UWM Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity , UWM, Milwaukee, WI, April 27, 2018; six past and present UBM students presented four posters and a talk.
Jacob Beihoff and Adam Honts received the Marden Award from the Department of Mathematical Sciences for their paper Street View Imagery Based High-Resolution and High-Accuracy Human-Environment Vegetation Mapping.
Abigail Ginthert received the Department of Mathematical Sciences Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, April 4-7, 2018; five students presented a talk and a posters at the meeting.
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2018, San Diego, CA, January 10-13, 2018; Jacob Beihoff and Adam Honts presented a poster. They won an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation award in the Applied Math category.
Ninth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, November 11-12, 2017; five students presented two posters. Abstracts can be found here.
Predictive Modeling of E. coli Levels at Urban Beaches along Lake Michigan (Abby Ginther, Zahra Gohari and Katie Salter – poster)
Street View Imagery Based High-Resolution and High-Accuracy Human- Environment Vegetation Mapping: How Green is our County? (Jacob Beihoff and Adam Honts – poster)
2016/2017 Academic Year
UBM Summer program, May 2017 – August 2017;
Group 1.Monitoring E.coli levels at urban beaches; building a model to forecast E.coli levels based on real-time environmental data;
Mentors: Todd Miller, Gabriella Pinter
Students: Abigail Ginther, Zahra Gohari and Katie Salter
Group 2.Green-index development for Milwaukee County based on Google Street-View data
Mentor: Istvan Lauko, Erica Young
Students: Jacob Beihoff and Adam Honts
Jacob Beihoff received the Department of Mathematical Sciences Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
Kirill Shmilovich, Kyle Goryl and Stefan Ivanovic received the Marden Award from the Department of Mathematical Sciences for their paper Discrete Agent-based Mars Colony Model.
UWM Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity , UWM, Milwaukee, WI, April 28, 2017; seven past and present UBM students presented four posters and a talk:
Thickness Measurement of Thin Films in Thermal Evaporation (Thomas Bate; poster – mentor: J. Woehl)
Population Genetic Structure of the Bull-Kelp Nereocystis luetkeana (L. Gierke; poster – mentor: Filipe Alberto)
A Review of Technologies for Detection of Zika Virus (Zahra Gohari, poster; mentor: Marcia Silva)
Force Clamp Measurements and Dynamic Modeling of Protein Hydrogels ( K. Shmilovich, talk – mentor: I. Lauko and I. Popa)
Modeling Relationships among Growth, Nitrate Uptake and Nitrate Reductase Activity in Phytoplankton from a Freshwater Urban Pond and Lake Michigan (U. Sicking, S. Donaldson and K. Schuchard, poster; mentors: J. Berges, E. Young, G. Pinter)
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) University of Memphis, Memphis TN, April 7-9, 2017; six students presented a talk and two posters at the meeting.
Kirill Shmilovich was a member of the UWM team that earned Honorable Mention in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling organized by COMAP, January 2017.
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2017, Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2017; Kirill Shmilovich and Karl Schuchard both presented posters. Both presenters won an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation award.
NASEC 2016 – Naval Academy Science and Engineering Conference, Annapolis, MD, November 13-15, 2017; Lily Gierke and Julia Zimmer attended the conference and presented a poster.
Eighth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, October 8-9, 2016; five students gave a talk and a poster. Abstracts can be foundhere.
Simulations and Force Clamp Spectroscopy of Protein Hydrogels (Kirill Shmilovich – talk)
Modeling relationships among growth, nutrient uptake and nitrate reductase activity in phytoplankton from a freshwater urban pond and lake (Stephanie Donaldson, Karl Schuchard, Ursula Sicking – poster)
2015/2016 Academic Year
MBI 2016 Undergraduate Capstone Conference, August 8-12, 2016; Kirill Shmilovich presented a talk: From Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Measurements to Protein Hydrogel Mechanics
UBM Summer program, June 1 – Aug. 15, 2016; UBM group activities and cruise;
Group 1.Kinetics of nitrate uptake and NR activity in single species vs an entire community
Mentors: Erica Young and John Berges
Students: Stephanie Donaldson, Karl Schuchard and Ursula Sicking
Group 2.Simulation of Protein Hydrogels
Mentors: Ionel Popa, I. Lauko and G. Pinter
Student: Kirill Shmilovich
Karl Schuchard and Kirill Shmilovich as well as John Williams received the Marden Award from the Department of Mathematical Sciences for their papers Non-Deterministic Modeling of Low Earth Orbital Debris Population in Conjunction with Cost Analysis for the International Space Station and Modeling Ebola Using an SEIR Network, respectively.
