2019 Wei Fan, Changshan Wu*, and Jin Wang, “Improving impervious surface estimation by using remote sensed imagery combined with open street map points-of-interest (POI) data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, In Press
2019 Yingbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, Examining the effectiveness of spectrally transformed SMA in urban environments, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, In Press.
2019 Yingbin Deng, Changshan Wu*, Xin Zhang, and Xiuping Jia. “Examining the effectiveness of weighted spectral mixture analysis (WSMA) in urban environments.” International Journal of Remote Sensing 40, no. 8: 3055-3075.
2019 Bahram Khazaei, Sina Khatami, Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, Lida Rashidi, Changshan Wu, Kaveh Madani, Zahra Kalantari, Georgia Destouni, and Amir Aghakouchak.”Climatic or regionally induced by humans? Tracing hydro-climatic and land-use changes to better understand the Lake Urmia tragedy.” Journal of Hydrology 569: 203-217.
2018 Haijian Liu and Changshan Wu* “Incorporating crown shape information for identifying ash tree species.” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 84, no. 8: 495-503.
2018 Haijian Liu and Changshan Wu*. “Crown-level tree species classification from AISA hyperspectral imagery using an innovative pixel-weighting approach.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 68 (2018): 298-307.
2018 Wei Xu and Changshan Wu*. “Detecting spatiotemporal clusters of dementia mortality in the United States, 2000–2010.” Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 27: 11-20.
2018 Yang Song, Changshan Wu*, Examining human heat stress with remote sensing technology, GIScience & Remote Sensing 55 (1), 19-37
2018 Xiaodong Na, Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu*, Ying Tian, Wenliang Li, Hydrological Regime Monitoring and Mapping of the Zhalong Wetland through Integrating Time Series Radarsat-2 and Landsat Imagery, Remote Sensing 10 (5), 702
2018 Xiaodong Na, Haitao Zhou, Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu*, Wenliang Li, and Miao Li. “Maximum Entropy modeling for habitat suitability assessment of Red-crowned crane.” Ecological Indicators 91 (2018): 439-446.
2018 Jike Chen, Peijun Du*, Changshan Wu, Junshi Xia, and Jocelyn Chanussot. “Mapping urban land cover of a large area using multiple sensors multiple features.” Remote Sensing 10, no. 6 (2018): 872.
2018 Wenliang Li, Changshan Wu, and Woonsup Choi. “Predicting future urban impervious surface distribution using cellular automata and regression analysis.” Earth Science Informatics 11, no. 1: 19-29.
2018 Jin Wang, Zhifeng Wu*, Changshan Wu, Zheng Cao, Wei Fan, Paul Tarolli, Improving impervious surface estimation: an integrated method of classification and regression trees (CART) and linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) based on error analysis, GIScience & Remote Sensing 55 (4), 583-603
2018 Miao Li, Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu, Xiaodong Na, Spatial and temporal variation of the urban impervious surface and its driving forces in the central city of Harbin, Journal of Geographical Sciences 28 (3), 323-336
2018 Xiang Xu, Jun Li*, Changshan Wu, Antonio Plaza, Regional clustering-based spatial preprocessing for hyperspectral unmixing, Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 333-346
2018 Lin Bai, Cuizhen Wang, Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu, Jinming Luo, and Yuexiang Wu. “Mapping Soil Alkalinity and Salinity in Northern Songnen Plain, China with the HJ-1 Hyperspectral Imager Data and Partial Least Squares Regression.” Sensors 18, no. 11: 3855.
2018 Changyu Zhu, Jun Li*, Shaoquan Zhang, Changshan Wu, Bing Zhang, Lianru Gao, and Antonio Plaza. “Impervious surface extraction from multispectral images via morphological attribute profiles based on spectral analysis.” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11, no. 12 (2018): 4775-4790.
2017 Li, Wenliang, and Changshan Wu*. “A geographic information-assisted temporal mixture analysis for addressing the issue of endmember class and endmember spectra variability.” Sensors 17, no. 3 (2017): 624.
2017 Choi, Woonsup, Feng Pan, and Changshan Wu. “Impacts of climate change and urban growth on the streamflow of the Milwaukee River (Wisconsin, USA).” Regional Environmental Change 17, no. 3 (2017): 889-899.
2017 Jiang, Changbo, Yizhuang Liu, Yuannan Long, and Changshan Wu. “Estimation of Residence Time and Transport Trajectory in Tieshangang Bay, China.” Water 9, no. 5 (2017): 321.
2016 Liu, Haijian, and Changshan Wu*. “Tree Crown width estimation, using discrete airborne LiDAR data.” Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 42, no. 5 (2016): 610-618.
