Refereed Publications
“Te/Ge(001): Nearly Perfect De-reconstruction,” P.F. L yman, D.L. Marasco, D. Walko, and M.J. Bedzyk, Phys. Rev. B.
“High-Resolution Structural Study of Zinc Ion Incorporation at the Calcite Cleavage Surface,” L. Cheng, N.C. Sturchio, J.C. Woicik, K.M. Kemner, P.F. Lyman, and M.J. Bedzyk, Surf. Sci. Lett. 415, L976 (1998).
“UHV Surface-Analysis Endstation with X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopi c Capabilities,” P.F. Lyman, D.T. Keane, and M.J. Bedzyk, AIP Conference Proceedings 417, 10 (1997).
“X-ray Standing Wave Investigation of the Surface Structure of Selenite A nions Adsorbed on Calcite,” L. Cheng, P.F. Lyman, N.C. Sturchio, M.J. Bedzyk, Surf. Sci. Lett. 382, L690 (1997).
“Discommensurate Reconstructions of (111) Si and Ge Induced by Surfa ce Alloying with Cu, Ga, and In,” J. Zegenhagen, P.F. Lyman, M. Boehringer, and M.J. Bedzyk, Phys. Status Solidi B 204, 587 (1997).
“Lead Adsorption at the Calcite-Water Interface: Synchrotron X-ray Standing Wave and X-ray Reflectivity Studies, ” N.C. Sturchio, R.P. Chiarello, L. Cheng, P.F. Lyman, M.J. Bedzyk, Y. Qian, H. You, D. Yee, P. Geissbuhler, L.B. Sorensen, Y. Liang, D.R. Baer, Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta 61, 251 (1997).
“Atomic Resolution X-ray Standing Wave Microstructural Characterization of NLO-Active Self-assembled Chromophoric Superlattices,” W.B. Lin, T.-L. Lee, P.F. Lyman, J.J. Lee, M.J. Bedzyk, T.J. Marks, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 2205 (1997).
“Local Structure of Sn/Si(001) Surface Phases,” P.F. Lyman and M.J. Bedzyk, Surf. Sci. 371, 307 (1997).
“Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys,” P.F. Lyman and M.J. Bedzyk, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 978 (1996).
“Adsorbat e Structure and Vibrations on the Bi/Si(001)-(1×2) Surface,” P.F. Lyman, Y. Qian, T.-L. Lee, and M.J. Bedzyk, Physica B 221, 426 (1996).
“Structure and Surface Kinetics of Bismuth A dsorption on Si(001),” Y. Qian, M.J. Bedzyk, P.F. Lyman, T.-L. Lee, S.P. Tang and A.J. Freeman, Phys. Rev. B 54, 4424 (1996).
“Thermal Vibration Amplitudes and Structure of Sb on Si (001) by X-ray Standing Waves,” Y. Qian, P.F. Lyman, T.-L. Lee, and M. J. Bedzyk, Physica B 221, 430 (1996).
“Interaction of Methanethiol with Sulfur-Covered W(001),” D.R. Mullins a nd P.F. Lyman, Langmuir 12, 6382 (1996).
“The Use of X-ray Standing Waves and Evanescent-Wave Emission to Study Buried Strained-Layer Heterostructures,” T.-L. Lee, Y. Qian, P.F. Lym an, J.C. Woicik, J.G. Pellegrino and M.J. Bedzyk, Physica B 221, 437 (1996).
“X-ray Standing Wave Studies of Ad-dimers on Si(001),” Y. Qian, P.F. Lyman, and M.J. Bedzyk, Scanning Mi croscopy 9, 969 (1995).
“Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy and Alkali Ion-Scattering Structure Analysis of Ni Adsorption and Surface Alloying on W(001),” S.H. Overbury, P.F. Lym an, D.R. Mullins, and N.D. Shinn, Surf. Sci. 339, 68 (1995).
