I was invited to write a book review for Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction for Quarterly Review of Biology. I enjoyed the book and writing the review. Check them out!
I was honored to be invited to be a part of EVOLTREE’s Online Seminar Series “Genomics in Practice”. My seminar can be found here.
There are some amazing talks in the “Genomics in Practice” Seminar series, and in other series hosted by EVOLTREE. See their channel for more great talks!
Recruiting a new postdoc!
We are recruiting a new postdoc!
Postdoctoral position: Development and application of a high-throughput genomic resource to inform white-tailed deer population and disease management
Latch Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
We seek a highly motivated candidate with a background in population genomics to fill a postdoctoral researcher position. The objective of this project is to develop and validate a GT-seq panel for high throughput genotyping of SNPs in white-tailed deer, using genomic data we have generated. The developed panel will then be used to address questions related to management of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in white-tailed deer. This position is based in the Latch Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, though the successful candidate will work with collaborators located throughout the Eastern US. The initial appointment is for 2 years, with potential for extension based on satisfactory performance and funding availability. Salary is competitive at $60,000 plus full benefits.
-Bioinformatics to design GT-seq panel from larger panel of SNPs we have developed
-Laboratory work to test, optimize, and validate the GT-seq panel, and genotype several thousand samples on the optimized panel
-Analysis and interpretation of resulting genotype data
-Preparing manuscripts as lead author, assisting with preparation of reports for relevant stakeholders, and contributing to grant proposals to support novel projects.
-Coordination and communication with research team and state wildlife agency partners
-PhD in population genetics, molecular ecology, bioinformatics, or a related field
-Proficiency in R programming language
-Experience working with high-throughput sequencing data
-Demonstrated record of research productivity, especially through a strong publication record
-Excellent communication skills
-Strong organizational skills
-Interest in mammalian biology, population genetics, disease ecology, and/or wildlife management
Application details:
To apply, submit a pdf document to Dr. Emily Latch (latch@uwm.edu) that includes: 1) a cover letter describing previous experience and fit to the position, 2) full CV, and 3) contact information for 3 references.
Review of applications will begin in October 2021, and will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The position is available effective immediately, with a flexible start date no later than Winter 2021-22. Questions regarding the position can be directed to Dr. Emily Latch.
Welcome to new lab members!
This month we welcome new lab members Brielle, Chandika, and Maddie! We are so excited to have them join the lab, and look forward to working together to design some cool research projects!
Summer pubs
We’ve had a busy summer with lots of papers coming out. Congrats to all!
Yi X, Latch EK (2021) Nonrandom missing data can bias PCA inference of population genetic structure. Molecular Ecology Resources, In Press.
Giglio RM, Rocke TE, Osorio JE, Latch EK (2021) Characterizing patterns of genomic variation in the threatened Utah prairie dog: Implications for conservation. Evolutionary Applications, 14, 1036-1051.
Alminas OSV, Heffelfinger JR, Statham MJ, Latch EK (2021) Phylogeography of Cedros and Tiburon Island mule deer in North America’s desert southwest. Journal of Heredity, 112, 260-275.
Hardy BM, Pope KL, Latch EK (2021) Genomic signatures of demographic declines in an imperiled amphibian inform conservation action. Animal Conservation, Early View.
Congrats to Peter!
Excited to wish Peter the best of luck as he heads to Purdue University as a Research Scientist. I am especially excited that he will be joining my old PhD department; it’s a great group of incredible scientists! So many great memories! Even better – I get to keep working with Peter on deer!
Congrats to Sam!
We are sorry to lose Sam, but SO excited about her new position as Research Geneticist with Embark! They are so lucky to have Sam’s expertise! Good luck Sam!
Popular press
Bennett was interviewed about his genomic work on Cascades frogs (Hardy et al. 2021) for an article by The Wildlife Society! Great job Bennett!
Popular press
Our badger knowledge recently put on display in an article about badgers and digging in How Stuff Works.
I am super excited to be promoted to Professor!
(I have no intention of being this serious, though)