strain Specificity in the Evolution of Mucoid Phage Resistance

Chloe Skinner, “Bacterial Strain Specificity in the Evolution of Mucoid Phage Resistance” Mentor: Alita Burmeister, Biological Sciences Poster #170 Phage-resistance mutations occur rapidly in bacteria, preventing phage infection. One mutant phenotype we study, called mucoid, is also a virulence factor…… Read More

Biomedical Medical Applications of Novel Magnetostrictive Composite

Aaron Brandner, “Biomedical Medical Applications of Novel Magnetostrictive Composite” Mentor: Priyatha Premnath, Biomedical Engineering Poster #29 There is an increasing demand for biomaterials with characteristics that can be altered in vivo to enhance tissue properties. One such branch of materials is smart…… Read More

Bonding Teaching and Research: Computational Chemistry Exercises for Stem Education

Miles Carlson and Evan Mader, “Bonding Teaching and Research: Computational Chemistry Exercises for Stem Education” Mentor: Mohamed Ayoub, Mathematics & Natural Sciences Poster #35 This research project aims to provide computational chemistry exercises for undergraduate chemistry and S.T.E.M. curriculum and…… Read More

Bridging Cultures and Languages through Cuentos

Raquel Quevedo, “Bridging Cultures and Languages through Cuentos” Mentor: Rachel Bloom-Pojar, English Poster #150 Cuentos de Confianza is a bilingual (Spanish-English) community writing project and website where Latinx health promoters and educators passionately share stories about their work and lived…… Read More

Building a Healthier Food Environment for UWM Young-Adult Students

Ashlyn Thome, Sammantha Bricco, and Maxwell Sharkey, “Building a Healthier Food Environment for UWM Young-Adult Students” Mentor: Shabnam Nikravan, Public Health Poster #189 The unhealthy food environment at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) campus is an issue for young adult…… Read More

Bush vs Kerry; a Qualitative Understanding of the 2004 Election and the Instrumentalizing of Veteran Mythology

Logan Pichler, “Bush vs Kerry; a Qualitative Understanding of the 2004 Election and the Instrumentalizing of Veteran Mythology” Mentor: Dylan Bennett, Social Sciences & Business Poster #15 Veterans are a shrinking minority in the United States, but they hold an…… Read More

Cancer Studies: Enhanced Activation of ROS-Responsive Prodrugs via Prooxidant ROS Generation

Alexis Peterson, “Cancer Studies: Enhanced Activation of ROS-Responsive Prodrugs via Prooxidant ROS Generation” Mentor: Xiaohua Peng, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #148 Xiaohua Peng’s lab has reported a potent Phenylboronic acid nitrogen mustard containing reactive oxygen species (ROS) activated prodrug, FAN-NM-CH₃……. Read More

Carnivorous Pitcher Plants Support Their Microbiome with Nectar: Tracing Host Nectar Carbon and Nitrogen Microbial Incorporation Using Stable Isotope Labeling

Amanda Holzer, “Carnivorous Pitcher Plants Support Their Microbiome with Nectar: Tracing Host Nectar Carbon and Nitrogen Microbial Incorporation Using Stable Isotope Labeling” Mentor: Erica Young, Biological Sciences Poster #101 The carnivorous pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea, hosts a microbial community which…… Read More

Cell Specific Mechanisms of Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling in C. elegans

Katelyn Flitcroft, “Cell Specific Mechanisms of Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling in C. elegans” Mentor: Claire de la Cova, Biological Sciences Poster #60 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs) belong to the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase family and are necessary for animal development…… Read More

Change in Firefighter Cadet Mental Skills Use before and after Mental Skills Training Workshops

Nathan Ebersole, “Change in Firefighter Cadet Mental Skills Use before and after Mental Skills Training Workshops” Mentor: Barbara Meyer, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #55 The mental demands of firefighting and other tactical professions are well documented. Without proper training…… Read More

Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter of Disposable Face Masks during Photochemical Weathering in Freshwater Environments

Sean Gibbs, “Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter of Disposable Face Masks during Photochemical Weathering in Freshwater Environments” Mentor: Laodong Guo, Freshwater Sciences Poster #72 The astounding surge in the use of disposable face masks has exacerbated the adverse consequences associated…… Read More

Chemical and Optical Characterization of Produced Water from the Permian Basin Oil Field

Jena Choi, “Chemical and Optical Characterization of Produced Water from the Permian Basin Oil Field” Mentor: Laodong Guo, Freshwater Sciences Poster #105 Oil field produced water is generally a mixture of petroleum, dissolved organic matter, rare metals, and contaminants. For…… Read More

Cigarette Smoking and Body Image in Latino Men and its Association with Weight Status and Latino Background: Results from the Latino Men’s Health Initiative

Diante Johnson, “Cigarette Smoking and Body Image in Latino Men and its Association with Weight Status and Latino Background: Results from the Latino Men’s Health Initiative” Mentor: Lisa Sanchez-Johnsen, MCW Cancer Poster #86 The purpose of this presentation is to…… Read More

Collaborative Creative Learning in Architecture and Environmental Education

Hyeonha Park, “Collaborative Creative Learning in Architecture and Environmental Education” Mentor: Mark Keane, Architecture Poster #140 In this study, I share my experiences collaborating with the Next.cc team, a passionate group dedicated to inspiring environmental stewardship and nurturing creativity. With…… Read More

College Food Insecurity: An International Struggle

Laura Czapiewski, “College Food Insecurity: An International Struggle” Mentor: Shabnam Nikravan, Public Health Poster #42 The public health problem this hypothetical program is aiming to address is food insecurity. Food insecurity refers to the lack of access to food and/or…… Read More

Color Theory and Political Branding: An Interpretive Analysis of Contemporary Ideological Symbolism

Liv McCurdy, “Color Theory and Political Branding: An Interpretive Analysis of Contemporary Ideological Symbolism” Mentor: Marc Tasman, Journalism, Advertising, & Media Studies Poster #127 This research delves into the intricate relationship between color theory and political branding, synthesizing insights from…… Read More

Community Based Participatory Research Supporting Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People in Milwaukee

Kaylee Conaway, “Community Based Participatory Research Supporting Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People in Milwaukee” Mentor: Linda Wesp, Nursing Poster #38 Lack of resources is a known issue for the transgender community (James et al 2024). A bill defining…… Read More

Comparing Inhibitory Control: Emotional vs. Neutral Stop Signal Tasks

Henry Berger, “Comparing Inhibitory Control: Emotional vs. Neutral Stop Signal Tasks” Mentor: Han Joo Lee, Psychology Poster #103 Response inhibition (RI; the ability to stop an unwanted ongoing response) has historically been studied utilizing only non-emotional stimuli. Current literature needs…… Read More

Comparing Photosynthetic Efficiency of Freshwater Algal Species in-vitro Using Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF)

Charles Carignan, “Comparing Photosynthetic Efficiency of Freshwater Algal Species in-vitro Using Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF)” Mentor: Harvey Bootsma, Freshwater Sciences Poster #36 The photosynthetic efficiency of phytoplankton is a primary determinant of the productivity of aquatic ecosystems. Every year…… Read More

Comparison of Analysis Techniques for Assessing Laryngeal Closure During the Swallow

Kendyl Froberg, “Comparison of Analysis Techniques for Assessing Laryngeal Closure During the Swallow” Mentor: Barbara Pauloski, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #65 The Purpose of this study is to compare three methods for analysis of videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS), also…… Read More

Comparison of Wearable Camera First Person Still Imagery and Indirect Calorimetry to Assess Physical Activity Intensity

Charlee Katzka, “Comparison of Wearable Camera First Person Still Imagery and Indirect Calorimetry to Assess Physical Activity Intensity” Mentor: Scott Strath, Kinesiology Poster #109 Purpose: To examine if wearable camera (WC) still imagery can accurately and precisely measure physical activity…… Read More

Comparison of Wearable Camera High Frequency Image Capture to Direct Observation Video Capture for Measuring Physical Activity Behavior

Julia Egly, “Comparison of Wearable Camera High Frequency Image Capture to Direct Observation Video Capture for Measuring Physical Activity Behavior” Mentor: Scott Strath, Kinesiology Poster #217 Direct observation (DO), a method of either observing a person or videoing a person,…… Read More

Comprehensive Assessment of Community Mobility and Participation of Wheelchair Users Using Wearables

