
Useful Links

I will add more links to this page as the semester progresses. If you find a site that you think should be included, let me know and (if I agree!) I will put it up.

Area and Volume

Theory of (Polynomial) Equations

  • In class, I mentioned that there is (as far as I know) no complete test for irreducibility of a polynomial over the rational numbers. However, Eisenstein’s criterion is a relatively simple test, which will detect some, but not all, irreducible polynomials.
  • We discussed the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and used it to determine the irreducible polynomials over the complex (and then the real) numbers), but we did not give a proof of it in class. There is a reason for this: there is no particularly simple proof of the theorem, and no known purely algebraic proof (so you certainly couldn’t provide a proof for the students in your High School algebra class). If you are interested, however, the wonderful Cut The Knot website has a page on Proofs of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

Number Theory

  • We know (how?) that there are infinitely many prime numbers, but proving that large numbers are prime turns out to be a hard problem. As of January 2018, the largest known prime is 2^{77,232,917}, a number with over 23 million digits! You can read more about it here.
  • Our text does not provide a divisibility rule for 7. Googling “divisibility rule for 7” will result in several links, including this Wikipedia page on divisibility rules.
  • You have seen that it is not true that n2 + n + 41 is prime for every whole number n. In fact, it has been proven that there is no polynomial P (with complex coefficients) such that P(n) is prime for every whole number n. Remarkably, however, there are polynomials (with integer coefficients) such that if P(n) is positive and n is a whole number, then P(n) is prime. Moreover, P can be chosen so that all primes are produced in this way. Even more remarkably, people have even managed to find explicit examples of such polynomials. For one such example, and more information, see this page about Matijasevic’s polynomial.

Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

  • In June 2010, Wisconsin adopted the Common Core Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts. These standards are therefore a description of what students in Wisconsin are expected to know and be able to do by the time they graduate from high school. As a high school mathematics teacher, you will need to become familiar with these standards, and we will refer to them throughout the course, but please do not feel you are expected to be intimately familiar with them at the start—or even the end—of this semester!
  • You can download a PDF version of the standards at the Common Core website, but there is also a very useful hyperlinked version available at the Common Core Tools website.
  • The State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has developed a nice graphic to remind teachers (and others) of the importance of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Professional Organizations

Miscellaneous Resources