“Analysis of the Dimerized Sb/Si(001)-(2¥1) Surface by X ray Standing Waves,” P.F. Lyman, Y. Qian, and M.J. Bedzyk, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 375, 121 (1995).
“Structural Rearrangements in the C/W(001) Surface System,” P.F. Lyman and D.R. Mullins, Phys. Rev. B 51, 13623 (1995) .
“Enhancement of Selective Decomposition: Adsorption and Reaction of Methanethiol on Carbon Covered W(001),” D.R. Mullins and P.F. Lyman , J. Phys. Chem. 99, 5548 (1995).
“Adsorbate Structure and Subsurface Relaxation in the Sb/Si(001)-(2¥1) Surface Sys tem,” P.F. Lyman, Y. Qian, and M.J. Bedzyk, Surf. Sci. Lett. 325, L385 (1995).
“Lattice Location of Trace Elements within Minerals and at their Surfaces with X-ray Standing Waves,” Y. Qian, N.C. Sturchio, R.P. Chiarello, P.F. Lyman, T.-L. Lee, and M.J. Bedzyk, Science 265, 1555 (1994).
“Monolayer Graphite on TaC(111) — Electronic Band-Structure,” B.S. Itchkaw itz, P.F. Lyman, G.W. Ownby, and D.M. Zehner, Surf. Sci. 318, 395 (1994).
“Core Level Spectroscopy Study of the Mo0.75Re0.25(100) Surface,” P.F. Lyman and D.M. Zehner, in Metallic Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives, J.S. Faulkner and R.G. Jordan, eds., 113-120 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amster dam, 1994) .
“The Adsorption and Reaction of Methanethiol on W(001),” D.R. Mullins and P.F. Lyman, J. Phys. Chem. 97, 9226 (1993).
“The Adsorption and Reaction of Methanethiol on Clean and Modified W(001) and Ru(0001),” D.R. Mullins and P.F. Lyman, Proc. of the Petroleum Division of the Am. Chem. Soc. (in press).
“A Transmission Ion Channeling Facility for Structural Studies of Monolayer Films on Clean Semiconductor Surfaces,” L.E. Seiberling, P.F. Lyman, and M.W. Grant, J. Vacuum Science Technol. A 11, 715 (1993).
“Sulfur-Induced Changes in the W(001) Surface Core Level Shift,” D.R. Mullins and P.F. Lyman, Surf. Sci. Lett. 285, L473 (1993).
“Fabrication and Characterization of Thin, Self-Supporting Ge Single Crystals,” M.W. Grant, P.F. Lyman, J.-H. Hoogenraad, B.S. Carlsward, D.A. Arms, L.E. Seiberling, and S. Namavar, J. Appl. Phys. 73, 2486 (1993).
“The Interaction of S with W(001),” D.R. Mullins, P.F. Lyman and S.H. Overbury, Surf. Sci. Lett. 277, 64 (1992).
“Dimer Formation in Monolayer Antimony Films Dep osited at Room Temperature on Si(100)-2¥1,” M.W. Grant, P.F. Lyman, J.-H. Hoogenraad, and L.E. Seiberling, Surf. Sci. Lett. 279, L180 (1992).
“Low Temperature Pseudomorphic Growth of Ge on Si(100)-2¥1,” P.F. Lyman, S. Thevuthasan, and L.E. Seiberling, J. Crystal Growth 113, 45 (1991).
“Development of Pseudomorphic Structure in Ge Films Deposited on Si(100) at Low Temperatures,” P.F. Lyman, S. Thevuthasan, M.W. Grant, J.-H. Hoogenraad, and L.E. Seiberling, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc ., 202, 549 (1991).
“MeV-Ion Induced Surface and Interface Chemistry” (an invited paper), P.F. Lyman and L.E. Seiberling, in Springer Series in Surface Sciences: Adhesion and Fri ction, M. Grunze and H.J. Kreunzer, eds., 17, 98-106 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989).