Madisyn Adelman, “Comprehensive Assessment of Community Mobility and Participation of Wheelchair Users Using Wearables” Mentor: Jacob Rammer, Biomedical Engineering Poster #19 Approximately 65 million people worldwide require a wheelchair for their daily mobility. Wheelchair use can negatively impact community mobility…… Read More

Connect with Culture: Increasing Utilization of Mental Health Services among International College Students

Mohamad Zairul Mohamad Salim and Michael Figueroa-Osorio, “Connect with Culture: Increasing Utilization of Mental Health Services among International College Students” Mentor: Shabnam Nikravan, Public Health Poster #71 There is a low utilization of mental health services among international college students……. Read More

Creation of Sustainable Inventory Management Protocols and Safe Chemical Storage Methods

Michael Owens, “Creation of Sustainable Inventory Management Protocols and Safe Chemical Storage Methods” Mentor: Alexander Arnold, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #136 We present a method for monitoring the use and condition of chemical inventory within a research laboratory setting. The…… Read More

Creative Histories: Examining Multimedia Pop Artist Red Grooms’ 1972 Portrait of UWM Students & Instructors

Barbara Wilson and Dora Peregrine, “Creative Histories: Examining Multimedia Pop Artist Red Grooms’ 1972 Portrait of UWM Students & Instructors” Mentor: Joseph Mougel, Art & Design Poster #222 Outside the Arts Center Gallery on UWM’s main campus is a mural…… Read More

Cultural Tapestry: Weaving the Threads of Hispanic/Latino Identity

Salvador Prado, “Cultural Tapestry: Weaving the Threads of Hispanic/Latino Identity” Mentor: Nancy Bird-Soto, Spanish & Portuguese Poster #167 The research delves into the complexity of Hispanic/Latino identities in the United States, aiming to understand the factors that shape them and…… Read More

Determining Microcystis Genotype Relationships between Lake Winnebago and Green Bay

Tessa Kooij, “Determining Microcystis Genotype Relationships between Lake Winnebago and Green Bay” Mentor: Ryan Newton, Freshwater Sciences Poster #108 Harmful algal blooms, particularly those instigated by blooms of Microcystis, a type of cyanobacteria, have become a global concern in freshwater…… Read More

Determining Phosphorus Concentration in Wisconsin Beach Sand and Its Impact on E. coli Abundance

Benjamin Gallion, “Determining Phosphorus Concentration in Wisconsin Beach Sand and Its Impact on E. coli Abundance” Mentor: Sandra Mclellan, Freshwater Sciences Poster #66 Freshwater beaches are a popular Wisconsin destination for tourism and recreation. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E……. Read More

Developing Machine Learning Models to Predict Mechanical Properties in Graphene Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites

Jagger Vicente, “Developing Machine Learning Models to Predict Mechanical Properties in Graphene Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites” Mentor: Pradeep Rohatgi, Materials Science & Engineering Poster #9 The addition of graphene into aluminum-based composites has attracted significant attention in recent years…… Read More

Development of Fractured Murine Bone Tensile Testing

Clara Broecker, “Development of Fractured Murine Bone Tensile Testing” Mentor: William Musinski, Materials Science & Engineering Poster #30 Bone fracture healing is an essential, and well-coordinated biological process which is typically broken down into the inflammation phase, the reparative phase,…… Read More

Development of in Silico Model of Tumorous Tissue

Nathanael Solitzky, “Development of in Silico Model of Tumorous Tissue” Mentor: Mahsa Dabagh, Biomedical Engineering Poster #187 In this project, we develop a multi-scale computational model to simulate the behavior of cancerous tissue, integrating the dynamics of cancer cells, fibroblasts,…… Read More

Divergent Fates

Pavonis Giron, Michal Schwab, and Tony Zelazoski, “Divergent Fates” Mentor: Yevgeniya Kaganovich, Art & Design Poster #215 Professor Yevgeniya Kaganovitch researches the evolution of material through process in her body of work entitled Divergent Fates, which focuses on iterations of…… Read More

Documenting Avocational Collections: The James A. Clark, Jr. Collection at the Archaeological Research Laboratory Center

Eric Walker, “Documenting Avocational Collections: The James A. Clark, Jr. Collection at the Archaeological Research Laboratory Center” Mentor: Megan Thornton, Anthropology Poster #201 The Archaeological Research Laboratory Center (ARLC) curates collections from over 800 archaeological sites, emphasizing sustainable management and…… Read More

Does Previewing Overlapping Information Help Young Adults Make Inferences Across Experiences?

Jessica Kania, “Does Previewing Overlapping Information Help Young Adults Make Inferences Across Experiences?” Mentor: Caitlin Bowman, Psychology Poster #95 Associative memory is the ability to bind together pieces of information in memory. Usually, we form associative memories for items we…… Read More

Ecosystems of Communities

Beth Lemerand, “Ecosystems of Communities” Mentor: Jessica Meuninck-Ganger, Art & Design Poster #117 Jessica Meuninck-Ganger and her research assistant Beth Lemerand are investigating community-based art and science learning and action to foster environmental stewardship and collective healing through Printmaking and…… Read More

Effects of Short-Term Carmofur Dosing on Ceramide Levels in Cancer Cells

Anna Evans, “Effects of Short-Term Carmofur Dosing on Ceramide Levels in Cancer Cells” Mentor: Shama Mirza, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #56 Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive form of brain cancer that arises in normal glial cells affecting the central…… Read More

Effects of Variations in Mineralogy and Linear Mica Continuity on Ductile Deformation in Metapelitic Rocks

J Schneider, “Effects of Variations in Mineralogy and Linear Mica Continuity on Ductile Deformation in Metapelitic Rocks” Mentor: Dyanna Czeck, Geosciences Poster #180 The Southern Iberian Shear Zone (SISZ) in Andalucía, Spain is a ductile shear zone—a deep-seated fault which…… Read More

Efficient Electrochemical Voltammetry using Python with IO Rodeo

Khushi Sharma, “Efficient Electrochemical Voltammetry using Python with IO Rodeo” Mentor: Woo Jin Chang, Mechanical Engineering Poster #182 In this study, we explored the application of Python programming for conducting and analyzing voltammetry tests using the IO Rodeo Potentiostat. Cyclic…… Read More

Emotion Regulation Deficits in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Reagan Kunesh, “Emotion Regulation Deficits in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” Mentor: Han Joo Lee, Psychology Poster #114 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts known as obsessions and repetitive behaviors known as compulsions. Individuals with OCD may have difficulties with emotion…… Read More

Endothelial Cell Response to Hypertensive Pressure Changes

Ashlyn Terasaki, “Endothelial Cell Response to Hypertensive Pressure Changes” Mentor: Mahsa Dabagh, Biomedical Engineering Poster #194 In biomedical engineering research fields, microfluidic devices allow for integration of cells, particles, and other substances to observe their behavior under various conditions over…… Read More

Energy Efficient AI on Embedded Systems

Nicholas Birschbach, “Energy Efficient AI on Embedded Systems” Mentor: Shuaiqi Shen, Electrical Engineering Poster #221 Big data is becoming the future of the computing world and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more widely used to process such data. It is impractical…… Read More

Enhancing the Production of Antimicrobial Metabolites in Pseudomonas Soli for Sustainable Agricultural Disease Control

Kelsey Sponholz, “Enhancing the Production of Antimicrobial Metabolites in Pseudomonas Soli for Sustainable Agricultural Disease Control” Mentor: Ching-Hong Yang, Biological Sciences Poster #188 The bacterium Erwinia amylovora is responsible for fire blight, a disease affecting economically significant crops like apples…… Read More

Entorhinal Cortex In Social Memory

Madeline Jereb, Dakota Gordon, and Anna Knight, “Entorhinal Cortex In Social Memory” Mentor: Jeffery Lopez-Rojas, Psychology Poster #12 Social memory deficits are present in severe neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and schizophrenia. Social memory encompasses recollection of social…… Read More

Environmental Injustice in Milwaukee Neighborhoods

Ava Schultz and Hidayah Osman, “Environmental Injustice in Milwaukee Neighborhoods” Mentor: Arijit Sen, History Poster #70 In Milwaukee, certain neighborhood continue to face various forms of environmental injustice. These areas have long been plagued by segregation, elevated crime levels, inadequate…… Read More

Establishing the Reliability of Ultrasound Transducer Placement with a Custom Headset

