
Drone photograph of Cedarburg Bog showing Cullen Meurer and Adam Schmidt conducting field work from the boardwarlk.

The Paradis Lab conducts research on the fate, transport, and remediation of contaminants in the environment, particularly in groundwater.  Experiments are conducted both in the laboratory and in the field and are typically informed by a model that leads to a hypothesis or an objective.  Results are analyzed and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals to increase the understanding and predictability of contaminant hydrogeology.

Research is conducted across a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. One-dimensional column experiments are conducted in the laboratory to investigate contaminant transport in simplified systems at relatively small spatial (micrometer to centimeter) and temporal (hours to days) scales. Field experiments are conducted to investigate contaminant transport in complex systems at relatively large spatial (meter to kilometer) and temporal scales (months to years). Laboratory and in situ data are then modeled (analytically and/or numerically) to elucidate the mechanisms of contaminant transport and predict the fate of contaminants in the environment.  Below is a list of current research projects.

Road Salt Transport

Uranium Mobility

Single-well Tests