Synergistic Activities & Service
- Broader Impacts, Outreach, and other Synergistic Activities:
- Mentor, Natural Science Scholars;
- Undergraduate Faculty Advisor Physics Dept (05-07);
- Science Bag – Popular Science Lectures for the broader Milwaukee Community produced as DVD (2008);
- Mentor, Research Experiences for High School Teachers (RET);
- Mentor, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU);
- Mentor, Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP) Program;
- Mentor, SURF program for undergraduate research interns;
- Mentor, high school research participants;
- Design of new teaching laboratory for non-Physics majors;
- Design of new courses: Freshman Scholars’ Seminar for non-Science majors;
- Undergraduate Physics seminar series coordinator;
- UWM Center Scholar in the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning;
- UW System Teaching Scholar;
- Instructor, High School Scholars in Biomedical Sciences Summer Program;
- Invited Panelist and Presenter: Critical Thinking in the Sciences: Beyond Teaching Series.
- Committee Service: UWM Campus
- Senator, UWM Faculty Senate;
- Chair, UWM Research Policy Committee (click for Report to the UWM Faculty Senate);
- Member, Divisional Executive Committee for the Natural Sciences;
- Member, UWM Master Planning Steering Committee;
- Member, UWM Master Planning Coordinating Committee;
- Member, Graduate School Working Group;
- Panelist, UWM General Education Task Force;
- Mentor and co-PI, COMPASS: Scholarships for Undergraduates in the Sciences
- Author: “Dialogues in Diversity” UWM Task Force on the Status of Women.
- Advisory Board Member: Edison Initiative;
- Committee Service: Physics Department
- Undergraduate Advisor, Physics Department (2004-06): Advising of advanced undergraduates’ coursework, graduate school plans and research participation. Represent Physics Dept on undergraduate issues.
- Chair, Physics Colloquium Series (2003-06).
- Supervisor L&S Machine Shop (2001-05) and Chair of Shop Committee (2001-): Supervision of Machinists and other technicians (2001-2004), replacement of machinists and hiring of two new machinists (2003), overall responsibility for pace of work at the shop, interface with faculty users, establishment of rules for shop users and machinists, scheduling.
- Chair, Physics Safety Committee (2000-2002); member (2003-04; 06-): Responsible for new initiative and initial request for funding to improve ductwork and flow hoods in the Physics Building (funded in 2004, and work to be completed in Fall 2005) in response to concerns from Physics department members about quality of air in the Physics Building.
- ad-hoc Physics Building Committee (2000- present): Worked with committee to chalk out plans for new Physics Building.
- Undergraduate Laboratory Committee ad-hoc Lab Remodernization proposals (2001- present): Submitted successful funding request for upper division Lab 409 (2001), which is currently continuously supported and has resulted in an extremely well-equipped teaching lab. Worked with committees to modernize lower-division undergraduate labs, currently funded. In 2005 worked with current chair of this committee to produce a new proposal jointly requesting funds for computer lab and undergrad labs.
- Member, Graduate Financial Committee (2003-04): (With Gajdardziska-Josifovska) helped establish the first round of STS and Chancellors’ Fellowships to increase physics graduate student stipends.
- Chair, Graduate Recruitment Committee (2000-03).
- Physics Undergraduate Committee (2001-04): Adopt textbooks, attend to other all issues such as course descriptions, student requests.
- Review of Physics Department: ad hoc; Responsible (as undergraduate advisor) for writing a large part of the portion for undergraduate program. Also wrote and edited several other parts regarding graduate teaching and research.
- Mentor, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) NSF site and Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) NSF site: Participated in the writing of the proposal to the NSF for an REU (later REU/RET) site at the Department of Physics. Helped with recruitment and mentored a large fraction of interns entering the department. Mentor to seven (7) REU interns and three (3) RET research interns through Physics Dept NSF sites.