Dr. Arvinen-Barrow publishes editorial in the Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research

The Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) recently published the second issue of the Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research (JASPR). JASPR is a student-centered peer reviewed academic publication focused on rigorous undergraduate and graduate student-led scholarly work.

The second issue of JASPR features its inaugural student-led primary research: “Contemporary Hot Topics in Applied Sport Psychology: Past, Present, and Future”, and an invited narrative scholarship by Dr. Sam Zizzi (West Virginia University) “Introducing #ResearchMountain: A Metaphor for Mentoring Student Research.

Additionally, the Establishing Editors of JASPR co-authored an editorial titled Well Begun is Half Done” (Aristotle): A Year-in-Review of Editorial Observations to Guide Aspiring Authors.” In the editorial, Dr. Monna Arvinen-Barrow (Laboratory for Sport Psychology & Performance Excellence faculty and JASPR Establishing Editor-in-Chief) and Dr. Amanda J. Visek (Establishing Associate Editor, The George Washington University) reflect on JASPR’s first year in action, and their observations of common pitfalls for successful publication. It is the goal of the editorial to provide student-authors and faculty mentors tangible advice on how to best prepare student research into manuscript submission. The prominent editorial observations include to evaluate manuscripts for submission readiness, adhere to all submission guidelines, pay attention to details, be realistic about research limitations, and understand reviewer guidelines.

While the observations have emerged from Dr. Arvinen-Barrow and Dr. Visek’s service on JASPR’s editorial board, they emphasized the transferability to publishing in general.

For more information on LSPPE faculty and student research: https://sites.uwm.edu/lab-sppe/research/