Teagan Graber, “Establishing the Reliability of Ultrasound Transducer Placement with a Custom Headset” Mentor: Barbara Pauloski, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #76 B-mode ultrasound with the transducer placed under the chin is being used increasingly as a tool to measure…… Read More

Estradiol Influences Memory Formation Via Prefrontal Cortex Mechanisms

Hailey Beaty, “Estradiol Influences Memory Formation Via Prefrontal Cortex Mechanisms” Mentor: Karyn Frick, Psychology Poster #93 The purpose of this project is to study the role of brain estradiol synthesis and prefrontal cortex activity during memory formation, with the long-term…… Read More

Evaluating Black Student Success at a Predominantly White University

Marissa Stewart and Faith Adebogun, “Evaluating Black Student Success at a Predominantly White University” Mentor: Elizabeth Drame, Teaching & Learning Poster #172 In Spring 2023, a midsize R1 university located in an urban city in the Midwest had a total…… Read More

Evaluating Participant Feedback from a Vaping Cessation Program for Young Adults in Rural Communities

Miso Choi, “Evaluating Participant Feedback from a Vaping Cessation Program for Young Adults in Rural Communities” Mentor: Han Joo Lee, Psychology Poster #40 Vaping has become a prevalent issue among young adults, particularly in rural areas where access to intervention…… Read More

Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 on Native Americans

Florin Saitis, “Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 on Native Americans” Mentor: Gregg Jamison, Social Sciences & Business Poster #82 COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, and the global outbreak of…… Read More

Examining Nutrient Ratios and Nitrogen Uptake Using Stable Isotope Labelling in the Carnivorous Plant, Sarracenia purpurea

Christian Stiyer, “Examining Nutrient Ratios and Nitrogen Uptake Using Stable Isotope Labelling in the Carnivorous Plant, Sarracenia purpurea” Mentor: Erica Young, Biological Sciences Poster #171 Sarracenia purpurea is a carnivorous plant that inhabits low nutrient wetland environments. Pitcher plants utilize…… Read More

Examining the Association between Muscle Power Measured during a Novel Sit-To-Stand Power Test and Bone Density

Joseph Patnode, “Examining the Association between Muscle Power Measured during a Novel Sit-To-Stand Power Test and Bone Density” Mentor: Scott Strath, Kinesiology Poster #143 There is already evidence that bodyweight and resistance training exercises increase bone mineral density (BMD) and…… Read More

Examining the Effects of 17β-Estradiol-Induced Gene Expression Following Object Training in the Dorsal Hippocampus of Ovariectomized Female Mice

Kailey Frank, “Examining the Effects of 17β-Estradiol-Induced Gene Expression Following Object Training in the Dorsal Hippocampus of Ovariectomized Female Mice” Mentor: Karyn Frick, Psychology Poster #62 17β-estradiol (E2) has long been demonstrated to enhance hippocampus-dependent memory in the dorsal hippocampus…… Read More

Exercise Program to Improve Lung Health among Older Adults

Anamarie Casper and Rose Tissot, “Exercise Program to Improve Lung Health among Older Adults” Mentor: Murad Taani, Nursing Poster #46 Restrictive Ventilatory Patterns (RVP) are highly prevalent among Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) residents and lead to negative outcomes. There…… Read More

Experimental Methods to Identify Biomechanical Stresses During Brain Morphogenesis

Savannah Makowski, “Experimental Methods to Identify Biomechanical Stresses During Brain Morphogenesis” Mentor: Jennifer Gutzman, Biological Sciences Poster #120 Birth defects of the brain can cause physical or mental impairments. The effect they exert on an individual may vary from minor…… Read More

Exploring How Instructions Guide Children’s Play

Hannah Somers and Kristina Wittmann, “Exploring How Instructions Guide Children’s Play” Mentor: Christopher Lawson, Educational Psychology Poster #190 The method by which instruction is facilitated affects how children learn and play. Depending on how directions are given, a child’s ability…… Read More

Exploring Impacts of Play- and Humor-Infused Exposure on Parent-Reported Distress and Avoidance in Williams Syndrome: A Case Study

Jazmine Panganiban, “Exploring Impacts of Play- and Humor-Infused Exposure on Parent-Reported Distress and Avoidance in Williams Syndrome: A Case Study” Mentor: Bonita Klein-Tasman, Psychology Poster #139 Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare neurogenic disorder with a prevalence of 1 in…… Read More

Exploring Motivations Behind Vaping Cessation Among Young Adults in Rural Areas

Ivan Martin, “Exploring Motivations Behind Vaping Cessation Among Young Adults in Rural Areas” Mentor: Joshua Gwon, Nursing Poster #92 The “Vaping Cessation for Young Adults (YAs) in Rural Areas” study aims to investigate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a…… Read More

Exploring the Autogenous/Reactive Obsessions and Worry Continuum

Rachael Esper, “Exploring the Autogenous/Reactive Obsessions and Worry Continuum” Mentor: Han Joo Lee, Psychology Poster #17 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions can be divided into two categories: reactive obsessions (RO)…… Read More

Exploring the Role of Steroid Hormones in Adolescent Depression

Geramiah Drew, “Exploring the Role of Steroid Hormones in Adolescent Depression” Mentor: Polymnia Georgiou, Psychology Poster #53 Major depressive disorder affects approximately 13% of adolescents in the U.S. While classical antidepressant treatments effectively reduce depressive symptoms in adolescents, low remission…… Read More

Female Husbands: Long-Lost Stories of Trans and Queer Victorian Lives (1760-1905)

Dallas Berka, “Female Husbands: Long-Lost Stories of Trans and Queer Victorian Lives (1760-1905)” Mentor: Lisa Hager, Arts & Humanities Poster #16 History shows that humans have been exploring various aspects of sexuality and gender identity long before they even had…… Read More

Finding Harmony: Crafting an Aesthetic Brand to Reflect Your Musical Personality as a CCM Musician in the Milwaukee Gigging Scene through Sound and Place

Benjamin Stevens, “Finding Harmony: Crafting an Aesthetic Brand to Reflect Your Musical Personality as a CCM Musician in the Milwaukee Gigging Scene through Sound and Place” Mentor: Colleen Brooks, Music Poster #20 Contemporary commercial music (CCM), also referred to as…… Read More

Fishing for Data: Using AI to Identify Fish Population Dynamics at Sleeping Bear Dunes in the Nearshore of Northeast Lake Michigan

Said Mustafa Sadat, “Fishing for Data: Using AI to Identify Fish Population Dynamics at Sleeping Bear Dunes in the Nearshore of Northeast Lake Michigan” Mentor: Thomas Hansen, Freshwater Sciences Poster #162 The Great Lakes is home to one of the…… Read More

Focus on Power: A Qualitative Analysis for the Development of a Lifestyle Behavior Prehabilitation Program for Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Patients

Zechariah Cummings, “Focus on Power: A Qualitative Analysis for the Development of a Lifestyle Behavior Prehabilitation Program for Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Patients” Mentor: Whitney Morelli, MCW Cancer Center Poster #88 Common treatments of soft-tissue (ST) localized extremity and trunk sarcoma include…… Read More

From Physical to Digital Simulations of Community: Why We Need Third Places.

