Recent research topics include, but are not limited to:
- Psychological considerations for optimizing performance and health among athletic, music, and tactical populations
- Integrated approaches to optimizing performance and health among athlete and tactical populations
- Psychological aspects of rest and recovery among athlete, tactical, and corporate populations
- Understanding lived experiences of acute, chronic, and career-ending injury among athletes
- Health, performance, and injury monitoring in organizations
- Innovative solutions in human factors and performance
Recent Journal Articles (Last 5 Years)
Zike, D. M., Hanson, M., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (ahead of print). Psychosocial factors associated with athlete adaptation to spinal cord injury: A systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1–13.
Ross-Stewart, L., Braun, L., & Hardcastle, V. (2024). Effective use of imagery assisted virtual reality in pitch recognition and sport imagery ability development, 24. The Sport Journal.
Ouellet-Pizer, C. M., Harenberg, S., Vosloo, J., & Meyer, B. B. (2024). Self-reported depression in collegiate athletes: The effect of privacy on symptom disclosure. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 1(aop), 1–12.
Braun, L., Ross-Stewart, L., & Meyer, B. B. (2024). The relationship between athlete perceptions of coach leadership and athlete grit. International Journal of Exercise Science,17(5), 13–24.
Marciniak, R. A., Cornell, D. J., Meyer, B. B., Azen, R., Laiosa, M. D., & Ebersole, K. T. (2024). Workloads of emergency call types in active-duty firefighters. Merits, 4(1), 1–18.
Magdaleno, A., & Meyer, B. B. (2023). Identifying predictors of health and performance of Certified Mental Performance Consultants. The Sport Psychologist, 37(4), 297-305.
Magdaleno, A., & Meyer, B. B. (2023). A novel exploration of occupational recovery in Certified Mental Performance Consultants. The Sport Psychologist. Advanced online publication.
Wahl, C. A., Garnier-Villarreal, M., & Meyer, B. B. (2023). Development of the assessment of recovery activities for athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-20.
Kaski, S., Arvinen-Barrow, M., Kinnunen, U., & Parkkari, J. (2022). Profiles of mental well-being among elite athletes: Associations with sport-related demands and resources. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 1(aop), 1-19.
Vicenzino, B. T., Skovdal Rathleff, M., Holden, S., McLachlan, L., Smith, B. E., De Oliveira Silva, D., Van Middlekoop, M., PFPP Consensus Group, 2019 IPFRN Group Collaborators (2022). Developing clinical and research priorities for pain and psychological features in people with patellofemoral pain: An international consensus process with health care professionals. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 52(1), 1-53.
Magdaleno, A., Wiersma, L., & Meyer, B. B. (2022). An exploratory comparison of subjective mental fatigue following a task designed to replicate the observation of game film. International Journal of Exercise Science, 15(6), 25-35.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Visek, A. J. (2021). “If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” (Albert Einstein): Lessons learned. Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research, 1(1), 22-32.
Mazurek, R., Arvinen-Barrow, M., Reckelberg, R., Huddleston, W. (2021). Beyond traditional peer-to-peer teaching evaluation: Using pedagogical theory in conceptualizing a collaborative teaching development program. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 18(6), 101-118.
Visek, A. J., Middleton, T. R. F, O’Neil, L. O., Scheadler, T. R., Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2021). Accentuating research scholarship through innovative student opportunities: A mentored approach. Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research, 1(1), 7-21.
Hess, C. W., & Meyer, B. B. (2021). Lived experiences of an elite performance management team through injury rehabilitation: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 31(2), 199-210.
Gnacinski, S. L., Meyer, B. B., & Wahl, C. A. (2021). Psychometric properties of the RESTQ-Sport-36 in a collegiate student-athlete population. Frontiers in Psychology: Movement Science and Sport Psychology, 12.
Gnacinski, S. L., Nai, M., Brady, M., Meyer, B. B., & Newman, N. (2020). An examination of athletic trainers’ occupational recovery experiences during time after work. Journal of Athletic Training, 55(5), 532-537.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Maresh, N. & Earl-Boehm, J. (2020). Functional outcomes and psychological benefits of active video games in the rehabilitation of lateral ankle sprains: A case report. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 29(2), 213–224.
Ford, J., Vosloo, J., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2020). ‘Pouring everything that you are’: Musicians’ experiences of optimal performances. British Journal of Music Education, 37(2), 1-13.
Gnacinski, S. L., Nai, M. M., Brady, M., Meyer, B. B., Newman, N. (2020). An examination of athletic trainers’ occupational recovery experience during time after work. Journal of Athletic Training, 55(5), 532–537.
