Recent Publications & Presentations

Recent Publications

Tager, J. B., Kenney, A. E., Lim, P. S., Everhart, S. A., Johnaningsmeir, S., Balistreri, K. A., Morgan-Tautges, A., Lee, J. K., Brophey, M. A., Scanlon, M. C., Rothschild, C. B., Davies, W. H., & Schnell, J. L. (In press). Coping and meaning making strategies as described by parents of children with medical complexity. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.
Knoebl, R., Polfuss, M., McAndrew, N. S., Kenney, A. E., Vang, M., Chapman, S., & Lerret, S. M. (In press). An unhear voice: The perspectives of siblings of solid organ transplant recipients. Pediatric Transplantation.

Balistreri, K.A., Hagan, M., Canavera, K., Marik, P., Smith, J., Balistreri S.E., Barakat, L., Berridge, K., Michelson, K., Rothschild, C.B., & Davies, W.H. Evaluation of Psychology Practice Models in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. [Manuscript accepted for publication, 2024]. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.

Fisher, R. S., Dattilo, T. M., DeLone, A. M., Basile, N. L., Kenney, A. E., Hill, K. N., Chang, H. F., Gerhardt, C. A., & Mullins, L. L. (2024). The study of psychosocial outcomes of parents bereaved by pediatric illness: A scoping review of methodology and sample composition. Journal of Pediatric Psychology49(3), 207–223.
Schnell, J. L., Tager, J. B.Kenney, A. E., Lim, P. S., Everhart, S. A., Johaningsmeir, S., Balistreri, K. A., Morgan-Tautges, A., Berridge, K. E., Brophey, M., Rothschild, C. B., Scanlon, M. C., Davies, W. H., Lee, K. J. (In press). Impact of systems of care on emotional well-being of primary family caregivers of children with medical complexity. Maternal and Child Health Journal.

Oslin, E., Montenegro, R. E., Kraft, S. A., Alisa Van Cleave, & Jori Bogetz. (2024). “I’m completely off base here on what this child is capable of”: A qualitative analysis of how medical ableism manifests in PICU clinicians’ care of children with severe neurological impairment. Disability and Health Journal, 101691–101691.

Tager, J. B.Kenney, A. E.Lim, P. S.Everhart, S. A.Johaningsmeir, S.Balistreri, K. A.Morgan-Tautges, A.Berridge, K. E.Brophey, M.Rothschild, C. B.Scanlon, M. C.Davies, W. H.Lee, K. J., & Schnell, J. L. (2023). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families of children with medical complexity: A qualitative study of caregivers’ experiencesChild: Care, Health and Development112

Newman, A. R., Kenney, A. E., Witkowski, E., Karst, J., Lerret, S., Davies, W. H., & Rothschild, C. D. (in press). Palliative care interventions among adolescents and young adults with serious illness: A scoping review. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.

Gremillion, M. L., Lang, A. C., Everhart, S. A., Davies, W. H., Stolzman, S. C., Weisman, S. J., & Hainsworth, K. R. (2022). The lived experience of youth with co-occurring chronic pain and obesity: Important insights and applications. Childhood Obesity. 

Lang, A. C., Ankey, R. L., Berlin, K., & Davies, W. H(2021). Development and validation of 18-item short form for the Parents as a Social Context Questionnaire. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

Austin, J. E., Lang, A. C., *Nacker, A. M., Wallace, A. L., Schwebel, D. C., Brown, B. B., & Davies, W. H. (2021). Adolescent experiences with self-asphyxial behaviors and problematic drinking in emerging adulthood. Global Pediatric Health, 8 

Balistreri, K.A., Lim, P. S., Tager, J. B., Davies, W. H., Karst, J. S., Scanlon, M. C., Rothschild, C. B. & Milwaukee Collaborative for Resilience and Emotional Wellness Science (Milwaukee CREWS) (2021.) It has added another layer of stress”: The impact of COVID-19 on families and providers in the pediatric intensive care unit. Hospital Pediatrics.

