Born: Perth, Australia…. a while ago now!
Citizenship: Australian and American dual-citizen
Contact Details
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lapham Hall 593
3209 N Maryland Ave
Milwaukee,WI 53211 USA
Phone: 414 229-3257
FAX: 414 229-3926
Formal Education
BS Botany Major (Distinction), University of Western Australia, 1985-1987.
BS Honours (First Class), Plant Biochemistry, University of Western Australia 1988. Thesis: An Immunological Approach to the Study of Gene Expression in the Nodules of Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.
PhD Biological Sciences, Monash University. 1999. Thesis: Interactions between Photosynthetic Carbon and Nitrogen Acquisition in the Marine Microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher.
Postdoctoral Research, Queen’s University of Belfast. 1999-2002. Nitrogen physiology of marine intertidal macroalgae.
Positions Held
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, October 2002 – present.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, October 1999- September 2002. Environmental regulation of nitrate reductase in brown macroalgae.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept Biological Sciences, Monash University, January – August 1999. Role of trace metals in inorganic carbon acquisition by microalgae.
Teaching Assistant, Monash University August 1994 – December 1998. Teaching all levels of biology and plant sciences.
Field Research Assistant, Dept. Botany, University of Western Australia, November 1993 – February 1994. Ecology of seagrass and epiphyte communities under eutrophication.
Research Assistant, Dept Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, School Agriculture, University of Western Australia, 1993. CHN analytical techniques for crop plants.
Research Assistant volunteer, Thalassa AB, algal biotechnology company. Uppsala, Sweden, September – November 1992. B.O.D. analysis and algal photosynthesis for ecotoxicological testing.
Research Assistant, Institute for Physiological Botany, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 1990 – July 1992. Establishing techniques for in situ RNA hybridization in cyanobacteria and mouse tissue.
Research Assistant, Dept. Botany, University of Western Australia, January 1989 – May 1990. Biochemistry and molecular regulation of legume-rhizobium symbioses.
Honors and Awards
1986 Maurice Buchan Prize in Botany, University of Western Australia.
1987 W.E. Blackall prize for Botany, University of Western Australia.
1994-7 Monash University post-graduate scholarship
1996 Monash University Travel Scholarship
2004 Elected to Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society