Ildefonso, K., Blanton, J., Durwin, C., Arvinen-Barrow, M. & Kamphoff, C. (2020). A preliminary investigation into collegiate student-athletes’ attitudes towards athletic training and sport psychology consultants. The Journal of SPORT, 8(1), 55-75.
Pack, S., Arvinen-Barrow, M., Winter, S. & Hemmings, B. (2020). Sport psychology consultants’ reflections on the role of humor: “It’s like having another skill in your arsenal”. The Sport Psychologist, 34(1), 54-61.
Clement, D. & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2020). An investigation into former high school athletes’ experiences of a multidisciplinary approach to sport injury rehabilitation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 30(4), 619-624.
Ford, J. & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Exploring the use of psychological skills training interventions in a music domain: A systematic review. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 34(4), 222-229.
Hess, C. W., Gnacinski, S. L., Meyer, B. B. (2019). A Review of the Sport-Injury and -Rehabilitation Literature: From Abstraction to Application. The Sport Psychologist, 33(3), 232-243.
Pack, S., Hemmings, B., Winter, S. & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). A preliminary investigation into the use of humor in sport psychology practice. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 31(4), 494-502.
Wahl, C. A., Gnacinski, S. L., Nai, M. M., Meyer, B. B. (2019). Psychological predictors of perceived stress and recovery in sport. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9(3), 292-307.
Wahl, C. A., Harris, B. S., Langdon, J. L., Riggs, A. J., Meyer, B. B. (2019). Goal orientation, motivational climate, and exercise as predictors of eating disorder risk factors among college students. Journal of American College Health, 1-8.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., DeGrave, K., Pack, S. & Hemmings, B. (2019). Transitioning out of professional sport: The psychosocial impact of career-ending non-musculoskeletal injuries among male cricketers from England and Wales. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 13(4), 629-644.
Clement, D. & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Athletic trainers’ views and experiences of discussing psychosocial and mental health issues with athletes: An exploratory study. Athletic Training & Sports Health Care, 11(5), 213-224.
Recent Books (Last 5 Years)
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (Eds). (2024). The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (Eds). (2019). The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach. Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Walker, N. (Eds.). (2019). Psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation. (Korean translation). Sungshin Women’s University Press.
Recent Book Chapters (Last 5 Years)
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (2024). Persons with exercise injuries. In S. Razon & M. Sachs (Eds.), Applied exercise psychology: The challenging journey from motivation to adherence (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Visek, A. J. (2024). The subtleties of doing sport psychology with post-pandemic youth athletes. In B. Hemmings, T. Holder, & S. Winter (Eds.), Professional skills in sport psychology consultancy: Personal and interpersonal dynamics. Routledge.
Winter, S., Pack, S., Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Hemmings, B. (2024). The use of humor in the client-practitioner relationship. In B. Hemmings, T. Holder, & S. Winter (Eds.), Professional skills in sport psychology consultancy: Personal and interpersonal dynamics. Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2024). IntroducIon sport injury psychology. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 3-12). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Walker, N. C., & Heaney, C. (2024). Biopsychosocial understanding of sport injury. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 27-45). Routledge.
Ildefonso, K., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2024). Psychosocial understanding of patello femoral pain. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 77-89). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (2024). Professional practIce models in sport injury and rehabilitatIon. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 93-108). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Olusoga, P. (2024). Coping with sport injury and rehabilitatIon. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 177-188). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Visek, A. J., & Barrow, A. (2024). Patient education in sport injury and rehabilitatIon. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 189-202). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Hemmings, B., & Hansen, M. A. (2024). Goal setting in sport injury and rehabilitatIon. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 203-215). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Clement, D., Hemmings, B., & Ford, J. L. (2024). Imagery in sport injury and rehabilitatIon. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 243-257). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Pack, S., & Scheadler, T. R. (2024). Social support in sport injury and rehabilitatIon. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 258-272). Routledge.
Zike, D. M., Kundrat, G. K., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2024). Transition out of sport. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 287-301). Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Visek, A. J. (2024). From present to future: Calls for new paths in sport injury psychology research. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (2nd ed., pp. 302-308). Routledge.
McAlarnen, M., Arvinen-Barrow, M., Iwasaki, S., & Meir, G. (2023). Academic career paths in sport and performance psychology. In D. Christensen, T. Lun, & S. Brueckner (Eds.), Directory of graduate programs in applied sport psychology (13th ed., pp. 48-64). Association for Applied Sport Psychology.