Lang, A. C., Lim, P. S., Everhart, S. A., Linneman, N. G., Davies, W. H., & Alderfer, M. (2021). Ethical challenges in qualitative methods to improve pediatric clinical care: Researcher perspectives (in press). Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.

Lim, P. S., Lang, A. C., & Davies, W. H. (2020). Parent ethical concerns regarding patient feedback methodology to improve pediatric clinical care. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 1556264620969327.

Choi, C., Mersky, J. P., Janczewski, C. E., Lee, C. P., Davies, W. H., & Lang, A. C. (2020). Validity of an expanded assessment of adverse childhood experiences: A replication study. Children and Youth Services Review, 117, 105216.

Lang, A. C., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2020). Impact of health competence on the quality of life of emerging adults with chronic health conditions. Emerging Adulthood, 1-10.

Igler, E. C., Lang, A. C., Balistreri, K. A., Sejkora, E. K., Drendel, A., & Davies, W. H. (2020). Parent perceptions of dismissive provider reactions to pediatric chronic pain reports. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 36(2), 80-87. 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000776

Igler, E. C., Sejkora, E. K. D., Austin, J., & Davies, W.H. (2019). Friendship changes following a friend’s school absence after serious illness or injury. Journal of Child Health Care, 24(2), 233-245.

Doering, J. J., Lim, P. S., Salm Ward, T. C., & Davies, W. H. (2019). Prevalence of unintentional bedsharing. Applied Nursing Journal, 46, 28-30. doi:10.1016/j.apnr.2019.02.003

Igler, E. C., Sejkora, E. K. D., Greenley, R. N., Plevinsky, J. M., Bugno, L. T., Carreon, S., & Davies, W. H. (2019). Development and initial validation of the Communication about Medication by Providers-Parent Scale (CAMP-P). Global Pediatric Health, 6, 1-11.

Davies, W. H., Sejkora, E., Erato, G. A., & Bernacki, J. M. (2019). Guidelines for facilitating parental prevention discussions about the Choking Game. Children & Society, 33(4), doi:10.1111/chso.12318

Lang, A. C., Igler, E. C., Defenderfer, E. K., Uihlein, J., Brimeyer C., & Davies, W. H. (2018). Evaluating differential effects of specific pain dismissal interactions with physicians. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(7), 664-669. doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000586

Igler, E. C., Defenderfer, E. K., Lang, A. C., Bauer, K., Uihlein, J., & Davies, W. H. (2017). Gender differences in the experiences of pain dismissal in adolescence. Journal of Child Health Care, 21(4), 381-391.

Defenderfer, E. K., Bauer, K., Igler, E., Uihlein, J., & Davies, W. H. (2017). The experience of pain dismissal in adolescence. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(2), 162-167.  doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000530


Recent Symposium Presentations

Balistreri, K. A., Lim, P.S., Linneman, N.G., Tager, J.B., Davies, W.H., Scanlon, M., Murkowski, K., Lee, K.J., Karst, J., Magner, K., Lander, J., Johaningsmeir, S., & Rothschild, C.B (2021, August 30). Identification and response to parent distress by medical providers in the pediatric intensive care unit [Oral presentation]. Children’s Wisconsin Critical Care Conference, Milwaukee, WI, United States.

Lim, P. S., Balistreri, K. A., Davies, W. H., Baughcum, A., & Gerhardt, C. (2021, April 8-9). Multidisciplinary perspectives on family distress in high acuity pediatric settings [Symposium]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Balistreri, K.A., Lim, P.S., Linneman, N.G., Tager, J.B.T., Davies, W. H., Scanlon, M.C., Murkowski, K., Lee, K. J., Karst, J. S., Magner, K.K., Lander, J., Johaningsmeir, S. & Rothschild, C. B. (2021, April 8-9). “It’s a balance of both teams”: Medical provider perspectives on psychosocial support for parents in the pediatric intensive care unit [Symposium]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual.

Balistreri, K.A.,Tager, J.B., Lim, P.S., Davies, W.H., Lerret, S., Magner, K., Newman, A., Scanlon, M.C., & Rothschild, C. (2020, October 2-5). “It would be all-consuming”: Community parents’ perceptions of the pediatric intensive care unit [Oral presentation]. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition – Section on Critical Care, San Diego, CA, United States.