2016 Yang Song and Changshan Wu*, Examining the impact of urban biophysical composition and neighboring environment on surface urban heat island effect, Advances in Space Research, 57 (1), 96-109.
2016 Wenliang Li and Changshan Wu*, A geostatistical temporal mixture analysis approach to address endmember variability for estimating regional impervious surface distributions, GIScience & Remote Sensing Vol. 53 (1), 102-121.
2016 Deng, Yingbin, and Changshan Wu*, Development of a Class-Based Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (C-MESMA) Approach for Analyzing Urban Environments. Remote Sensing 8, no. 4 (2016): 349.
2016 Long, Yuannan, Changshan Wu*, Changbo Jiang, Shixiong Hu, and Yizhuang Liu. “Simulating the Impacts of an Upstream Dam on Pollutant Transport: A Case Study on the Xiangjiang River, China.” Water 8, no. 11 (2016): 516.
2015 Yingbin Deng, Changshan Wu*, Miao Li, Renrong Chen, RNDSI: A ratio normalized difference soil index for remote sensing of urban/suburban environments, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 39, 40-48.
2015 Cheng Zhong, Cuizhen Wang* and Changshan Wu, MODIS-Based Fractional Crop Mapping in the U.S. Midwest with Spatially Constrained Phenological Mixture Analysis, Remote Sensing, 7 (1), 512-529.
2015 Wenliang Li and Changshan Wu*, Incorporating land use land cover probability information into endmember class selections for temporal mixture analysis, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 101, 163-173.
2015 Rama Mohapatra and Changshan Wu, Modeling Urban Growth at a Micro level: a Panel Data Analysis, International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6, 36-52.
2015 Shanshan Li, Man Peng, Changshan Wu, Xuxiang Feng, Yeiwei Wu, Optimal selection of GCPs from Global Land Survey 2005 for precision geometric correction of Landsat-8 imagery, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 48, 303-318.
2015 Miao Li, Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu, Yingbin Deng, Segmentation-based and rule-based spectral mixture analysis for estimating urban imperviousness, Advances in Space Research, 55, 1307-1315.
2014 Changshan Wu, Chengbin Deng, and Xiuping Jia, Spatially-constrained multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis for quantifying sub-pixel urban impervious surfaces, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 7, 1976-1984.
2014 Wenliang Li, Changshan Wu*, Shuying Zang, Modeling urban land use conversion of Daqing City, China: a comparative analysis of stochastic cellular automata and CLUE-S models, Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, 28, 817-828.
2014 Greg Rybarcyzk and Changshan Wu, Examining the impact of urban morphology on bicycle mode choice, Environment and Planning B, 41 (2), 272-288.
2014 Wenliang Li and Changshan Wu*, Phenology-based temporal mixture analysis for estimating large-scale impervious surface distributions, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (2), 779-795.
2014 Dehua Mao, Zongming Wang, Changshan Wu, Chunhua Zhang and Chunying Ren, Topsoil carbon stock dynamics in the Songnen Plain of Northeast China from 1980 to 2010, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23 – No 2a.
2014 Haitao Zhao, Bing Zhang*, Changshan Wu, Zhengli Zuo, Zhengchao Chen, Jiantao Bi, Direct georeferencing of oblique and vertical imagery in different coordinate systems, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 95, 122-133.
2014 Miao Li, Shuying Zang, Bing Zhang, Shanshan Li, Changshan Wu*, A Review of Remote Sensing Image Classification Techniques: the Role of Spatio-contextual Information, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 47, 389-411.
2014 Miao Li, Shuying Zang*, Haifeng Xiao, and Changshan Wu, Speciation and distribution characteristics of heavy metals and pollution assessments in the sediments of Nashina Lake, Heilongjiang, China, Ecotoxicology, 23 (4), 681-688.
2014 Dehua Mao, Zongming Wang, Changshan Wu, Chunying Ren, Examining forest net primary productivity dynamics and climatic factors in Northeast China from 1982 to 2010, Chinese Geographical Science, 24 (6), 631-646.
2013 I-Hui Lin, Changshan Wu*, and Chris De Sousa, Examining the economic impact of park facilities on neighboring residential property values, Applied Geography, 45, 322-331.
2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, The use of single-date MODIS imagery for estimating large-scale urban impervious surface fraction with spectral mixture analysis and machine learning techniques, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 86, 100-110.
2013 Wenliang Li and Changshan Wu*, A spatially explicit method to examine the impact of urbanization on natural ecosystem service values, Journal of Spatial Science, 58, 275-289.
2013 Lianru Gao, Bing Zhang, Xu Sun, Shanshan Li, Qian Du, and Changshan Wu, Optimized maximum noise fraction for dimensionality reduction of Chinese HJ-1A hyperspectral data, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 65, doi:10.1186/1687-6180-2013-65
2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, A spatially adaptive spectral mixture analysis method for mapping subpixel impervious surface distribution, Remote Sensing of Environment, 133, 62-70.
