ATM SCI 505: General Information

Prerequisites: Atm Sci 330 and Atm Sci 351 or permission of instructor.
Office hours: M W 12:30 – 2:00pm or by appointment. (Subject to change but don’t worry – I am generally available most days.)
Required text: Introduction to Micrometeorology, 2nd ed., Arya, Academic Press, 2001.

A note on the reading assignments:

  • The primary source of information in this class is the lecture material. The textbook chapters are intended to be background material because difficult lecture material is sometimes better understood if it is explained in a few different ways. You will get the best benefit if you read all assigned textbook chapters either before, or at the very beginning of each new lecture topic. PLEASE READ THE ASSIGNED CHAPTERS!
Grades: Grades will be determined by one of the following two schedules, whichever is most advantageous to you:

Item Schedule #1 Schedule #2
Exam #1 20% 15%
Exam #2 20% 15%
Final Exam (not cumulative) 20% 15%
Problem sets 40% 55%
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