Buscemi, J., Davies, W. H., Feldman, E., Greenley, R. N., Lang, A. C., Miller, S., Reed, B., & Tran, S. (2020, May 21–24). Risk and resilience among emerging adults: Sleep, substance use, and statistical methodology [Symposium]. Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL, United States. (Conference canceled)

Lim, P.S., Olen, A.T., Davies, W.H., Lee, J. K., Balistreri, K.A., Neitzel, K., Ramos, A., Scanlon, M., & Rothschild, C.B. (2020, March). Emerging ethical perspectives on the use of interpreters in pediatric medical settings. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Sekjora, E. K., Igler, E. C., Brimeyer, C., Lang, A. C.,Davies, W. H., & Logan, D. (April, 2019). Real pain? Patterns and clinical implications of provider pain dismissal in adolescents and emerging adults. Symposium presentation at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. 

Lang, A. C., Igler, E.C., Defenderfer, E. K., Uihlein, J., Brimeyer, C., & Davies, W. H. (2017, April). Evaluating differential effects of specific pain dismissal interactions with physiciansPresentation at The Association for Graduate Students in Psychology Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. 


Recent International Conference Presentations

Igler, E. C., Everhart, S. A., Lang, A. C., Austin, J. E., & Davies, W. J. (2018, April). Perspectives on weight measurement within a physical education classroom. International Conference on Eating Disorders, Chicago, IL. 


Recent National Conference Presentations

Barakat, L., Davies, W.H., & Nagy, G. (2024, August 8-10). Muslim Parents’ Attitudes Towards Seeking Mental Health Services [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association 2024 Convention, Seattle, Washington, United States.

Balistreri, K.A., Hagan, M., Canavera, K., Marik, P., Smith, J., Balistreri, S.E., Barakat, L., Berridge, K. E., Michelson, K., Rothschild, C.B., & Davies, W.H. (2024, June 10-14). Description and Critical Evaluation of Psychology Practice Models in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, Rome, Italy.

Kenney, A. E., Tager, J. B., Johnson, M. L., Phelan, R., Rothschild, C. B., Davies, W. H., & Karst, J. S. (2024, April 25-27).Interdisciplinary collaboration to facilitate the Standards for Psychosocial Care: Bone Marrow Transplant provider understanding and perceived value of pediatric palliative care [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.

Tager, J.B., Balistreri, K.A., Johnson, M. L., Johnaningsmeir. S., DiDomizio, P.G., Brasuel, L.A., Schueler, E., Becherer, S., Lim, P.S., Schnell, J.L., Lee, K.J., Karst, J.S., Magner, K., Rothschild, C.B., Scanlon, M.C., Davies, W.H. (2024, April 25-27). Approaches and Challenges to Addressing Family Distress in a Pediatric Complex Care Program. [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Barakat, L., Balistreri K.A., Lim, P.S., Linneman, N.G., Tager, J.B., Kenney, A.E., Davies, W.H., Karst, J.S., Lee, K.J., Magner, K.K., Schnell, J.L., Johaningsmeir, S., Scanlon, M.C., & Rothschild, C.B. (2024, April 25-27). The Impact of Family Distress on Medical Providers in the PICU [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.

Barakat, L., Harb, F., Davies, W.H. (2024, March 1-2). The Relationship Between Muslims’ Perception of Mental Health Services and Familiarity with Local Resources: A Potential Avenue for Increasing Accessibility Through Digital Strategies [Poster presentation]. Muslim Mental Health Conference, Palo Alto, CA, United States.

Johnson, M., Brasuel, L., Balistreri, K., Davies, W.H., Rothschild, C. (2023, March). Assessing the emotional impact of the name “Palliative Care” on community patients. Accepted for presentation at Society of Pediatric Psychology 2023 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Balistreri, K.A., Mulligan, K. L., Lee, J.K., Karst, J.S., Privatt, M., Magner, K.K., Lee, H., Davies, W.H., Scanlon, M.C., & Rothschild, C.B. (2023, March 30-April 1). “It was pretty simple, quick, and easy”: Participant feedback regarding text-message assessment of parent experiences in the pediatric intensive care unit. [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

Barakat, L., Lim, P.S., Olen, A.T., Balistreri, K.A., Davies, W.H., Scanlon, M.C., & Rothschild, C.B. (2023, March 30-April 1). The influence of culture & health literacy on medical communication with families of children in the PICU [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Berridge, K.E., Tager, J.B., Kenney, A.E., Lim, P.S., Everhart, S.A., Johaningsmeir, S.J., Balistreri, K.A., Morgan-Tautges, A., Brophey, M., Rothschild, C.B., Scanlon, M.C., Davies, W.H., Lee, K.J., & Schnell, J.L.  (2023, March 30 – April 1). Exploring the relationship between avoidant behaviors and protective factors among caregivers of children with medical complexity [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Carballido, J.K., Olen, A.T., Lim, P.S., Balistreri, K.A., Tager, J.B., Rothschild, C.B., Scanlon, M.C., & Davies, W.H. (2023, March 30-April 1). Peer support for pediatric medical interpreters: Is confidentiality a barrier? [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Kenney, A. E., Tager, J. B., Phelan, R., Rothschild, C. B., Davies, W. H., & Karst, J. S. (2023, March 30 – April 1) Adhering to the standards for psychosocial care: BMT provider perceptions of pediatric palliative care involvement [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Lang, A. C., Linneman, N. G., Hainsworth, K. R., & Davies, W. H. (2023, March 30-April 1). Growing pains: Factors impacting health outcomes of emerging adults with chronic pain [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

LiaBraaten, B.M., Stoner, A.M., Jastrowski Mano, K.E., Michlig, J.R., Hopkins, C.M., Mauro, G., Weisman, S., Davies, W.H., & Hainsworth, K.R. (2023, March 30-April 1). Impact of weight terminology and education on parental response to pediatric pain treatment information [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

Tager, J.B., Kenney, A.E., Lim, P.S., Everhart, S.A., Johaningsmeir, S., Balistreri, K.A., Morgan-Tautges, A., Berridge, K.E., Brophey, M., Rothschild, C.B., Scanlon, M.C., Davies, W.H., Lee, K.J., & Schnell, J.L. (2023, March 30 – April 1) “It was very isolating:” Caregivers of children with medical complexity describe the family impact of the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Tager, J. B., Kenney, A. E., Lim, P. S., Everhart, S., Johaningsmeir, S., Balistreri, K. A., Lee, K. J., Brophey, M. A., Lerret, S., Vallee, E., Scanlon, M., Rothschild, C. B., Davies, W. H., Schnell, J. L. (2022, April 7-9) “You learn to focus on what’s really important”: Coping among Parents of Children with Medical Complexity [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

Kenney, A. E., Tager, J. B., Lim, P. S., Everhart, S., Johaningsmeir, S., Balistreri, K. A., Lee, K. J., Brophey, M. A., Lerret, S., Vallee, E., Scanlon, M., Rothschild, C. B., Davies, W. H., Schnell, J. L. (2022, April 7-9) Emotional impact, burnout, and isolation among primary family caregivers of children with medical complexity [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

Davies W.H., Johnson, M.L., Balistreri, K.A., Rothschild, C.B., Scanlon, M.C., Thomas, C., & Nicholas, C.R. (2022, April 9). Perspectives on the possible use of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for parents following a child’s PICU admission [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Lim, P. S., Balistreri, K. A., Tager, J. B., Olen, A. T., Scanlon, M., Rothschild, C. B., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). Interpreters’ perceptions of their role in distressing pediatric discussions [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Balistreri, K. A., Lim, P. S., Tager, J. B., Karst, J. S., Scanlon, M. S., Davies, W. H., & Rothschild, C. B. (2021, April 8-9). “It has added another layer of stress”: The impact of COVID-19 on families and providers in the pediatric intensive care unit [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Tager, J., Newman, A. R., Otterson, D., Balistreri, K. A., Kenney, A. E., Rothschild, C., Scanlon, M. C., Hinojosa, J. T., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). Knowledge, experience, and perceptions of palliative care among young adults [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Kenney, A. E., Balistreri, K. A., Tager, J., Otterson, D., Rothschild, C., Scanlon, M. C., Davies, W. H., & Newman, A. R. (2021, April 8-9). Awareness, knowledge, and beliefs about palliative care among caregivers of children with a chronic health condition [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Lang, A. C., Linneman, N. G., Zwick, S., *Jarvis, J., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). “How to cope with everything when it’s all happening at once”: Challenges associated with intersecting transitions for emerging adults with chronic health conditions [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Hinojosa, J., Lang, A. C., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). Impairment of sleep health in emerging adults with chronic health conditions [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

