Title: Improving the Use of the Electronic Health Record
Name: Margaret Schommer
Primary Presenters: Margaret D Schommer
College of Nursing
Clinical Doctorate
Faculty Sponsor(s): Dr. Carol Klingbiel
The Electronic Health Record (EHR) mandate was implemented in 2009 under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) with the purpose of providing better patient outcomes. Since implementation, providers (physicians, physicians assistants and nurse practitioners) are experiencing more frustration with the EHR, resulting in burnout, early retirement or reduction of hours. The healthcare organization where this Quality Improvement (QI) study is taking place has recognized the problems that the EHR poses to providers and a committee has been formed to remedy these problems. An initial survey indicated education was a large part of the problem for the provider staff and was too technical and did not account for the current office workflow. Traditionally, education has been provided by the Hospital Informatics Technology Department (HIT). The purpose of this Doctorate of Nurse Practitioner QI project will be to design and implement provider taught education that will target key elements for improved provider efficiency and reduce time spent in the EHR. Time will be measured from a Signal data report, a feature which tracks time spent in Epic, the EHR used at the healthcare system. Time will be measured pre-implementation and areas of weakness will be identified. The provider-to-provider teaching will be developed, implemented and evaluated one month post and again at three months post implementation to assess the effectiveness of the education and will also measure time improvement for a group of eleven individual providers.
Congratulations on your presentation in the symposium!! Great job Peggy!
Dr. Klingbeil