Wei Xu (Ph.d. 2019), “Socio-spatial disparities in dementia mortality in the United States”.
Yingbin Deng (Ph.d. 2018), “Uncertainty analysis of spectral mixture analysis of remote sensing imagery”.
Yang Song (Ph.d. 2018), “Examining human heat stress with remote sensing technologies”.
Haijian Liu, (Ph.d. 2017), “Ash tree identification based on the integration of hyperspectral imagery and high density Lidar data”.
I-Hui Lin, (Ph.d. 2016), “Hedonic price model and spatial modeling for analyzing urban park system” (currently research associate, Milwaukee Area Technical College).
Wenliang Li, (Ph.d. 2016), “Large-scale urban impervious surface estimation through incorporating temporal and spatial information into spectral mixture analysis” (currently assistant professor at University of North Carolina Greensboro)
Chengbin Deng (Ph.d. 2013), “Small-area population estimation: an integration of demographic and geographic techniques” (currently associate professor, Department of Geography, SUNY-Binghamton)
Rama Mohapatra (Ph.d. 2011), “Monitoring and Modeling Urban Growth Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies” (currently associate professor, Department of Geography, Minnesota State University)
Greg Rybarczyk (Ph.d. 2010), “Bicycle Travel Demand Forecasting Using Geographic Information Systems and Agent Based Modeling”, (currently associate professor, Department of Geography, University of Michigan – Flint)
Rashi Sharma (Ph.d. 2009), “Housing Submarkets: A Spatio-temporal Analysis”, (Currently director of Trusanga Educational Services Pvt. Ltd.)
Stephen W. Mauel (MS, 2008) “GIS, GPS, and the USDA Soils Maps: Mapping the Jordan / Prairie Du Chien Contact in Southwestern Wisconsin”, (Currently GIS specialist, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)