LSPPE Doctoral Student Presents at AASP DISC

Laboratory for Sport Psychology and Performance Excellence (LSPPE) doctoral student Derek Zike recently presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology’s (AASP) fifth annual Diversity in Sport Conference (DISC). As described by AASP, DISC is primarily a student-led conference targeted to traditionally underrepresented populations, and individuals who are interested in careers in applied sport and performance psychology. The conference was designed to promote dialogue around diversity and inclusion in applied sport and exercise psychology settings.

On the first day of the conference, Zike co-facilitated a workshop titled Engaging in advocacy as a student: Reflection, education, & dialogue. The purpose of the workshop was to promote personal reflection and provide a space to explore experiences and strategies for students who want to become change agents. On the second day of the conference, Zike participated as a panelist in Advocacy within applied sport and exercise psychology settings: An introduction for novice practitioners. Zike discussed experiences with advocacy and social justice within applied sport and exercise psychology settings.

When asked how the experience presenting at DISC contributed to his development as a doctoral student, Zike replied:

I was able to work with great young minds in our field and through collaboration and shared understanding create a valuable learning opportunity for students and young professionals to think about how they can create change. Involvement with this project stimulated reflection and dialogue between us, the workshop leaders, which challenged the way I think about advocacy. My fellow panelists are much more experienced in this field. It was a fantastic opportunity to participate in the conversation with them. I learned a great deal from their responses and from the topics raised by the audience.

For more information on opportunities for student involvement at regional or national conferences: