Job Search Resources

The Versatile PhD

Chronicle Vitae: Jobs Outside Academe

Inside Higher Ed: Jobs Outside Higher Education


Career Self-Assessments

UWM MyPlan

UWM Career Planning and Resource Center

ImaginePhD (Coming Soon!)


Career Diversity Initiatives

Career Diversity for Historians (AHA)

Connected Academics (MLA)

A Non-Academic Career (APA)

The Responsive PhD (Woodrow Wilson)

Humanist@Work (UC System)

Humanities Without Walls

Future Humanities

The Praxis Network



UVA Employer Survey on Humanities Graduate Education and Alternative Academic Careers

NSF Survey of Doctoral Recipients (Contains PhD data beyond sciences)

Where Historians Work: An Interactive Database of History PhD Career Outcomes

Generic Building Blocks Career Competency Model


Public Humanities

Next Generation Engagement Project  New England Resource Center for Higher Education

The Humanities and Its Publics (American Council of Learned Societies)


The Resume and Application Documents

Turning your CV into a Resume Caroline Roberts @ PostAcademic



So What Are You Going to Do With That?: A Guide for MAs and PhDs Seeking Careers Outside the Academy (2001) Susan Basalla, Maggie Debelius

The Professor is In: The Essential Guide to Turning your PhD into a Job (2015) Karen Kelsky

Navigating the Path to Industry (2014) M. R. Nelson

Life After Grad School: Getting From A to B (2010) Jerald M. Jellison

Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm (2017) Christian Madsbjerg

Publicly Engaged Scholarship and Teaching, Issue of Diversity & Democracy (Association of American Colleges and Universities)



Opening Doors for the PhD – Chronicle of Higher Education

‘Alt-Ac’ Realities – Inside Higher Ed

Student Engagement – Imagining America

STEM Education Is Vital–but Not at the Expense of the Humanities – Scientific American

Why Aren’t More Ph.D.s Teaching in Public Schools? – The Atlantic

Doctoring the Doctorate – Inside Higher Ed

What Can You Do With a Humanities Ph.D., Anyway? – The Atlantic

Oh The Things You Can Do – Chronicle Vitae

Negotiating, Non Academic Style – Chronicle Vitae

Silicon Valley Needs to Get Schooled – LinkedIn

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