*Jarvis, J., Lang, A. C., Linneman, N. G., Hinojosa, J., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). Healthier illness identity may promote satisfaction with life and less threatening illness perception among emerging adults with chronic health conditions [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Linneman, N. G., Lang, A. C., *Jarvis, J., Zwick, S., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). Caught in the middle: Barriers to successful health care transfer for emerging adults with chronic health conditions [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Zwick, S., Lang, A. C., Sejkora, E. K., Igler, E. C., & Davies, W. H. (2021, April 8-9). Defining high-impact dismissers in pediatric chronic pain [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Tager, J, Lang, A.C., & Davies, W.H. (2020, August 6-8.) “Doc Just Said I Was Worried”: Parent Experiences of Pediatric Provider Concern Dismissal [Poster presentation]. Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, United States.

*Jarvis, J. E., Lang, A. C., Tager, J. B., & Davies, W. H. (2020, August 6). Parental experiences of pediatric provider concern dismissal: Association with satisfaction with life and health competence [Poster presentation]. 29th Annual Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program Summer Research Presentations – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United States.

Lim, P. S., Berlin, K. S., Silverman, A. S., Balistreri, K. A., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March). Development and Initial Validation of the Multidisciplinary Feeding Questionnaire. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Lang, A. C., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March). Experiences of Symptom Dismissal Among Emerging Adults with Chronic Health Conditions. Poster presented at the virtual Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Balistreri, K. A., Lang, A., Sejkora, E. D., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March). The Impact of Caregiver Role on Siblings of Children with Chronic Conditions. Poster presented at the virtual Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Tager, J., Balistreri, K. A., Lim, P., Lang, A. C., & Davies, W.H. (2020, March.) Parent Perspectives of Concern Dismissal by Pediatric Providers.Poster presented at the virtual Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Linneman, N. G., Lang, A. C., Igler, E., Drendel, A., Brimeyer, C., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March). Physician-generated explanations of psychogenic causes of pain. Poster presented at the virtual Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Hinojosa, J. T., Lang, A. C., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March 19–20). Differential impact of chronic health condition type on grit in emerging adults [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, United States.

Lu, Y., Lang, A. C., Mersky, J. P., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March 19–20). Associations between childhood adverse events and sleep in emerging adults [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, United States.

Zwick, S., Igler, E. C., Lang, A. C., Brimeyer, C. T., Drendel, A. L., & Davies, W. H. (2020, March 19–20). Impact of provider years of experience on reactions to a standardized pediatric headache presentation [Poster presentation]. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, United States.

Lang, A. C., Naftaly, J., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2019, August 8–11). Health competence as a predictor of satisfaction with life and health status in emerging adulthood [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

*Michlig, J. R., Lang, A. C., & Davies, W. H. (2019, August). Associations between parenting styles and parent-child co-viewing on Youtube. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL.  

Linneman, N. G., Lang, A. C., Lim, P. S., Everhart, S. A., Davies, W. H., & Alderfer, M. A. (2019, August). Ethical challenges in using qualitative methods to improve pediatric clinical care. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL. 

Balistreri, K. A., Lim, P. S., Lang, A. C., Sejkora, E. K. D., Luke, A., Wilton, E. P., Flessner, C. A., Silverman, A. H., & Davies, W. H. (2019, August). Parenting style mediates the relationship between pediatric food allergy and internalizing symptoms. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL. 