Karl Schuchard, Kirill Shmilovich and John Williams were members of UWM teams that participated in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling organized by COMAP, February 2016.
UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, April 22, 2016; two posters were presented by eight students.
UWM Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity , UWM, Milwaukee, WI, April 29, 2016; twelve past and present UBM students presented seven posters and a talk:
Bacterial Nitrification Rates in a Fluidized Sand Biofilter (J. Zimmer, K. Halmo, B. O’Connor, A. Xiong; poster – mentors: J. Berges and G. Pinter)
Nutrient Interactions of Deep Phytoplankton Biomass Layers in Lake Michigan and Modeling of Layer Conditions (L. Gierke, L. Engen, B. Kotwitz, J. Williams; poster – mentors: G. Pinter and I. Lauko)
A Simulation of Protein Hydrogel Mechanics ( K. Shmilovich, poster – mentor: I. Popa)
Gas Chromatography- Solid-Phase Microextraction Method to Study Kinetics of the Maillard Reaction (L. Heidenreich, talk – mentor: J. Aldstadt); Outstanding presentation award
A Study of Varnish & Binder Aging in Art Conservation: Development of a Solid-Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography Method (L. Heidenreich et. al. poster – mentor: J. Aldstadt)
Effect of Benzo(a)pyrene on the Craniofacial Development of Zebrafish ( B. O’Connor, poster – mentor: A. Udvadia , J. Dickson)
Development of a Solid-Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography for the Maillard Reaction ( Liv Heidenreich, poster – mentor: J.H. Aldstadt)
Performance Comparison Between a Prism and Diffraction Grating in a Low-cost Spectrometer (T. Bate, poster – mentors: B. Moran, X. Udad, J. Woehl)
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) University of North Carolina Asheville, Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016; eight students presented a talk and a poster at the meeting.
ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 21-27, 2016; two students presented posters at the meeting.
Seventh Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, November 21-22, 2015; eight students gave a talk and presented two posters. Abstracts can be found here.
Modeling Ebola using an SEIR Network (John Williams, Wesley Falk – talk)
A Mathematical Model for Nutrient Interactions of Deep Phytoplankton Biomass Layers in Lake Michigan (Lauren Engen, Lily Gierke, Bree Kotwitz and John Williams – poster)
Bacteria Nitrification and Nitrosification Rates in a Fluidized Sand Biofilter (Brendan O’Connor, Julia Zimmer, Katie Halmo and Ame Xiong – poster)
2014/2015 Academic Year
Poster presentation of summer projects at the School of Freshwater Sciences, August 14, 2015; joint activity with the Aquatic Sciences REU program.
UBM Summer program, June 22- July 31, 2015; UBM group activities, cruises, talks on career building, UBM barbecue;
Group 1.Nutrient Control of Biocommunity Layers in Lake Michigan
Mentors: Russell Cuhel, Carmen Aguilar, I. Lauko and G. Pinter
Students: Lily Gierke, Bree Kotwitz, Lauren Engen and John Williams
Group 2.Nitrogen-Based Model of Water Quality in a Recirculating Aquaculture System
Mentors: Russell Cuhel, Carmen Aguilar, I. Lauko and G. Pinter
Students: Brendan O’Connor, Julia Zimmer, Katie Halmo and Ame Xiong
Kolin Konjura, Nick Myers and John Williams were the recipients of the Department of Mathematical Sciences Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
Nick Myers, Kimberly Siegler and Jason Zellmer received the Marden Award from the Department of Mathematical Sciences for their paper Modeling Mixing Effects on Harmful Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Lakes.
Liv Heidenreich received the Outstanding Performance in Inorganic Chemistry award from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Spring 2015.
Chelsea Stietz received the Robert Costello Botany Scholarship from the Department of Biological Sciences for 2015/16.
John Williams was a member of a UWM team that participated in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling organized by COMAP, February 2015.
UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, May 1, 2015; one talk and three posters were presented by ten students.
UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, UWM, Milwaukee, WI, April 24, 2015; eighteen past and present UBM students presented twelve posters and a talk:
Silicate Cycling in Wastewater Diatoms (K.Konjura, poster – mentor J. Berges and E. Young)
Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on Crime and Patient Visits using a Fixed Effects Model (J. Zellmer, poster – mentor: D. Gervini)
Longitudinal Data Analysis of GI Mortality Rates (K. Siegler, poster – mentor: P. Tonnellato)
Parameterization of Variable Growth in an Individual Based Model of Freshwater Phytoplankton Mortality (T. Raphael, poster – mentor: J. Berges)
Infralimbic Nr2a-Containing Nmda Receptors are Necessary for the Reconsolidation Of Cocaine Self-Administration Memory (C. Rafa Todd et.al., poster – mentor: D. Mueller)
Effect of Benzo(a)pyrene on the Craniofacial Development of Zebrafish (B. O’Connor, poster – mentor: A. Udvadia , J. Dickson)
Development of a Solid-Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography for the Maillard Reaction (Liv Heidenreich, poster – mentor: J.H. Aldstadt)
Emerging Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Our Water System (A. Xiong et.al., poster – mentor: T. Miller)
Seasonality in Vibrio Bacteria Population Structure- a Practical Application of the Lotka-Volterra Competition Model (A. Bury and M. Pickett, talk – mentor: C. Wimpee, I. Lauko, G. Pinter)
Evaluation and Analysis of a Novel Automated Assay for Quantifying Visual Startle Response in Zebrafish Exposed to Methylmercury (K. Neubauer, A. Schmidt and L. Bersie, poster – mentor: R. Klinger, M. Carvan, I. Lauko)
Nitrogen-Based Model of Water Quality in a Recirculating Aquaculture System (B. O’Connor, J. Zimmer, K. Halmo and A. Xiong, poster – mentor: R. Cuhel, C. Aguilar, I. Lauko)
Nutrient Control of Biocommunity Layers in Lake Michigan (L. Gierke, B. Kotwitz, L. Engen, J. Williams, poster – mentor: R. Cuhel, C. Aguilar, G. Pinter)
Deformed Cellular Automata (J. Williams and W. Falk, poster – mentor: J. Willenbring)
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) Eastern Washington University, Cheney & Spokane, WA, April 16-18, 2015; ten students presented two talks and five posters at the meeting.
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2015, San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015; Nick Myers, Kim Siegler, Jason Zellmer, John Williams and Kolin Konjura presented posters.
Sixth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, November 1-2, 2014; eight students gave two talks and presented a poster. Abstracts can be found here.
Seasonality in Vibrio Bacteria Population Structure- a Practical Application of the Lotka-Volterra Competition Model (Alexis Bury, McKenzie Pickett)
A Mathematical Approach for the Estimation of Inbreeding Rate in a Kelp Metapopulation (Chelsea Stietz, Joseph Pederson)
Development of an automated assay for quantifying visual startle response in zebrafish exposed to methylmercury (Lauren Bersie, Kimberlee Neubauer, Ally Schmidt)
UBM Reunion – September 26, 2015 Past and present UBM students and mentors met for a fun afternoon sharing their experiences, exchanging ideas on graduate schools, jobs and preparation for different careers; UBM Through the Years – presentation with pictures
2013/2014 Academic Year
UBM Summer program, July 7-August 15, 2014; UBM group activities, cruises, talks on career building, joint REU-UBM barbecue;
Group 1.Epigenetic effects in zebrafish
Mentors: Michael Carvan, Rebekah Klingler, Sami Cheong, I. Lauko
Students: Lauren Bersie, Kimberlee Neubauer, Ally Schmidt
Group 2.Estimation of the inbreeding rate in a kelp metapopulation
Mentors: Filipe Alberto, Katie Barry, G. Pinter
Students: Chelsea Stietz, Joseph Pederson
Group 3.Seasonality in Vibrio bacteria population structure
Mentors: Charles Wimpee, Istvan Lauko and Gabriella Pinter
Students: Alexis Bury, McKenzie Pickett
The research paper Mathematical modeling of bacteria-virus interactions in Lake Michigan incorporating Phosphorus content, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 39, 2013, authored by students in our first UBM cohort, Audrey Bechette, Thomas Stojsavljevic, Maxx Tessmer with mentors J.A. Berges, E. Young and G. Pinter got the JGLR/Elsevier Student Award for the most notable paper by a student in 2013.
