
Marshall Lev Dermer, Associate Professor Emeritus
Personal Data / Contact

Born:  1946 in Chicago, Illinois

Home Address:  3029 N. Stowell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Office Address:  Garland 224 / Department of Psychology/

   UWM/Milwaukee, WI 53201


Professional Website:

Personal Website:

Educational History

1964-1967:   B.A. University of Illinois at Chicago

SSSSSSSSSSSMajor: Psychology  Minor: Mathematics

1967-1973:    Ph.D. University of Minnesota,

SSSSSSSSSSSMajor: Psychology Minor: Statistics

Professional Experience

1973-1979:  Assistant Prof. Dept of Psychology, UW-Milwaukee

1979-2014:  Associate Prof. Dept of Psychology, UW-Milwaukee

2014:           Associate Prof. Emeritus

Professional Affiliations

American Psychological Association
Association for Behavior Analysis International

Academic Interests

Affectionate Behavior
Verbal Behavior
Conditioning and Learning
Research Methods
Instructional Design/Precision Teaching/Fluency Training


Wyer, R. S., & Dermer, M. (1968). Effect of context and instructional set upon the evaluation of personality-trait adjectives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9, 7-14. Article

Dermer, M., & Berscheid, E. (1972). Self-report of arousal as an indicant of activation level. Behavioral Science, 1972, 17, 420-429.

Berscheid, E., Baron, R. S., Dermer, M., & Libman, M. (1973). Anticipating informed consent: An empirical approach. American Psychologist, 28, 913-925. Article

Dermer, M., & Thiel, D. (1975). When beauty may fail. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 1168-1176. Article

Berscheid, E., Graziano, W., Monson, T., & Dermer, M. (1976). Outcome dependency: Attention, attribution, and attraction.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34, 978-989. Article

Mita, T. H., Dermer, M., & Knight, J. (1977). Reversed facial images and the mere-exposure hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35, 597-601. Article

Dermer, M., & Pyszczynski, T. A. (1978). The effects of erotica upon men’s loving and liking responses for women they love. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 1302-1309. Article

Dermer, M. Cohen, S. J., Jacobsen, E., & Anderson, E. A. (1979). Evaluative judgments of aspects of life as a function of vicarious exposure to hedonic extremes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 247-260. Article

Dermer, M., & Jacobsen, E. (1986). Some potential negative social consequences of cigarette smoking: Marketing research in reverse. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16, 702-725. Article

Dermer, M. L. (1992). Enhancing personal satisfaction, professional success, and the quality of science–providing frank advice. Journal of College Science Teaching, 21, 200-201. Article

Dermer, M. L. (1993). An insider’s guide to choosing a graduate adviser and  research projects in laboratory sciences. The Journal of Chemical Education, 70, 303-306. Article

Dermer, M. L. (1993). An insider’s guide to choosing a graduate adviser and research projects in laboratory sciences. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 1993, 11, 7-11. (Invited revision of article above.)

Dermer, M. L., & Rodgers, J. G. (1997). Schedule control over following instructions comprised of novel combinations of verbal stimuli. Psychological Record, 47, 243-260.  Article

Dermer, M.L (1999). Fluency training for Hebrew, Judaica like aerobics for the mind. Jewish Heartland, August /September, 13, 36. Article

Dermer, M. L., & Hoch, T. A. (1999). Improving depictions of single-subject experiments in research texts written for undergraduates. Psychological Record, 49, 49-66. Article The study guide for the above article is:

Dermer, M. L. (2006) Study questions for “Improving Descriptions of Single-Subject Experiments in Research Methods Texts Written for Undergraduates.” Study Questions

Dermer, M. L. (2000). CHAINS: A QuickBASIC 4.5 program for studying variables affecting human learning. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, 18, 23-27. Article

Dermer, M. L. (2004). Using CHAINS,a QuickBASIC 4.5 program, to teach single-subject experimentation with humans. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 285-288. Article

Dermer, M. L. (2006). Towards understanding the meaning of affectionate verbal behavior; Towards creating romantic loving. The Behavior Analyst Today, 7, 452-480. Article

Dermer, M. L. (2007, Fall). Choosing the right graduate advisor. SHPE Magazine, 62-63. Article

Dermer, M. L., Lopez, S., & Messling, III, P. A. (2009). Fluency training a writing skill: Editing for concision. Psychological Record, 59, 3-20. Article

Messling, III. P. A., & Dermer, M. L. (2010) Increasing students’ attendance at lecture and preparation for lecture by allowing students to use their notes during tests. The Behavior Analyst Today, 10, 381-390. Article

Dermer, N. S., Dermer, M. L., & Trejo, D. M. (2014). IncChains: A program written in Visual Basic® 2010 for studying variables affecting human learning. The Behavior Analyst Today, 14(1-2), 26-30. Article Resources for this article, including software, can be found here.

Presentations, Unpublished Manuscripts, Podcasts, & Mass Media

Baron, A., & Dermer, M. (1982, May). The experimental analysis of behavior program at UWM. Paper presented as part of an invited symposium, Don Hake, Chair, Association for Behavior Analysis.

Dermer, M. (1985, May). A radical behaviorist looks at love and other affectionate behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Columbus, OH.

Dermer, M. L. (1988). Creating faith in weather forecasters and the existence of God. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Manuscript

Dermer, M. L. (1991, August). Choosing a graduate adviser and research projects in psychology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Dermer, M. L. (1994). Using elementary behaviorism to understand and create romantic love. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Article

Dermer, M. L. (1995; 2005). Learning to work. Unpublished manuscript,Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Manuscript


You’ve Gotta Get Lange Gatkes mp3 file.

Kirsch, C. A., & Dermer, M. L. (2007, May). Fluency training the declension of German articles. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.

Rich, A., Para-Cremer, J., Kanter, J. W., & Dermer, M. L. (2009, May). Paint in black: Effects of fluency training on inner and public behaviors. In J. Para-Cremer (Chair), With a Rebel Yell: Addressing Destructive Behaviors in Disenfranchised Young Adults Through ABA Strategies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Phoenix, AZ.

Trejo, D. M., & Dermer, M. L. (2010, May). Do stimulant medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder enhance learning? A test of the Incremental Repeated Acquisition of Responses Procedure with adults who benefit from medication, San Antonio, TX.

Dermer, M. L. (2011). Defining behavior (from the standpoint of behavior analysis). Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Manuscript

Dermer, M. L. (2011, December 12). Defining behavior (from the standpoint of behavior analysis) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Dermer, M. L. (2015, February 3). Not just on Valentine’s Day. URL

Dermer, M. L. (2016, December).  Improving the Style of Your Technical Writing by Editing Sentences. Presented at the colloquium series of the behavior analysis program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Power Point

Dermer, M. L. (2017, March 15).  Dermer: Let’s figure out how to teach our students to write again. Retrieved from  Article

Dermer, M. L. (????).  Editing sentences for psychologists. Site  (I worked for a semester on this resource but did not complete it. It focuses on providing students with practice at editing wordy sentences and forming strong thematic links between sentences. It is an extension of the work of the late Joseph M. Williams. )

Courses Taught

Area: Conditioning and Learning

Applied Behavior Analysis
Introduction to Behavior Analysis
Conditioning and Learning of Social Behavior
Skinner, Psychology, and Society

Area: Research Methods

Introductory Statistics
Seminar in Evaluation Research
Single-Subject Research Methods

Area: Social Psychology

Social Behavior
Social Behavior Theories
Seminar in Interpersonal Attraction
Seminar in Social Psychology

Area: Writing

Seminar on Writing in Psychology