Lang, A. C., Ankney, R. L., Berlin, K. S., & Davies, W. H. (2019, April). Development and validation of a short-form for the Parents as Social Context Questionnaire. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. 

Igler, E. C., Lang, A. C., Sejkora, E. K., Uihlein, J. & Davies, W. H. (April, 2019). Parental perception of dismissive provider-child interactions in chronic pain: The influence of provider gender. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.  

*McHugh, M., Linneman, L. G., Lang, A. C., Schwebel, D. C., Brown, B. B., & Davies, W. H. (2019, April). Downward trend in adolescent engagement in The Choking Game: Implications for risk prevention programs. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. 

Everhart, S. A., Gremillion, M. L., Lang, A. C., Davies, W. H., Weisman, S. J., & Hainsworth, K. R. (2019, April). Perceived barriers to physical activity engagement in adolescents with co-occurring chronic pain and obesity. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. 

Lang, A. C., Naftaly, J., Greenley, R., & Davies, W. H. (2019, August). Health competence as a predictor of satisfaction with life and health status in emerging adulthood. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL. 

Naftaly, J. P., Bugno, L. T., Lang, A. C., Igler, E. C., Davies, W. H., & Greenley, R. N. (2018, August). Correlates of provider communication about medication prescriptions in a young    adult sample. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.   

Lang, A. C., Naftaly, J. P., Greenley, R. N., & Davies, W. H. (2018, April). Impact of perceived health competence and current living situation on the quality of life of emerging adults with chronic health conditions. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Igler, E. C., Defenderfer, E. K., Lang, A. C., Brimeyer, C. T., Uihlein, J., & Davies, W. H. (2018, April). The association of stress and reaction to physician-generated pain dismissal. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.     

Lim, P. S., Lang, A. C., Davies, W. H. (2018, April). Parent ethical concerns regarding participation in qualitative research to improve the clinical care of their child. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. 

Carreon, S., Naftaly, J. P., Lang, A. C., Lim, P. S., Davies, W. H., & Greenley, R. N. (2018, April). The creation and utilization of clinical vignettes to induce outcome expectancies in emerging adults. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 

Naftaly, J. P., Neff Greenley, R., Lang, A. C., & Davies, W. H. (2017, August). Emerging adults with chronic medical conditions: Ongoing research and dissemination barriers. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.  

Lang, A. C., Igler, E. C., Defenderfer, E. K., Uihlein, J., Davies, W. H., & Brimeyer, C. (2017, March). Reactions to different physician pain dismissal topographies. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 

Bugno, L., Plevinsky, J., Carreon, S., Igler, E., Davies, W. H., & Greenley, R. (2017, April). An analysis of provider-patient communication about medication prescriptions using the CAMP-AYA. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 

Defenderfer, E. K., Igler, E. C., Austin, J. E., & Davies, W. H. (2017, April). Parent compliance with AAP toilet training recommendations and the role of primary care providers. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 

Igler, E. C., Defenderfer, E. K., Plevinksy, J. M., Greenley, R. N., Bugno, L. T., & Davies, W. H. (2017, April). Development and psychometric properties of the communication about medication by providers – parent (CAMP-P) version. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology 2017 Annual Conference, Portland, OR 

Sowinski, B., Igler, E. C., Austin, J., Defenderfer, E. K., & Davies, W. H. (2017, April). Healthy friends’ acceptance of a potential standardized message to promote social support for children diagnosed with a chronic illness. Poster presented at Society of Pediatric Psychology 2017 Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. 

Igler, E. C., Defenderfer, E. K., Lang, A. C., Uihlein, J., & Davies, W. H. (2017, March). Gender differences in the experience of perceived pain dismissal in adolescence. Poster presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI. 


Recent Regional Conference Presentations

Lang, A. C., *Michlig, J. R., Chesley, N., Luo, J., Davies, W. H. (2018, April). Parental reactions to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ media use recommendations for preschoolers. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.



Bolding indicated current or past doctoral or master’s students.

Asterisk (*) indicates current or past undergraduate research assistants.

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