Delaney Carlson, “From Physical to Digital Simulations of Community: Why We Need Third Places.” Mentor: Marc Tasman, Journalism, Advertising, & Media Studies Poster #45 A third place is a physical venue, separate from home and work, which is a facilitator…… Read More

Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Cancer Cells: Advancing Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer Treatment

John Brzezinski, “Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Cancer Cells: Advancing Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer Treatment” Mentor: Xiaohua Peng, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #31 Cancer cells show altered antioxidant defense systems, dysregulated redox signaling, and increased generation of reactive oxygen species…… Read More

Geometries of Small-Scale Fold Structures Related to the Southern Iberian Shear Zone

Stephanie Fones, “Geometries of Small-Scale Fold Structures Related to the Southern Iberian Shear Zone” Mentor: Dyanna Czeck, Geosciences Poster #94 The Southern Iberian Shear Zone (SISZ) is a ductile shear zone located in the Andalusia province of southwestern Spain. The…… Read More

GIS Dataset Curation and Mapping of Prospective Carboniferous Fossil-Bearing Amber Deposits

Jonathan Sargent, “GIS Dataset Curation and Mapping of Prospective Carboniferous Fossil-Bearing Amber Deposits” Mentor: Victoria McCoy, Geosciences Poster #165 The oldest amber is late Carboniferous in age (~320 Ma), but fossil inclusions are not present in the earliest preserved amber……. Read More

Green and Healthy Schoolyards: Transforming from Asphalt to Outdoor Classrooms, Safe Play, and Stormwater Management

Spencer Smolen, “Green and Healthy Schoolyards: Transforming from Asphalt to Outdoor Classrooms, Safe Play, and Stormwater Management” Mentor: Carolyn Esswein, Urban Planning Poster #186 The objective of this initiative is to partner with Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) to diminish the…… Read More

Grip Strength Decline and Its Determinants Across the Life Span: Insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2014 Data

Cameron Lee, “Grip Strength Decline and Its Determinants Across the Life Span: Insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2014 Data” Mentor: Inga Wang, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #3 Grip strength has become a potential indicator…… Read More

High-Temperature Oxidation Comparison of Additively Manufactured NiCoCr Alloys

David Marsella, “High-Temperature Oxidation Comparison of Additively Manufactured NiCoCr Alloys” Mentor: William Musinski, Materials Science & Engineering Poster #123 A significant amount of work is being done to find new alloys and manufacturing processes to improve performance in high temperature…… Read More

How Voice-Activated AI Assistants and Humans Share Similar Patterns of Word Recognition

Charles Rojas, “How Voice-Activated AI Assistants and Humans Share Similar Patterns of Word Recognition” Mentor: Jae Yung Song, Linguistics Poster #160 Our ability to recognize speech is affected by several factors, such as the speed in which a speaker speaks,…… Read More

Identifying Unique Fragmentation of Ceramides via Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Grace Feucht, “Identifying Unique Fragmentation of Ceramides via Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry” Mentor: Shama Mirza, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #57 Ceramides are a group of sphingolipids with a key role in many necessary cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, cell cycle…… Read More

Identifying Zebrafish with MYPT1 Gene Mutations

Kirandeep Kaur, “Identifying Zebrafish with MYPT1 Gene Mutations” Mentor: Jennifer Gutzman, Biological Sciences Poster #106 The mypt1 gene plays an important role in early embryonic brain development by affecting cell shape changes that are required to form the midbrain-hindbrain boundary…… Read More

Impact of an Exercise Program on Older Adults with Restrictive Ventilatory Patterns

Armonie Dotson, “Impact of an Exercise Program on Older Adults with Restrictive Ventilatory Patterns” Mentor: Murad Taani, Nursing Poster #5 Continuing Care Community (CCRCs) residents have a high prevalence of Restrictive Ventilatory Patterns (RVP). Restrictive Ventilatory Patterns is defined in…… Read More

Incorporation of Off-Spec Fly Ash in Cementitious Systems: Characterization and Performance Boost

Sara Huerta, “Incorporation of Off-Spec Fly Ash in Cementitious Systems: Characterization and Performance Boost” Mentor: Konstantin Sobolev, Civil & Environmental Engineering Poster #63 Due to a shortage of conventional supplementary cementitious materials, off-spec fly ash, a by-product of coal combustion…… Read More

Indigenous Histories of Design and the Politics of Visual Representation

Dominic Gomez-Tagle, “Indigenous Histories of Design and the Politics of Visual Representation” Mentor: Maura Lucking, Architecture Poster #74 In this SURF research project, I have studied the writings of Oneida Woman activist Laura Cornelius Kellog relative to histories of federal…… Read More

Innovating Lecture Material: IIIF Images and Their Pedagogical Potential

Indigo Garzez, “Innovating Lecture Material: IIIF Images and Their Pedagogical Potential” Mentor: Richard Leson, Art History Poster #68 Research for this project centers around creating a catalogue of visual pedagogical materials to supplement existing lectures for the Art History course:…… Read More

Invaders Eat Their Greens: The Crustacean Hemimysis Anomala Grazes Not Only on Zooplankton but Also on Algae

Kristin Huelsbeck, “Invaders Eat Their Greens: The Crustacean Hemimysis anomala Grazes Not Only on Zooplankton but Also on Algae” Mentor: John Berges, Biological Sciences Poster #100 The mysid Hemimysis anomala (the ‘bloody red shrimp’) is a native of the Ponto-Caspian…… Read More

Investigating Antiferromagnetic Domains in Dirac Semimetal Fe1-xCoxSn with x = 0.03

Jack Grummer, “Investigating antiferromagnetic domains in Dirac semimetal Fe1-xCoxSn with x = 0.03″ Mentor: Min Gyu Kim, Physics Poster #:163 How the behavior of magnetic domains changes with temperature plays a very important role in the determining of the magnetic…… Read More

Investigating if RabGTPases the Key Mediators of Pathogenic LRRK-2

Maja Malbasic, “Investigating if RabGTPases the Key Mediators of Pathogenic LRRK-2” Mentor: An Phu Tran, Biological Sciences Poster #122 Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been a significant global concern for decades. While the exact cause of PD remains unclear, it is…… Read More

Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of Talin Protein Using Magnetic Tweezers

Aman Popli, “Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of Talin Protein Using Magnetic Tweezers” Mentor: Ionel Popa, Physics Poster #147 Single-molecule force spectroscopy with magnetic tweezers is a powerful technique used to examine the behavior of molecules when they are subjected to…… Read More

Investigations of AEQ67_06425 and AEQ67_06430, Enzymes of Unknown Function from Pseudomonas sp. RIT-PI-q

Kyle Price and Samuel Tarman, “Investigations of AEQ67_06425 and AEQ67_06430, Enzymes of Unknown Function from Pseudomonas sp. RIT-PI-q” Mentor: Nicholas Silvaggi, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #177 The Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas sp. RIT-PI-q RW1 was isolated in Rochester, NY from poison…… Read More

Laboratory Fish Behavioral Assessment for Environmental Toxicology

Stephen Scannell, “Laboratory Fish Behavioral Assessment for Environmental Toxicology” Mentor: Michael Carvan, Freshwater Sciences Poster #178 The objective of this research is to design, build, and evaluate apparatuses for assessing behavioral endpoints in zebrafish and African turquoise killifish (ATK). There…… Read More

Lateral Flagella of Aeromonas Species Strongly Associate With Bacterial Adhesion to Human Colonic Epithelial Cells

Alia Ahmed, “Lateral Flagella of Aeromonas Species Strongly Associate With Bacterial Adhesion to Human Colonic Epithelial Cells” Mentor: Troy Skwor, Biomedical Sciences Poster #214 Globally, millions of people are afflicted with bacterial gastroenteritis. Pathogens involved in these illnesses are successful…… Read More

Lawn Ornament Shooters, Money Pouch, and Light Candles: Discrepancies in Photographic Image Naming

Chloe Steber and Tracy Izard, “Lawn Ornament Shooters, Money Pouch, and Light Candles: Discrepancies in Photographic Image Naming” Mentor: Sabine Heuer, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #1 Image naming tasks are used to explore word finding processes. More normed image…… Read More

Learning and Estrogen Signaling Recruits Excitatory Neurons in the Mouse Dorsal Hippocampus into a Spatial Memory Engram

Samuel Hauke, “Learning and Estrogen Signaling Recruits Excitatory Neurons in the Mouse Dorsal Hippocampus into a Spatial Memory Engram” Mentor: Karyn Frick Poster #11 Learning stimulates neuronal activity in the dorsal hippocampus (DH), resulting in contact formation and information transmission…… Read More

Living For The City: Black Middle Class Milwaukeeans

Kam Rabon, “Living For The City: Black Middle Class Milwaukeeans” Mentor: Ermitte Saint Jacques, African and African Diaspora Studies Poster #153 Living For The City does research on Black Middle Class Milwaukeeans to showcase that they exist within this city……. Read More

Low-Cost Surface Alloying of Brass to Improve Corrosion Resistance in Chlorine and Chloramine- Rich Environments

Carol Martinez, “Low-Cost Surface Alloying of Brass to Improve Corrosion Resistance in Chlorine and Chloramine- Rich Environments” Mentor: Pradeep Rohatgi, Materials Science & Engineering Poster #124 Brass castings find widespread applications across various industries but often suffer corrosion, particularly in…… Read More

Magnetic Investigation of Oxidative Processes in Lava Tubes: Analog for Venus Surface Geology

