ATM SCI 240: General Information

Prerequisites: Physics 209 & 214 (prerequisite); Math 232 (corequisite)
Required textbook: A First Course in Atmospheric Thermodynamics by G. W. Petty, Sundog Publishing, 2008.
Other required materials: Skew-T/Log-P diagrams. Large, laminated versions are available from Prof. Kahl.
A set of erasable transparency markers (4 different colors)
Office hours: Prof. Kahl will hold office hours in his office (EMS W435) on M, T, and Th from 12:30 – 1:30 and by appointment.
Grades: Grades will be determined by one of the following two schedules, whichever is most advantageous to you*:

Item Schedule #1 Schedule #2
Exam #1 15% 10%
Exam #2 15% 10%
Final exam (not cumulative) 15% 10%
Problem sets (9) – lowest score excluded; late assignments not accepted 37% 52%
Weather map exercises 8% 8%
Subjective component – attendance, effort, improvement 10% 10%

* Motivated by a desire to reduce stress among students.  This automatic, multiple assessment method is described in detail here.

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