Interlinking Stories
Curated by: Leigh M. W. Mahlik, William W. Wood, and David Pacifico
Chain link fences are places of public communication in cities around the world. They serve as spontaneous memorials after tragedy and convey messages of inspiration in the face of a challenge. We invite you to participate in our public conversation here using one of the provided hang tags or by leaving materials of your own.
Your participation matters because Hostile Terrains leaves countless stories untold. Every exhibition does, as a matter of necessity. We invite you to tell the story that needs hearing.
Participate by writing on a hang tag and placing it on the chain link gate. Pink tags indicate stories that deserve more attention. Green tags indicate stories of hope, healing, and inspiration. Grey tags are a blank canvas for your contribution.
Please be sure to indicate on the tag whether you give consent for us to share your story via social and other media. If you do not, the story will stay in the gallery. Feel free to photograph and share your tag on social media with hashtag #UWMhostileTerrains and #UWMHT94