Terra Johnson, “Magnetic Investigation of Oxidative Processes in Lava Tubes: Analog for Venus Surface Geology” Mentor: Julie Bowles, Geosciences Poster #205 Venus, with 80% of the surface covered in lava flows, is believed to be volcanically active. However, the planet’s…… Read More

Major Element Geochemistry of the Pulo do Lobo Formation Affected by the Southern Iberian Shear Zone

Paige Pimentel, “Major Element Geochemistry of the Pulo do Lobo Formation Affected by the Southern Iberian Shear Zone” Mentor: Dyanna Czeck, Geosciences Poster #146 The goal of the project is to further understand the geochemical changes associated with deformation of…… Read More

Memory Changes In Cognitively Healthy Older Adults: Age Effects In Memory-Based Inference

Ra’shida Rockette, “Memory Changes In Cognitively Healthy Older Adults: Age Effects In Memory-Based Inference” Mentor: Caitlin Bowman, Psychology Poster #4 Associative memory is a cognitive ability in which the brain links related pieces of information and stores them together in…… Read More

Methodology of Dendritic Spine Density Analysis of Retrosplenial Secondary Basilar Dendrites

Kierstyn Folgers, “Methodology of Dendritic Spine Density Analysis of Retrosplenial Secondary Basilar Dendrites” Mentor: James Moyer, Psychology Poster #61 There are many different methods used to visualize a neuron isolated from the brain’s vast interconnected network. Distinct morphological components like…… Read More

Microneedles for Light Delivery Treatment in Patients with NF-1

Brianna Geurts, “Microneedles for Light Delivery Treatment in Patients with NF-1” Mentor: Qingsu Cheng, Biomedical Engineering Poster #69 Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF-1) disease suffer from abnormal benign tumors on their skin. NF 1 symptom starts showing symptoms during…… Read More

Mitigation of Long COVID in Undergraduate Populations

Alexandri Einweck, Jose Fuentes and Henry Jacob, “Mitigation of Long COVID in Undergraduate Populations” Mentor: Shabnam Nikravan, Public Health Poster #218 The unmitigated spread of SARS-CoV-2 presents risks even once the acute stage of COVID-19 is over. Undergraduate students between…… Read More

Mitochondrial Aging

Melanie Monaco, “Mitochondrial Aging” Mentor: Elizabeth Liedhegner Poster #104 Age-related metabolic dysfunction is a commonly observed feature of metabolic disturbances indicating a disruption in mitochondrial function and redox homeostasis. Photobiomodulation (PBM) employs far-red and near-infrared light to promote healing, alleviate…… Read More

Modeling a Human Noonan Syndrome Mutation in Caenorhabditis elegans Raf

Andrew Pagel, “Modeling a Human Noonan Syndrome Mutation in Caenorhabditis elegans Raf” Mentor: Claire de la Cova, Biological Sciences Poster #138 The MAP Kinase (MAPK) pathway allows animal cells to communicate signals relating to cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Extracellular…… Read More

Mood Differences among Young Adults in Rural Areas in E-Cigarette Cessation Intervention

Brie Noffsinger, “Mood Differences among Young Adults in Rural Areas in E-Cigarette Cessation Intervention” Mentor: Joshua Gwon, Nursing Poster #135 With the growing popularity of e-cigarettes, understanding the dynamic interplay between mood fluctuations and e-cigarette use recovery is crucial for…… Read More

Music Unmasked: Discovering the Essential Components to a Career as a Musician in the Local Milwaukee Scene

Alexa Furuta, “Music Unmasked: Discovering the Essential Components to a Career as a Musician in the Local Milwaukee Scene” Mentor: Colleen Brooks, Music Poster #18 The path to a successful popular music career is not often clear. I study music,…… Read More

Navigating Precision: A Comparative Analysis of Guided Walking Techniques in Virtual Reality

Alec Brookens and Bijay Panta, “Navigating Precision: A Comparative Analysis of Guided Walking Techniques in Virtual Reality” Mentor: Jerald Thomas, Computer Science Poster #34 The consistency of walking speed among participants in Virtual Reality (VR) studies is often challenging to…… Read More

New Approach to Pattern Making With Damascus Steel

Justin Laabs, “New Approach to Pattern Making With Damascus Steel” Mentor: Adam Hawk, Art & Design Poster #175 Damascus Steel has been a traditional forging technique used throughout history for blade and ornamental blacksmithing. However, the traditional technique has not…… Read More

Novel Objects Do Not Always Compete Effectively for Attention

Milan Stojilovic, “Novel Objects Do Not Always Compete Effectively for Attention” Mentor: Deborah Hannula, Psychology Poster #152 Research has indicated that humans and non-human animals prefer to explore novel, as compared to familiar, information in the environment. For instance, when…… Read More

Optimal Fabrication Methods of Cellulose Nanocrystal Composite Films with Elastic and Magnetic Modification

Landon Faris and Tyler Swenson, “Optimal Fabrication Methods of Cellulose Nanocrystal Composite Films with Elastic and Magnetic Modification” Mentor: Chiu Law, Electrical Engineering Poster #58 Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are a material derived from cellulose; a material abundant in nature. CNCs…… Read More

Optimal Resource Placement: Dominating Sets for a Family of Semiregular Tiling Graphs

Jillian Cervantes, “Optimal Resource Placement: Dominating Sets for a Family of Semiregular Tiling Graphs” Mentor: Pamela Harris, Mathematical Sciences Poster #220 Let G = (V, E) be a simply connected undirected finite graph with vertex set V and edge set…… Read More

Our Shared Sky: A Series of Cultural Programs to Unite Communities and Cosmos

Natalie Starks, “Our Shared Sky: A Series of Cultural Programs to Unite Communities and Cosmos” Mentor: Jean Creighton, Physics Poster #164 UWM Planetarium Director, Dr. Jean Creighton, and student designer, Natalie Starks, have collaborated to develop “Our Shared Sky”, a…… Read More

Parental Avoidance and Distress Related to Specific Phobia Intervention with Children with Williams Syndrome

Lay Kpaw, “Parental Avoidance and Distress Related to Specific Phobia Intervention with Children with Williams Syndrome” Mentor: Bonita Klein-Tasman, Psychology Poster #112 Children with Williams syndrome (WS) are known to have a high rate of fear, with 53.4% diagnosed with…… Read More

Parental Substance Use History Is Linked with Greater Internalizing Symptoms During Late Childhood to Early Adolescence

Lateishah Schultz, “Parental Substance Use History Is Linked with Greater Internalizing Symptoms During Late Childhood to Early Adolescence” Mentor: Krista Lisdahl, Psychology Poster #181 Parental substance use (SU) history has been linked with greater rates of anxiety and depression during…… Read More

Peer Relationship and Youth PTSD Symptom Development: Role of Age and Biological Sex

Maddie Mcbride, “Peer Relationship and Youth PTSD Symptom Development: Role of Age and Biological Sex” Mentor: Christine Larson, Psychology Poster #125 Peer relationships and support can contribute to individuals’ recovery following trauma, specifically across the developmental period of youth. Youth…… Read More

Phenylboronic Acid Nitrogen Mustards induce P53 Upregulation Inhibiting Cell Migration and Invasion in Breast Cancers

Julia Jakusz, “Phenylboronic Acid Nitrogen Mustards induce P53 Upregulation Inhibiting Cell Migration and Invasion in Breast Cancers” Mentor: Xiaohua Peng, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #98 Breast cancers are renowned for their heterogeneity and aggressive nature. The limited treatment options and…… Read More

Phonotaxis Plasticity & Approach Medium: Speed & Directionality in Female Frogs when Swimming vs Walking

Ellen Roder, “Phonotaxis Plasticity & Approach Medium: Speed & Directionality in Female Frogs when Swimming vs Walking” Mentor: Gerlinde Höbel, Biological Sciences Poster # During the breeding season, male Eastern Gray Treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) form large choruses in woodland ponds…… Read More

Physical Modeling of Glaciomarine and Glaciolacustrine Settings: Ice Scour and Dropstone Soft-Sediment Deformation

Ross Brandolino, “Physical Modeling of Glaciomarine and Glaciolacustrine Settings: Ice Scour and Dropstone Soft-Sediment Deformation” Mentor: John Isbell, Geosciences Poster #204 Glaciolacustrine and glaciomarine depositional settings have been thoroughly examined through studies utilizing mathematical modelling and samples from field sites……. Read More