Kimberly Siegler and Jason Zellmer were the recipients of the Department of Mathematical Sciences Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
Liv Heidenreich and Dylan Hardwick won a ‘Best Presentation’ award in the undergraduate Ecology, Evolution and Behavior category at the UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, April 25, 2014.
Carolynn Rafa-Todd was the recipient of the Department of Biological Sciences Ruth Walker Tuition Scholarship.
UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, April 25, 2014; two talks and three posters were presented by fifteen students.
Liv Heidenreich and Dylan Hardwick won an ‘Outstanding Presentation’ award at the UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, UWM, Milwaukee, WI, April 11, 2014.
UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, UWM, Milwaukee, WI, April 11, 2014; fifteen participating students presented two posters and three talks:
Importance of Remineralization of Cladophora-Epiphyte Assemblages on Silicate Cycling in Lake Michigan (K.Konjura, poster)
A Mathematical Approach to Investigating Phytoplankton Dynamics (A. Bury, C. Stietz, J. Pederson, K. Neubauer, M. Pickett, poster)
Modeling Mixing Effects on Harmful Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Lakes (N. Myers, J. Zellmer, K. Siegler, talk)
Agent-Based Modeling of Phytoplankton Cell Death: Responses to Abiotic Factors in a Small Urban Pond (C. Rafa Todd, T. Raphael, T. Bate, talk)
Estimation of Growth Rates of Dreissena bugensis in Lake Michigan (D. Hardwick, L. Heidenreich, talk)
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, April 3-5, 2014; nine students presented three talks and a poster at the meeting.
11th Annual Posters at the Rotunda, Madison, WI, March 12, 2014; Kolin Konjura presented a poster:
Importance of Remineralization of Cladophora-Epiphyte Assemblages on Silicate Cycling in Lake Michigan
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2014, Baltimore, MD, January 15-18, 2014; Nick Myers, Kim Siegler and Jason Zellmer presented a poster:
Numerical Simulation of Nutrient Dependent Competitive Algal Growth in a Eutrophic Environment
Fifth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, November 16-17, 2013; eight students gave two talks and presented a poster. Abstracts can be found here.
Estimation of Growth Rates of Dreissena bugensis in Lake Michigan (Liv Heidenreich, Dylan Hardwick)
Agent-Based Modeling of Phytoplankton Cell Death: Responses to Abiotic Factors in a Small Urban Pond (Carolynn Rafa Todd, Thomas Bate, Tyler Raphael)
Numerical Simulation of Nutrient Dependent Competitive Algal Growth in a Eutrophic Environment (Nick Myers, Kim Siegler and Jason Zellmer)
2012/2013 Academic Year
UBM Summer program, July 5-August 19, 2013; UBM group activities, cruises, talks on career building, joint REU-UBM barbecue;
Group 1.Toxin producing algal blooms in Lake Winnebago
Mentors: Todd Miller, Katie Barry, I. Lauko, G. Pinter
Students: Nick Myers, Kimberly Siegler, Jason Zellmer
Group 2.Biogeochemistry of the Lake Michigan water column
Mentors: Carmen Aguilar, Russell Cuhel, Sami Cheong, Istvan Lauko
Students: Chrystal Amini-Hajibashi, Dylan Hardwick, Liv Heidenreich
Group 3.Causes and mechanisms of cell death in freshwater phytoplankton
Mentors: John Berges, Erica Young, Istvan Lauko and Gabriella Pinter
Students: Thomas Bate, Carolynn Rafa-Todd, Tyler Raphael
Morgan Schroeder and Nick Myers were the recipients of the Department of Mathematical Sciences Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, April 18, 2013; four posters were presented by UBM students;
UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium, UWM, April 19, 2013; nine participating students presented four posters:
Impact of the invasive species Dreissena bugensis (Quagga Mussel) on light attenuation in Lake Michigan (S. Schaal, Y. Xie, F. Yankey, T. Zeidler, C. Aguilar, R. Cuhel, I. Lauko, G. Pinter)
Patterns of Bat Emergence in a Southeastern Wisconsin Bat Hibernaculum (E. Baumhofer, J. Stuntebeck, G. Meyer, K. Barry)
The Effects of Spatial Scale on the Biodiversity-Productivity Relationship in Savannah Ecosystems (J. Strini, K. Yang, A. Wright, K. Barry, G. Pinter, S. Schnitzer)
Importance of Remineralization of Cladophora-Epiphyte Assemblages on Silicate Cycling in Lake Michigan (K. Konjura, E. Young, J. Berges, G. Pinter)
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) University of Wisconsin La Crosse, WI, April 11-13, 2013; nine students presented three talks and a poster at the meeting.
ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 17-22, 2013; Sara Schaal presented a poster:
Impact of the invasive species Dreissena bugensis (Quagga Mussel) on light attenuation and its seasonality in Lake Michigan
Fourth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, November 17-18, 2012; eight students gave two talks and presented three posters. Abstracts can be found here.
Analysis and development of a predictive mathematical model for light attenuation in Lake Michigan (Sara Schaal, Francis Yankey, Yang Xie, Tim Zeidler)
Patterns of emergence in a southeastern Wisconsin hibernaculum (Emma Baumhofer, Jordana Stuntebeck)
Testing the effects of spatial scale on the relationship between biodiversity-productivity in savannah ecosystems (Joseph Strini, Karrisa Yang)
2011/2012 Academic Year
Poster presentation of summer projects at the School of Freshwater Sciences, August 10, 2012; joint activity with the Aquatic Sciences REU program.
UBM Summer program, July 5-August 10, 2012; UBM group activities, two cruises, talks on career building, joint REU-UBM barbecue;
Group 1.Importance of Spatial Scale in the Study of Biodiversity
Mentors: Stephan Schnitzer, Alexandra Wright, Katie Barry, I. Lauko
Students: Joe Strini, Karrisa Yang
Group 2.Patterns of Bat Emergence in a South Eastern Wisconsin Hibernaculum
Mentors: Gretchen Meyer, Sami Cheong, Istvan Lauko and Gabriella Pinter
Students: Jordana Stuntebeck, Emma Baumhofer
Group 3.Impact of Dreissena bugensis (Quagga Mussel) on Lake Michigan
Mentors:Russell Cuhel, Carmen Aguilar, Istvan Lauko and Gabriella Pinter
Students: Sara Schaal, Yang Xie, Francis Yankey, Tim Zeidler
Morgan Schroeder was awarded the Weston scholarship in 2012. The annual Weston Scholarship, established in 1995, is awarded to undergraduate students who are involved in a Wisconsin Sea Grant-supported project.
Thomas Stojsavljevic, Anne Bruckner and Jared Catenacci were the recipients of the Department of Mathematical Sciences Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
Thomas Stojsavljevic won the undergraduate Marden Award in May 2012. The Morris Marden Award is given for a mathematical paper of high quality with respect to both exposition and mathematical content.
UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, April 26, 2012; six posters were presented by UBM students.
UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium, UWM, April 20, 2012; nineteen participating students presented posters:
Impact of Dreissena bugensis (Quagga Mussel) on Lake Michigan (S. Schaal, Y. Xie, F. Yankey, T. Zeidler, C. Aguilar, R. Cuhel, I. Lauko, G. Pinter)
Patterns of Bat Emergence in a South Eastern Wisconsin Hibernaculum (E. Baumhofer, J. Stuntebeck, G. Meyer, K. Barry, S. Cheong)
Importance of Spatial Scale in the Study of Biodiversity (J. Strini, K. Yang, A. Wright, G. Pinter, S. Schnitzer)
Analysis and Simulation of Bacterial Contamination on an Urban Beach at Lake Michigan (A. Bruckner, M. Schroeder, J. Catenacci, D. Uphoff, C. Biwer)
Effects of river inputs on near-shore silicate dynamics in Lake Michigan (I. DeTuncq, S. Fatima, K. Konjura)
Quagga Mussel Effect on Phosphorus Availability in Near-shore Lake Michigan (A. Eberhardy, D.Monge, M. Shah)
Mathematical Association of America Wisconsin Regional Meeting, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI, April 13-14, 2012; one 25-min talk was given:
A two-dimensional model for moisture and bacteria transport through a porous medium, Jared Catenacci and Morgan Schroeder
28th Annual American Multicultural Student Leadership Conference, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI, April 13-14, 2012; Daniel Monge presented a 30 min talk on the Cladophora project.
NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) Weber State University, Ogden, UT, March 29-31, 2012; eight students presented two talks and a poster at the meeting. Three papers reporting on the projects are published in the NCUR 2012 Proceedings volume.
Modeling Bacterial Contamination at an Urban Beach on Lake Michigan, Anne Bruckner, Morgan Schroeder and Daniel Uphoff (20 min talk)
Modeling the effects of Quagga mussel growth on near-shore Lake Michigan, Aurrielle Eberhardy, Daniel Monge and Moksha Shah (20 min talk).
Effects of river inputs on near-shore silicate dynamics in Lake Michigan, Ian DeTuncq and Kolin Konjura (poster).
MAA-AMS Joint Meeting, Boston, January 4-7, 2012; three students presented two posters at the meeting
Anne Bruckner, Morgan Schroeder presented the poster: Dynamics of Bacterial Contamination at an Urban Beach on Lake Michigan
J. Catenacci presented the poster: Spatial Spread of Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A Strategy to Control Dengue Fever
McNair National Conference, Lake Geneva, WI, November 11-13, 2011; Daniel Monge gave a talk and presented a poster on the Cladophora project.
Twenty-Sixth Annual St. Norbert College Pi Mu Epsilon Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI November 11-12, 2011; Jared Catenacci gave a talk on the Spatial Spread of Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A Strategy to Control Dengue Fever.
Third Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, October 21-22, 2011; 11 students gave 4 talks and two posters presented. Abstracts can be found here.
Modeling the Effects of Quagga Mussels on Cladophora Growth in Near-shore Lake Michigan (Moksha Shah, Daniel Monge, and Aurielle Eberhardy) talk and poster
Dynamics of Bacterial Contamination at an Urban Beach on Lake Michigan (Anne Bruckner, Morgan Schroeder, Christopher Biwer and Daniel Uphoff)
Effects of River Input and Hydrodynamics on Near-Shore Silicate Dynamics in Lake Michigan (Sehar Fatima, Ian DeTuncq, Kolin Konjura)
Spatial Spread of Wolbachia-Infected Mosquitoes: A Strategy to Control Dengue Fever (Jared Catenacci) talk and poster
Sandra McLellan’s research connected to a UBM project was featured in JSOnline see Morgan Schroeder’s picture on their web page.
2010/2011 Academic Year
Poster presentation of summer projects at the UWM Great Lakes WATER Institute, August 12; joint activity with the Aquatic Sciences REU program
UBM Summer program, July 5-August 12, 2011; UBM group activities, two cruises, talks on career building, joint REU-UBM barbecue;
Group 1.Enterococcus dynamics on Lake Michigan beaches
Mentors: Sandra McLellan, Istvan Lauko, Gabriella Pinter
Students: Anne Bruckner, Morgan Schroeder, Daniel Uphoff
Group 2.Study of nearshore silicate fluctuation
Mentors: John Berges, Erica Young, Istvan Lauko, Gabriella Pinter
Students: Kolin Konjura, Sehar Fatima, Ian DeTuncq
Group 3.Modeling the effects of Dreissena population on Cladophora growth in Lake Michigan
Mentors:Harvey Bootsma, Qian Liao, Istvan Lauko and Gabriella Pinter
Students: Aurielle Eberhardy, Daniel Monge, Moksha Shah
Department of Mathematical Sciences undergraduate awards, May 13, 2011:
Tim Smart-Dumouchel won the Undergraduate Marden Award for his Recirculating Aquaculture Modeling paper.
Anne Bruckner and Jared Catenacci were awarded the Alice Siu-Fun Leung award.
UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, UW-Parkside, April 29, 2011; two posters were presented:
Mathematical Model for Cladophora Growth in Lake Michigan (Bruckner, DeTuncq, Monge, Shah, Fatima, Schroeder)
Mathematical Models of a Recirculating Aquaculture System (Biwer, Uphoff, Eberhardy, Konjura, Smart-Dumouchel)
Mathematical Association of America Wisconsin Regional Meeting, UW-Stout, April 29-30, 2011; One 25-min talk was given:
Dynamic Modeling of Aquatic Viruses with a Phosphurus Quota (Audrey Bechette, Maxx Tessmer, Tom Stojsavljevic)
UWM Biological Sciences Symposium, April 28, 2011; two posters were presented; The poster Mathematical Model for Cladophora Growth in Lake Michigan by A. Bruckner, I. DeTuncq, D. Monge, M. Shah, S. Fatima and M. Schroeder was awarded the first prize in the undergraduate research category.
UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium, UWM, April 15, 2011; Several posters were presented:
Mathematical Model for Cladophora Growth in Lake Michigan (A. Bruckner, I. DeTuncq, D. Monge, M. Shah, S. Fatima, M. Schroeder) won the 2nd prize in the symposium
Mathematical Models of a Recirculating Aquaculture System (C. Biwer, D. Uphoff, A. Eberhardy, K. Konjura, T. Smart-Dumouchel)
Mathematical Modeling of a Recirculating Aquaculture System/Identifying parameters in a sea of variables (Tim Smart-Dumouchel)
Dynamic Modeling of Aquatic Viruses with a Phosphurus Quota (A. Bechette, M. Tessmer, T. Stojsavljevic)
How Thresholding Affects Modularity of the Gene Regulatory Network for Rainbow Trout (C. Murphy, A. Hughes)
National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Ithaca, NY, March 31-April 2, 2011; Talk titled The Effects of Thresholding on the Partitioning of a Trout Gene Network presented by Charlie Murphy.
NSF UBM-PI meeting, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, March 11-12, 2011; 10-min talks and poster presented
Dynamic Modeling of Aquatic Viruses with a Phosphurus Quota (Maxx Tessmer, Audrey Bechette)
How Thresholding Affects Modularity of the Gene Regulatory Network for Rainbow Trout (Charlie Murphy, Ashley Hughes)
99th Annual Green Energy Summit, Frontier Airlines Center, Milwaukee, WI, March 9-12, 2011;
Chris Biwer with R. Cuhel, C. Aguilar: Determination of Nitrite Kinetics in an Aquaculture System
Tim Smart-Dumouchel with R. Cuhel, G. Pinter, I. Lauko: Mathematical Modeling of a Recirculating Aquaculture System
Second Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, November 19-20, 2010; 8 students gave two talks and three posters presented.
Dynamic Modeling of Aquatic Viruses with an Internal Phosphorus Quota (A. Bechette, M. Tessmer, T. Stojsavljevic); talk
Gene Regulatory Networks of Rainbow Trout Enlightened by Modularity (C. Murphy, A. Hughes); talk
Geometrical Modeling of Aggregatory Behavior in Dreissena bugensis Under Flow Conditions (E. Boeckmann); poster
Motility of the ciliate Paramecium in a non-uniform chemical landscape (Carl Giuffre); poster
Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) biofilter performance (Timothy Smart-Dumouchel); poster
UWM Open House, UWM, October 2010; Three student posters and a program poster were presented in a special session highlighting undergraduate research.
The UBM program is featured at the UWM website; three student posters and a program poster were presented.
2009/2010 Academic Year
Poster presentation of summer projects at the UWM Great Lakes WATER Institute, August 13; joint activity with the Aquatic Sciences REU program
UBM Summer program, July 6-August 13, 2010; UBM group activities, one cruise, talks on career building, joint REU-UBM barbecue;
Group 1.Bacteria and virus dynamics in Lake Michigan and Estabrook Pond with Emphasis on Phosphorus Cycling
Mentors: John Berges, Erica Young, Gabriella Pinter and Istvan Lauko
Students: A. Bechette, M. Tessmer and T. Stojsavljevic
Group 2.Identification of a gene regulatory network in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Mentors: Michael Carvan, Istvan Lauko, Craig Struble, Gabriella Pinter
Students: Ashley Hughes, Charles Murphy
Group 3.Geometry of aggregatory behavior in quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis)
Mentors: John Janssen, Istvan Lauko, Gabriella Pinter
Student: Elizabeth Boeckmann
UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium, UWM, April 30, 2010; One poster was presented:
Is the simplest model the most desirable? Parsimony in a lake ecosystem (A. Bechette, M. Tessmer and T. Stojsavljevic, A. Hughes and C. Murphy) The presentation was awarded the symposium’s first prize in the Natural Sciences category.