2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, Estimating very high resolution land surface temperature using a spectral unmixing and thermal mixing approach, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 23, 155-164.
2013 Bing Zhang, Shanshan Li, Changshan Wu, Lianru Gao, Wenjuan Zhang, Man Peng, A neighbourhood-constrained k-means approach to classify very high spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery, Remote Sensing Letters, 4, 161-170.
2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, Improving Small-area Population Estimation: an Integrated Geographic and Demographic Approach, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103, 1123-1141.
2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, Examining the impacts of urban biophysical compositions on surface urban heat island: a spectral unmixing and thermal mixing approach, Remote Sensing of Environment, 131, 262-274.
2013 Haotao Zhao, Bing Zhang, Changshan Wu, Zengli Zuo, and Zhengchao Chen, Development of a Coordinate Transformation Method for Direct Georeferencing in Map Projection Frames, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 77, 94-103.
2012 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu*, BCI: a Biophysical Composition Index for Remote Sensing of Urban Environments, Remote Sensing of Environment, 127, 247-259.
2012 Changshan Wu, Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis: Software Tools, Methods and Applications, Journal of Regional Science, 52 (2), 386-387.
2012 Changshan Wu and Rashi Sharma, Housing Submarket Classification: the Role of Spatial Contiguity, Applied Geography, 32 (2), 746-756.
2011 Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu, Xiaodong Na, Impact of Urbanization on Natural Ecosystem Service Values: a Comparative Study, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 179:575–588.
2011 Wanhui Yu, Shuying Zang, Changshan Wu, Wen Liu, Xiaodong Na, Analyzing and modeling land use land cover change (LUCC) in the Daqing city, China, Applied Geography, 31 (2), 600-608.
2010 Le Wang and Changshan Wu, Population estimation using remote sensing and GIS technologies, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31 (21), 5569-5570.
2010 Jose L. Silvan-Cardenas, Le Wang, Peter Rogerson, Changshan Wu, Tiantian Feng, and Benjamin D. Kamphaus, Assessing fine spatial resolution remote sensing for small area population estimation,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 5605-5634.
2010 Chengbing Deng, Changshan Wu*, and Le Wang, Improving Housing Unit Method for Small Area Population Estimation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Information, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 5673- 5688.
2010 Rama P. Mohapatra and Changshan Wu, High Resolution Impervious Surface Estimation: an Integration of IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ Imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 76 (12), 1329-1341.
2010 Greg Rybarczyk and Changshan Wu, Bicycle Facility Planning Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Applied Geography, 30 (2), 282-293.
2009 Changshan Wu, Quantifying high-resolution impervious surfaces using spectral mixture analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (11), 2915 – 2932.
2009 Chris De Sousa, Changshan Wu, and Lynne M. Westphal, Assessing the Effect of Publicly-Assisted Brownfields Redevelopment on Surrounding Property Values, Economic Development Quarterly, 23, 2, 95-110.
2008 Fei Yuan, Changshan Wu, and Marvin Bauer, Comparison of various spectral analysis techniques for impervious surface estimation using Landsat imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 74 (8), 1045-1055.
2007 Danlin Yu, Dennis Wei, and Changshan Wu, Modeling spatial dimensions of housing prices in Milwaukee, Environment and Planning B 34(6) 1085 – 1102
2007 Changshan Wu and Fei Yuan, Seasonal sensitivity analysis of impervious surface estimation with satellite imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73 (12), 1393-1402.
2007 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, Population estimation using Landsat ETM+ imagery, Geographical Analysis, 39 (1): 26-43.
2006 Danlin Yu and Changshan Wu, Incorporating Remote Sensing Information in Modeling House Values: A Regression Tree Approach, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 72, 2, 129-138.
2005 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, A cokriging method for estimating population density in urban areas, Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 29, 558-579.
2005 Min Wu, Tian Zhao, and Changshan Wu, Public health data collection and sharing using HIPAA messages, Journal of Medical Systems, 29, 303-316.
2005 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, Optimizing public transit quality and system access: the multiple route maximal covering/shortest path problem, Environment and Planning B, 32, 163-178.
2004 Danlin Yu and Changshan Wu, Understanding population segregation from Landsat ETM+ imagery: a geographically weighted regression approach, GIScience and Remote Sensing, 41 (3), 187-206.
2004 Changshan Wu, Normalized spectral mixture analysis for monitoring urban composition using ETM+ imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 93 (4), 480-492.
2003 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, Estimating impervious surface distribution by spectral mixture analysis, Remote Sensing of Environment, 84, 493-505.