The Bold and the Bloody Mary

Kate Jakubowski, “The Bold and the Bloody Mary”
Mentor: Lane Sunwall, Honors College
Poster #61

“Bloody Mary” is a popular legend that dictates if you repeat her name repeatedly in the mirror, her ghost will appear. Though only a legend, the history of the real “Bloody Mary,” aka Mary I of England or Mary Tudor, is far more complex. Mary I took over as the Queen of England after her brother King Edward died at age 15; the Protestant Reformation he had ushered into England was soon done away with as she attempted to revert the country back to Catholicism by any means possible…including through persecution. The life of the Mary I caused much turmoil as England went through a massive period of change during the Reformation. Her politics were unpopular, as was her marriage to King Phillip II of Spain, and her reign as England’s first queen was controversial. Recent historiography, however, suggests that Mary I was misunderstood, and her reign as the first Queen of England is far more important than what was once believed. Through Mary’s bold innovation, the gender hierarchy and power structures shifted in the English monarchy and ushered in a new era of the English Reformation. Ultimately, Mary Tudor’s legacy lives on today, showing us that she made her mark on the world and religion for better or worse.