Smartphone Addiction: A Concept Analysis

Title: Smartphone Addiction: A Concept Analysis
Name: imteyaz eljarrah
Primary Presenters: Imteyaz Eljarrah
College of Nursing
Research Doctorate (PhD)
Faculty Sponsor(s): NA

Background: Smartphone addiction is a recent phenomenon that has coincided with mobile phone overuse during the COVID-19 outbreak. This overuse is linked to diverse physical, psychological, and social problems. While most of the nursing studies have focused on assessments of smartphone addiction among nursing students non has been conducted among patients. Also, there was confusion between Smartphone addiction, Smartphone dependency, mobile phone addiction, social networking overuse, and Internet addiction in the previous literature.
Purpose: to increase understanding of Smartphone addiction to offer a definition that officially guides nurses to identify smartphone addicts.
Methods: This analysis is drawn from qualitative and quantitative research articles published 5 years ago. Five databases were used which include Science Direct, Wiley library, PubMed, SAGE journals, and PLOS databases. The Walker and Avant (2011) method is used to analyzing the concept. This method offers a clear definition of Smartphone addiction in terms of attributes, model cases, antecedents, and consequences.
Results: a review of the literature and selected empirical referents indicated that Smartphone addiction is a complex concept that can be conceptualized in 3 attributes which include (1) compulsive use, (2) maladaptive behaviors, (3) and daily life disturbance. This phenomenon is a prerequisite by personal feelings, personal characteristics, and Smartphone features. Also, it has physical, psychological, and emotional consequences.
Conclusions: nurses must be able to recognize and understand smartphone addiction in terms of its characteristics, antecedents, and consequences. A model case can be used as an exemplar to clinically define smartphone addicts. Future evidence should offer clear definitions of Smartphone addiction among different age groups. Also, children and pregnant women should not be ignored.
Keywords: A combination of “Addiction” and “Smartphones”, “mobile phones”, and “technology”.

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