Are you interested in ecology, environmental health or freshwater biology? Do you have mathematical abilities or an interest in developing them? If so, then we have some opportunities for you to get involved. Some of the most challenging problems in biology, from genomics to ecology require knowledge of mathematical tools and techniques and require biologists and mathematicians to learn to work together and develop new approaches. At UWM, such issues have become especially evident in our work in aquatic biology. The Departments of Biological Sciences and Mathematical Sciences and the School of Freshwater Sciences ran an interdisciplinary undergraduate research program (UBM) for 10 years in this area. Funded jointly by the National Science Foundation and the UWM Office of Undergraduate Research, students engaged in advanced research projects in the areas of quantitative ecology, environmental health and freshwater biogeochemistry, with an emphasis on collaborative learning of biological and mathematical principles and applications. In addition to hands-on research, UBM students presented in numerous conferences and published papers on their findings. You can see the projects and activities the students participated in at our Activities link.
While the UBM program formally ended, we are still interested in supporting students who would like to do research at the interface of biology and mathematics. If you are such a student, please email
Gabriella Pinter (gapinter@uwm.edu) (math) or John Berges (berges@uwm.edu) (biology)