The hydrologic cycle describes the cyclic movement of water through the Earth system (Environmental Geology, 3rd Edition, James S. Reichard, McGraw Hill Education)
- Physical Hydrogeology (GEO SCI 463)
- 4 credits undergraduate/graduate
- 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, & field trip
- Study of ground water occurrence, its interrelationship with surface water, aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water supply development, including well hydraulics, water quality, and groundwater law
- Prerequisites: junior standing; GEO SCI 100(P) or GEO SCI 101(P); MATH 232(P)
- Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
- Past Syllabi: Fall 2023 Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019