Physically Testing the Tully Monster’s Hydrodynamics

Max Garcia, “Physically Testing the Tully Monster’s Hydrodynamics” Mentor: Victoria McCoy, Geosciences Poster #203 Tullimonstrum gregarium, commonly known as the Tully Monster, is a large soft-bodied extinct fish known only from the Late Carboniferous Mazon Creek fossil site located in…… Read More

Polyacrylamide (Pam) and Aloe Vera Hydrogel: A Novel Approach for Accelerated Burn Wound Healing

Se Jin Lee, “Polyacrylamide (Pam) and Aloe Vera Hydrogel: A Novel Approach for Accelerated Burn Wound Healing” Mentor: Qingsu Cheng, Biomedical Engineering Poster #52 Burn wounds are a significant challenge in medical treatment, necessitating innovative solutions to address the pain,…… Read More

Pre-European Land and Water Use in the Brady Street Neighborhood, Told from the Perspective of an American Indian Community Leader

Rhea Raje, “Pre-European Land and Water Use in the Brady Street Neighborhood, Told from the Perspective of an American Indian Community Leader” Mentor: Sean Kafer, Film, Video, Animation, & New Genres Oral Presentation Union E220 9:30am The project I am…… Read More

Production of English Consonant Clusters and Compensatory Strategies Used by Mandarin L2 Learners

Sonja Gapinski, “Production of English Consonant Clusters and Compensatory Strategies Used by Mandarin L2 Learners” Mentor: Jing Yang, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #67 A consonant cluster is a combination of consonants in a syllable without an intervening vowel. English…… Read More

Protein Purification of His-Tagged Cytochrome c nitrite reductase Variants

William Neuberger, “Protein Purification of His-Tagged Cytochrome c nitrite reductase Variants” Mentor: Arsenio Pacheco, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #134 Cytochrome c nitrite reductase (ccNiR) is a multi-heme enzyme that enables certain microorganisms to interconvert ammonia and nitrite, and the Pacheco…… Read More

Purification of a Truncated Hemoglobin N Variant

Joseph Parlier, “Purification of a Truncated Hemoglobin N Variant” Mentor: Arsenio Pacheco, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #142 Truncated Hemoglobin N (trHbN) is a protein that helps the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis evade the human immune system by converting toxic nitric oxide,…… Read More

Quantifying Color Variation in Primula meadia Flowers Using a Spectrophotometer

Leo Vogel, “Quantifying Color Variation in Primula meadia Flowers Using a Spectrophotometer” Mentor: Jeffrey Karron, Biological Sciences Poster #200 Pollinators utilize flower color cues to locate pollen and nectar rewards. Flower color variation within populations may be subject to pollinator-mediated…… Read More

Reconstituting Full-Length Mitochondrial Fission Protein 1, Fis1, and Assessing Its Inhibitory Role in Pancreatic Cancer

Florin Saitis, “Reconstituting Full-Length Mitochondrial Fission Protein 1, Fis1, and Assessing Its Inhibitory Role in Pancreatic Cancer” Mentor: Blake Hill, MCW Cancer Center Poster #83 Mitochondrial fission is the process by which mitochondria divide and is necessary for organelle segregation…… Read More

Recording Measurements at Different Rates for a Solar Sculpture

Gourilakshmi Neerajkumar, “Recording Measurements at Different Rates for a Solar Sculpture” Mentor: Brian Armstrong, Mechanical Engineering Poster #134 In a world where the importance of sustainability increases day by day, efforts are being made to create a solar sculpture that…… Read More

Reducing Food Insecurity Among Undergraduate Students at UW-Milwaukee

Sydney Bohman and Nicholas Wielgosz, “Reducing Food Insecurity Among Undergraduate Students at UW-Milwaukee” Mentor: Shabnam Nikravan, Public Health Poster #23 Food insecurity can be defined as the inaccessibility of nutritious food to maintain a functional and healthy lifestyle. Addressing food…… Read More

Reflection on Midwest Youth Wellness Initiative on Technology July 2023

Fridarose Hamad, “Reflection on Midwest Youth Wellness Initiative on Technology July 2023” Mentor: Linnea Laestadius, Public Health Poster #96 The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) for the Midwest Youth Wellness Initiative on Technology (MYWIT) in July 2023 met with four high…… Read More

Relations between Working Memory Index and Neighborhood Opportunity in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1

Nicholas Richards, “Relations between Working Memory Index and Neighborhood Opportunity in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1” Mentor: Bonita Klein-Tasman, Psychology Poster #158 Children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) are at increased risk for difficulties with executive functioning, which are cognitive…… Read More

Relationship between Spinal Cord Injury or Dysfunction and Quantitative Ultrasound Features of Rotator Cuff Health in Manual Wheelchair Users

Matthew Van De Wege and Jake Siong, “Relationship between Spinal Cord Injury or Dysfunction and Quantitative Ultrasound Features of Rotator Cuff Health in Manual Wheelchair Users” Mentor: Brooke Slavens, Biomedical Engineering Poster #202 Manual wheelchair use is thought to contribute…… Read More

Resilience After Injury Recovery: Examination of Psychological Factors

Elizabeth Redmond, “Resilience After Injury Recovery: Examination of Psychological Factors” Mentor: John Denboer, Social Sciences & Business Poster #156 In a study conducted by myself, Elizabeth Redmond, an undergraduate researcher at UW-Milwaukee, mentored by psychology professor Dr. John Denboer, we…… Read More

Resistance to Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Mucoid Mutants of Escherichia coli

Harleen Tewatia, “Resistance to Beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Mucoid Mutants of Escherichia coli” Mentor: Alita Burmeister, Biological Sciences Poster #195 In Escherichia coli, the mucoid phenotype is a virulence factor that can produce harmful effects related to biofilm formation. Some mucoid…… Read More

Robotics Usage in Electric Power Systems and EM Emissions and Mitigation Strategies

Haley Collins and Lisa Collins, “Robotics Usage in Electric Power Systems and EM Emissions and Mitigation Strategies” Mentor: Lingfeng Wang, Electrical Engineering Poster #8 Electric power systems are formally defined as ‘a network of electrical components deployed to supply, transfer,…… Read More

Role of MMP28 in Early Placodal Development Using Xenopus

Delaney Carolan, “Role of MMP28 in Early Placodal Development Using Xenopus” Mentor: Nadege Gouignard, Biological Sciences Poster #48 Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are mostly known for their extracellular matrix remodeling activity and their function in wound healing, cell proliferation and migration……. Read More

School Involvement as a Protective Factor against Suicide in Youth and the Moderating Role of Discrimination

Elizabeth Kuhlmann, “School Involvement as a Protective Factor against Suicide in Youth and the Moderating Role of Discrimination” Mentor: Christine Larson, Psychology Poster #113 Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in adolescents. Social support has been shown…… Read More

Segmentation of Blood Vessels in a Murine Fracture Callus

Emlyn Swardenski, “Segmentation of Blood Vessels in a Murine Fracture Callus” Mentor: Priyatha Premnath, Biomedical Engineering Poster #192 When a bone is fractured, the body works to isolate the damaged area, protect it from further injury, and supply adequate material…… Read More

Shrimp Munch on Microplastic Lunch: Quantification of Microplastics in a Lake Michigan Invader, the Crustacean Hemimysis anomala

Samuel Pruhs, “Shrimp Munch on Microplastic Lunch: Quantification of Microplastics in a Lake Michigan Invader, the Crustacean Hemimysis anomala” Mentor: John Berges, Biological Sciences Poster #149 The opossum shrimp, Hemimysis anomala is a Ponto-Caspian native that invaded the Great Lakes…… Read More

SIMMPYRA1 and SIMMPYRA2 Promote the Regression of Triple Negative Breast Cancer via Selective Inhibition of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3

Amy Reyes, “SIMMPYRA1 and SIMMPYRA2 Promote the Regression of Triple Negative Breast Cancer via Selective Inhibition of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3” Mentor: Avik Roy, Biological Sciences Poster #157 Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most devastating form…… Read More

Simulation of the Sensory Organization Test Using Virtual Reality

Cole Tauscher, “Simulation of the Sensory Organization Test Using Virtual Reality” Mentor: Jerald Thomas, Computer Science Poster #193 Balance disorders impact a large portion of the population; however, current balance assessments require equipment that is very expensive and not mobile……. Read More

Single-Cell Transcriptomes of NK Cells Responding to MCMV Infection Reveal a Distinct Ly49HHi Memory Subset Emerging 7 Days Post-infection