“Lattice Location of Ta in Ni3Al by Ion Channeling and Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” H. Lin, L.E. Seiberling, P.F. Lyman, and D.P. Pope, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 81, 165 (1987).
Work in Progress
“Quantitative Structural Determination of In Adsorption on As-Rich Surfaces of GaAs(001),” T.-L. Lee, P.F. Lyman, J. Zegenhagen, and M.J. Bedzyk, in preparation.
“Bonding and Order of the Te/Si(001) Surface Phases,” P.F. Lyman, D.L. Marasco, H.L. Hutchason, P.A. Montano, and M.J. Bedzyk, in preparation.
Contributed presentations: 20. List upon request.
Invited Presentations:
Physics Department Colloquium, Washington State University, April 1998, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediat ed Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys.”
Physics Department Colloquium, Virginia Commonwealth University, February 1998, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys.”
Workshop for Industrial Applications of Catalysis, Center for Catalysis and Surface Science, Northwestern University, September 1997, “Surfactant-Mediated Epita xy of Metastable SnGe Alloys: Inverse Catalysis?”
Departmental Seminar, National Synchrotron Light Source, February 1997, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys.”
Environmental Division Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, January 1997, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of M etastable SnGe Alloys.”
Physics Department Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 1996, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnG e Alloys.”
Physics Department Colloquium, Ohio University, March 1996, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys”
Materials Science Division Seminar, Argonne National Lab, March 1996, “XSW Studies of Novel Epitaxial Growth: Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys.”
Divisional Seminar, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, December 1995, “Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Metastable SnGe Alloys.”
Departmental Sem inar, National Synchrotron Light Source, November 1995, “Surfactant-Modified IV-IV Adsorption: Sn/Si and Sn/Ge.”
Departmental Seminar, National Synchrotron Light Source, August 1995, “XSW Study of Surface Processes: Bi/Si(001) Structure, Dynamics and Kinetics.”
Fourth Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, Lake Geneva, WI, July 1995, “XSW Study of Surface Pro cesses: Bi/Si(001) Structure, Dynamics and Kinetics.”
Materials Science and Engineering Department Seminar, Northwestern University, October 1993, “Core Level Spectroscopy Study of Surface Segregation in the bcc Random Alloy Mo0.75Re0.25.”
Departmental Seminar, National Synchrotron Light Source, October 1993, “Core Level Spectroscopy Study of Surface Segregation in the bcc Random Alloy Mo0.75Re0.25.”
Surface Science Seminar, Physics Departments of Brown University and University of Rhode Island, April 1993, “Structural Rearrangements in the C/W(001) Surface System.& quot;
Departmental Seminar, National Synchrotron Light Source, March 1993, “Structural Rearrangements in the C/W(001) Surface System.”
Departmental Seminar, National Synchrotron Light Source, October 1992, “Surprises in Sulfur Adsorption on W(001) by Core Level Spectroscopy.”
Solid State Division Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 1991, “Low Temperature Ge Epitaxy on Si(100) Surfaces.”
Physics Departmental Colloquium, Indiana University, September 1991, “Low Temperature Ge Epitaxy on Si(100) Surfaces.”
Physics Departmental Colloquium, West Virginia University, September 1991, “Low Temperature Ge Epitaxy on Si(100) Surfaces.”
Surface Science Seminar, Harvard University, April 1991, “Low Temperature Ge Epitaxy on Si(100) Surfaces.”
Solid State Seminar, University of Pennsy lvania, June 1991, “Low Temperature Ge Epitaxy on Si(100) Surfaces”
Solid State Seminar, University of Florida, May 1991, “Low Temperature Ge Epitaxy on Si(100) Surfaces.&qu ot;
Graduate Student Competition, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1990, “Development of Pseudomorphic Structure in Ge Films Deposited on Si(100) at Low Temper atures.”