Clearing the Air: A Comprehensive Plan to Reduce Nicotine Use on Campus at UWM

Kate Enriquez and Aamina Ali, “Clearing the Air: A Comprehensive Plan to Reduce Nicotine Use on Campus at UWM”
Mentor: Rose Hennessy Garza, Public Health
Poster #53

A person who uses nicotine is defined as someone who consumes nicotine regularly through cigarettes or e-cigarettes. Recently, there has been an increase in nicotine use among college students. This is also reflected in the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) student population. In 2018 a survey showed that 28% of UWM respondents used an electronic vapor product to consume nicotine in the last 30 days. The rise in nicotine usage trends is concerning from a public health standpoint as it highlights the necessity for an evidence- and theory-based hypothetical public health program that addresses nicotine use among UWM students. The research will use a modified version of Intervention Mapping to plan a hypothetical program that will address the nicotine issue among UWM students. This will be done by identifying literature that defines nicotine use and identifies risk and protective factors for modification. An informal review of the literature will be conducted for evidence-based strategies and behavioral theories that will be implemented in the hypothetical program. The findings of this research will be synthesized to include a community engagement plan, a logic model, strategies-based strategies and will apply the Health Belief Model. The program’s goal is to increase coping skills as well as increase the abundance of tools available that will lead to a decrease in nicotine usage in the UWM student population. The use of a logical model and community involvement will allow for a developed hypothetical program that will address the nicotine use issue in the UWM student population. Future public health programming should consider community involvement, a logic model, and existing barriers, this will help with community outreach and program engagement. Overall, decreasing nicotine use will lead to a healthier community.