Ali Ishaq, “Single-Cell Transcriptomes of NK Cells Responding to MCMV Infection Reveal a Distinct Ly49HHi Memory Subset Emerging 7 Days Post-infection” Mentor: Subramaniam Malarkannan, MCW Cancer Center Poster #87 Natural Killer (NK) cells play a crucial role in the early…… Read More

Social Connection: Social Supports as an Unique Mediator of Suicide Within Indigenous Peoples

Tomas Vasquez, “Social Connection: Social Supports as an Unique Mediator of Suicide Within Indigenous Peoples” Mentor: Gabriela Nagy, Psychology Poster #115 Research has linked historical and ongoing systematic oppression to a range of adverse mental health outcomes including suicide in…… Read More

Stability of Gallium Maltolate in Water using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Nicholas Cavaliero, “Stability of Gallium Maltolate in Water using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry” Mentor: Shama Mirza, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #37 Science has been advancing towards better treatment options for cancer. In glioblastoma brain cancer, iron metabolism is associated with…… Read More

Strength Analysis of Additively Manufactured Sandwich Composite Inserts

Anna Lutz, “Strength Analysis of Additively Manufactured Sandwich Composite Inserts” Mentor: Rani El Hajjar, Civil & Environmental Engineering Poster #168 The central goal of this research project is to design an additive manufacturing insert for composite materials with high strength…… Read More

Student Parent Success Center: A Community-Based Program to Decrease Stress

Kylie Degner and Jaqueline Parra, “Student Parent Success Center: A Community-Based Program to Decrease Stress” Mentor: Shabnam Nikravan, Public Health Poster #47 Student parents face a unique challenge as they navigate academic pursuits with the responsibilities of being a parent……. Read More

Supporting University Students through Family Engagement

Meredith Hetzer and Miles Verban, “Supporting University Students through Family Engagement” Mentor: Rachael Jurek, Journalism, Advertising, & Media Studies Poster #59 The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s 2030 Action Plan, a multi-step campus improvement plan, establishes a commitment to supporting students’ academic…… Read More

Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene-Reinforced Al-8Ce-10Mg Nanocomposites via Additive Manufacturing Techniques

Sara Huerta, ” Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene-Reinforced Al-8Ce-10Mg Nanocomposites via Additive Manufacturing Techniques” Mentor: Pradeep Rohatgi, Materials Science & Engineering Poster #64 The integration of graphene into metal matrices holds promise for enhancing mechanical properties, yet its effective incorporation…… Read More

Systems-Level Acculturative Stressors Impacting Immigrants from Latin America Residing in the United States

Jordan Easterlin, “Systems-Level Acculturative Stressors Impacting Immigrants from Latin America Residing in the United States” Mentor: Gabriela Nagy, Psychology Poster #116 As the number of Latinx immigrants (20 million) in the US continues to grow, it is essential for mental…… Read More

Tanneries and Early Industries of Milwaukee Brady Street

Eetae Jung, “Tanneries and Early Industries of Milwaukee Brady Street” Mentor: Sean Kafer, Film, Video, Animation, & New Genres Oral Presentation Union E220 9:15am Brady Street carries an abundant history that has served as an essential part of its residents’…… Read More

Testing the Interplay Between ADHD Symptomology and Early Substance Experimentation on Spatial Abilities in Adolescents

Hood-Nellum, Tierel “Testing the Interplay Between ADHD Symptomology and Early Substance Experimentation on Spatial Abilities in Adolescents” Mentor: Krista Lisdahl Poster #213 Deficits in an adolescent’s spatial reasoning abilities could impact many basic domains of their functioning, including reading and…… Read More

The Ability of Metabolic Enzymes to Utilize Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Covalently Attached to RNA 5’-ends

Zoe Wardle, “The Ability of Metabolic Enzymes to Utilize Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Covalently Attached to RNA 5’-ends” Mentor: David Frick, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #206 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), and similar coenzymes, are widely known to be attached to the…… Read More

The Architecture of American Voting

Alexia Bunge, “The Architecture of American Voting” Mentor: Sergio Lopez-Pineiro, Architecture Poster #32 Voting is an essential part of the democratic process and as such is a crucial part of any adult American’s life. A polling place refers to a…… Read More

The Association Between Reward Processing and Nicotine Initiation in Youth

Abigail Wampfler, “The Association Between Reward Processing and Nicotine Initiation in Youth” Mentor: Krista Lisdahl, Psychology Poster #97 22% of pre-adolescents and adolescents report lifetime nicotine use. Research suggests that differences associated with reward processing, may influence adolescent nicotine use……. Read More

The Association of E-Cigarette Taxation on Women’s E-cigarette Usage

Anthony Montano, “The Association of E-Cigarette Taxation on Women’s E-cigarette Usage” Mentor: Scott Adams, Economics Poster #131 This research explores the impact of standardized e-cigarette taxation on general tobacco usage among women of various age groups who are e-cigarette users……. Read More

The Development of Augmented Reality Software for Controlling and Observing Robotics

William Zickler, “The Development of Augmented Reality Software for Controlling and Observing Robotics” Mentor: Jerald Thomas, Computer Science Poster #14 Augmented Reality (AR) is the combination of virtual reality’s computer generated graphics layered on top of what can be seen…… Read More

The Discovery of Novel Anti-inflammatory Drugs Targeting Protease-Activated Receptor 1

Emma Stutler, “The Discovery of Novel Anti-inflammatory Drugs Targeting Protease-Activated Receptor 1” Mentor: Alexander Arnold, Chemistry & Biochemistry Poster #191 Kidney disease is responsible for a rapidly growing number of deaths in the United States each year, and current treatment…… Read More

The Effect of Cerium and Cooling Rates on the Cast Microstructure of Aluminum-Cerium Alloys – Wedge Mold and Melt Spun Castings

Abhi Roop Reddy Tokala, “The Effect of Cerium and Cooling Rates on the Cast Microstructure of Aluminum-Cerium Alloys – Wedge Mold and Melt Spun Castings” Mentor: Pradeep Rohatgi, Materials Science Poster #209 Combining aluminum with cerium creates easy-to-cast Al-Ce alloys…… Read More

The Effects of ADHD Symptoms and Medication Use on Sleep Quality in Preadolescents

Sabrina Arassi, “The Effects of ADHD Symptoms and Medication Use on Sleep Quality in Preadolescents” Mentor: Krista Lisdahl, Psychology Poster #25 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that affects about 7% of children and adolescents. Symptoms of…… Read More

The Effects of the Autism Spectrum Quotient on Prosody and Segmental Perception

Preston Ruh, “The Effects of the Autism Spectrum Quotient on Prosody and Segmental Perception” Mentor: Hanyong Park, Linguistics Poster #161 Past research has shown that neurotypical autistic traits are related to language processing such as sensitivity to segmental and prosodic…… Read More

The Experiences of BIPOC Who Use AAC: Family Member Perspectives

Gracie Williams, “The Experiences of BIPOC Who Use AAC: Family Member Perspectives” Mentor: Shelley Lund, Rehabilitation Sciences & Technology Poster #208 Nearly 3 million people in North America have complex communication needs. Some of these individuals use technological devices to…… Read More

The History of Brady Street’s St. Hedwig’s Church and How It Preserved Yet Integrated the Polish Population into the City of Milwaukee

Georgia Didier, “The History of Brady Street’s St. Hedwig’s Church and How It Preserved Yet Integrated the Polish Population into the City of Milwaukee” Mentor: Sean Kafer, Film, Video, Animation, & New Genres Oral Presentation Union E220 9:00am In the…… Read More

The Impact of Mechanosensory Proteins in Brain Morphogenesis

Kleida Doci, “The Impact of Mechanosensory Proteins in Brain Morphogenesis” Mentor: Jennifer Gutzman, Biological Sciences Poster #50 Brain morphogenesis is the study of how the brain tissue acquires specific shape during early development. Structural birth defects that occur during brain…… Read More

The Impact of Supreme Court Justice Appearances on Public Support for the Supreme Court

Inaara McCray and Joshua Matthews, “The Impact of Supreme Court Justice Appearances on Public Support for the Supreme Court” Mentor: Sara Benesh, Political Science Poster #81 The appearances of the Supreme Court justices influence public perception of the Supreme Court……. Read More

The Influence of Practice Effects during Neuropsychological Testing of Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment

