Current Lab Members
Anna Kryshak. MS Student. Trophic linkage between benthic algae and benthic macroinvertebrates.
Karen Baumann. PhD Student. Dreissenid mussel effects on profundal sediment-water nutrient and carbon flux.
Rachel Smith. PhD Student. Kinetics of phosphorus adsorption / desorption during sediment resuspension events.
Lab Alumni
Tyler Kunze. MS Student. Benthic algal ecology. Current position: Water Resource Specialist, Portage County, WI.
Jean Jacques Bagalwa. PhD student (Makerere Univerisity, Uganda). Atmosspheric deposition chemistry, Lake Kivu. Current position: Researcher, Université Evangélique en Afrique, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Caroline Mosley. MS Student. Grazing and nutrient recycling by profundal quagga mussels. Current position: Communications Coordinator, University of Arizona, Department of Environmental Science.
Kathryn Johncock. Professional MS Student and lab/field technician. Current position: Physical scientist, U.S. Geological Survey.