Wahl, C. A., & Meyer, B. B. (2023). Case solution: Back into the breach (125-129). In S. L. Castillo, C. Wooding, D. A. Barba, & S. Chroni (Eds.), A case-solution companion to building consulting skills for sport and performance psychology case solutions. Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (2021). Role of emotions in sport injury. In M. C. Ruiz & C. Robazza (Eds.), Feelings in sport: Theory, research, and practical implications for performance and well-being (pp. 201-212). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Kaski, S. (2021). Urheilupsykologian merkitys vammojen kuntoutusprosessissa. [Role of sport psychology in injury rehabilitatIon]. In K. Pasanen, H. Haapasalo, P. Halen, & J. Parkkari (Eds.), Urheiluvammojen ehkäisy, hoito ja kuntoutus [Sport Injury prevention, treatment and rehabilitation]. VK-Kustannus Oy.
Brewer, B. W., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2021). Psychology of injury and rehabilitation. In: S. Carson Sacket, N. Durand-Bush, & L. Tashman. The Essential Guide for Mental Performance Consultants: Digital Resource. Association for Applied Sport Psychology.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Clement, D., & Hemmings, B. (2020). “This is the final jump,” I respond. Why, why do I utter those words?” Using storytelling in sport injury rehabilitation. In R. Wadey (Ed.), Sport injury psychology: Cultural, relational, methodological, and applied considerations. Routledge.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Granquist, M. D. (2020). Psychosocial considerations for rehabilitation of the injured athletic patient. In W. Prentice (Ed.), Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training (7th ed.). SLACK Incorporated.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Visek, A. J., & Barrow, A. (2020). Pidä hauskaa – have fun! In M. Sachs, L. Tashman, & S. Razon (Eds.), Performance excellence: Stories to make your endeavors a success. (pp. 146-149). Rowman & Littlefield.
Clement, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2020). Coping with injury: Deep breathing and praying. In M. Sachs, L. Tashman, & S. Razon (Eds.), Performance excellence: Stories to make your endeavors a success. Rowman & Littlefield.
Clement, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2020). Psychosocial strategies for the different phases of sport injury rehabilitation. In A. Ivarsson & U. Johnson (Eds.), Psychological bases of sport injuries (4th ed.) (pp. 297-310). Fitness Information Technology.
Zike, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2020). Leaving sport with a spinal cord injury. In M. Sachs, L. Tashman, & S. Razon (Eds.), Performance excellence: Stories to make your endeavors a success (pp. 75-77). Rowman & Littlefield.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (2019). A case for interprofessional care. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach (1st ed., pp. 1-9). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., Clement, D., & Hemmings, B. (2019). Imagery in sport injury rehabilitation (Korean translation). In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (pp. 129-150). Sungshin Women’s University Press.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Hemmings, B. (2019). Goal setting in sport injury rehabilitation (Korean translation). In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (pp. 107-128). Sungshin Women’s University Press.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Pack, S. (2019). Social support in sport injury rehabilitation (Korean translation). In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (pp. 195-210). Sungshin Women’s University Press.
Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Walker, N. (2019). Introduction to the psychology of sport injuries (Korean translation). In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (pp. 29-36). Sungshin Women’s University Press
Clement, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Sport medicine team influences in psychological rehabilitation: A multidisciplinary approach. (Korean translation). In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (pp. 249-268). Sungshin Women’s University Press.
Clement, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Case made! What’s next?. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach (1st ed., pp. 165-170). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Clement, D., LaGuerre, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Role of religion and spirituality in sport injury rehabilitation. In B. Hemmings, A. Parkes, & N. Watson (Eds.), Sport, psychology and Christianity: Welfare, performance and consultancy (pp. 71-86). Routledge.
Ford, J., Johnson, R., Clement, D., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Reactions to music performance injury rehabilitation: Brandon Jackson, a freshman music performance major. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach (1st ed., pp. 99-113). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Hemmings, B., Watson, N. J., Parkes, A., Clement, D., Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Oliver, M. (2019). Introduction. In B. Hemmings, N. J. Watson, & A. Parker (Eds.), Sport, psychology and Christianity: Welfare, performance and consultancy (pp. 1-9). Routledge.
Ildefonso, K., Arvinen-Barrow, M., & Clement, D. (2019). Reactions to a football injury: Adrian Jones, a freshman collegiate football player. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach (1st ed., pp. 10-26). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Walker, N., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). Conclusions and future directions (Korean translation). In M. Arvinen-Barrow & N. Walker (Eds.), The psychology of sport injury and rehabilitation (pp. 309-314). Sungshin Women’s University Press.
Bold – Indicates current lab member