Lillian Hassan-Thomas, “The Influence of Practice Effects during Neuropsychological Testing of Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment” Mentor: Adam Greenberg, Medical College of Wisconsin Poster #91 Patients being treated for cancer with chemotherapy often experience Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment (CRCI) which can cause a…… Read More

The Polish Community in Milwaukee’s Brady Neighborhood

Emanuel Zander, “The Polish Community in Milwaukee’s Brady Neighborhood” Mentor: Sean Kafer, Film, Video, Animation, & New Genres Oral Presentation Union E220 9:45am In the heart of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lies the Brady Neighborhood, a testament to the enduring spirit and…… Read More

The Relationship Between Baseline Sleep and Two-Year Impulsivity in Adolescents in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Study

Makayla Neely, “The Relationship Between Baseline Sleep and Two-Year Impulsivity in Adolescents in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Study” Mentor: Krista Lisdahl, Psychology Poster #121 Adolescence is a period of rapid brain development that involves changes in sleep, including shorter sleep…… Read More

The Use of Generative AI as a Supporting Tool in Research in Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics

Victor Florez, “The Use of Generative AI as a Supporting Tool in Research in Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics” Mentor: Peter Hinow, Mathematical Sciences Poster #145 Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) will impact teaching and research at universities worldwide for many years…… Read More

The UWM at Waukesha Field Station Farmstead Historical Archaeology Project: New Insights on Past Behavior from Material Culture

Jadon Thornton, “The UWM at Waukesha Field Station Farmstead Historical Archaeology Project: New Insights on Past Behavior from Material Culture” Mentor: Gregg Jamison, Social Sciences & Business Poster #196 The UWM at Waukesha Field Station Farmstead Historical Archaeology Project (FSFHAP)…… Read More

The Validity of Using Marker-Based Techniques for Calculating the 6-Minute Push Test Distance

Lakyn Graves, “The Validity of Using Marker-Based Techniques for Calculating the 6-Minute Push Test Distance” Mentor: Brooke Salvens, Mechanical Engineering Poster #77 Globally, there are an estimated 80 million individuals who require a wheelchair for their mobility. In attempts to…… Read More

The Vortex Panel Method: An Analysis of Limitations

Aniket Singh, “The Vortex Panel Method: An Analysis of Limitations” Mentor: Amanuel Teweldemedhin, Mathematics & Natural Sciences Poster #183 Several studies have shown the effectiveness of Vortex Panel Methods and their applications in dealing with potential flow applications. However, there…… Read More

Toward Quantifying the Overlap Between Severe-Weather and Hurricane Seasons in the Southeast United States

Kade Barkas, “Toward Quantifying the Overlap Between Severe-Weather and Hurricane Seasons in the Southeast United States” Mentor: Clark Evans, Atmospheric Sciences Poster #26 The height of severe weather season in the Southern United States increasingly appears to overlap with the…… Read More

Towards an Updated Climatology of Overland Tropical Cyclone Maintenance and Intensification Events

Andrew Hickok, “Towards an Updated Climatology of Overland Tropical Cyclone Maintenance and Intensification Events” Mentor: Clark Evans, Atmospheric Sciences Poster #80 This study presents preliminary findings from a climatology of overland tropical cyclone intensification and maintenance. This climatology updates the…… Read More

Tracking Moods and Psychosocial Dimensions of Favored Leisure Activities: Pilot Testing using Ecological Momentary Assessment

Batool Ali, Megan Church, and Katherine Worthman, “Tracking Moods and Psychosocial Dimensions of Favored Leisure Activities: Pilot Testing using Ecological Momentary Assessment” Mentor: Marcellus Merritt, Psychology Poster #173 Recent research highlights that engagement in leisure (i.e., self-selected, self-enriching behavioral pursuits…… Read More

UAVs in Manufacturing

Aditya Kennedy, “UAVs in Manufacturing” Mentor: Satya Aditya Akundi, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Poster #107 The purpose of this research is to develop a drone that can cover three important facets of manufacturing; inventory control, quality control of items, and…… Read More

Understanding the Regulation of Antibiotic Secretion in Xenorhabdus szentirmaii by the Quorum-sensing Regulator LsrF

Domonique Valle, “Understanding the Regulation of Antibiotic Secretion in Xenorhabdus szentirmaii by the Quorum-sensing Regulator LsrF” Mentor: Madhusudan Dey, Biological Sciences Poster #198 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have become an increasing threat to public health worldwide. With the rapid rise in resistance…… Read More

Unknown, Unknowns”: Reconciling Archival Documentation with Material Artifacts

Elsie Touchstone, ““Unknown, Unknowns”: Reconciling Archival Documentation with Material Artifacts” Mentor: Shannon Freire, Anthropology Poster #210 There are “known unknowns” when conducting field excavations; these are often the main purpose of excavation in the first place. However, researchers cannot plan…… Read More

Unraveling the Threads of Zara and Fast Fashion through Ethical Principles

Manmeet Dhillon, “Unraveling the Threads of Zara and Fast Fashion through Ethical Principles” Mentor: Timothy Dunn, Arts & Humanities Poster #44 In this poster, I will explore how we may apply ethical principles in fast fashion practices. Through technological innovations,…… Read More

Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to Approximate  Finite Strain Orientations in the Southern Iberian Shear Zone

Edward Meyer, “Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to Approximate  Finite Strain Orientations in the Southern Iberian Shear Zone” Mentor: Dyanna Czeck, Geosciences Poster #129 The purpose of this undergraduate research project is to study the magnetic fabrics present in…… Read More

Using Caenorhabditis elegans to Test the Impact of Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome Mutations

Seyedeh Parnian Vakili, “Using Caenorhabditis elegans to Test the Impact of Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome Mutations” Mentor: Claire de la Cova, Biological Sciences Poster #197 Cardiofaciocutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome (NS) are collectively termed RASopathies, a group of genetic disorders characterized…… Read More

Using the Life History Calendar to Examine Young Transgender Women’s Trajectories of Violence, Mental Health, and Protective Processes

Lexy Lunger, “Using the Life History Calendar to Examine Young Transgender Women’s Trajectories of Violence, Mental Health, and Protective Processes” Mentor: Jane Hereth, Social Work Poster #119 The purpose of this study is to conduct life course research on interpersonal…… Read More

Validation of Self-Reported E-Cigarette Cessation via Salivary Cotinine Analysis

Miso Choi, “Validation of Self-Reported E-Cigarette Cessation via Salivary Cotinine Analysis” Mentor: Han Joo Lee, Psychology Poster #39 Validating self-reported e-cigarette cessation via salivary cotinine analysis is essential due to the potential unreliability of self-reported data on vaping. Retroactive self-reporting…… Read More

Variation in Reproductive Success Across the Flowering Season

Amelia Scheiber, “Variation in Reproductive Success Across the Flowering Season” Mentor: Jeffrey Karron, Biological Sciences Poster #179 Seed production of flowering plants is frequently limited by the quantity of pollen deposited by pollinators onto receptive stigmas.  This pollen limitation of…… Read More

What Can Eye Movements Tell Us About Memory Encoding and Retrieval?

Avery Sparacino, “What Can Eye Movements Tell Us About Memory Encoding and Retrieval?” Mentor: Deborah Hannula, Psychology Poster #169 The way we view pictures can affect memory outcomes. For example, pictures are better remembered when participants make more fixations to…… Read More

Who Is a Model Based Systems Engineer? A Data Driven Competency Model

Phani Ram Teja Ravipati, “Who Is a Model Based Systems Engineer? A Data Driven Competency Model” Mentor: Satya Aditya Akundi, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Poster #155 Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is increasingly becoming a vital approach in the engineering domain,…… Read More

Wild Tongue: Between Form and Meaning in the Languages of Dance

Lia Smith-Redmann, Libby Steckmesser, and Rae Zimmerli, “Wild Tongue: Between Form and Meaning in the Languages of Dance” Mentor: Maria Gillespie, Dance Oral Presentation 9am Union Cinema This ongoing movement research project develops an embodied methodology and performance practice through…… Read More

Worth a Thousand Words: The Importance of Visuals in Communicating Archaeology

Rachel Stewart, “Worth a Thousand Words: The Importance of Visuals in Communicating Archaeology” Mentor: Shannon Freire, Anthropology Poster #212 We live in a largely visual society; social media, photojournalism, billboards, emojis, and even the logos on our clothes all communicate…… Read More