Research Projects
Estimating urban impervious surface distribution in Wisconsin using spatiotemporal analysis, PI, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduate School, May 2014-June 2016, $15,000.
Impacts of climatic and land use changes on streamflow and water quality in the Milwaukee River basin, co-PI (PI: Choi, W), WI Groundwater Coordinating Council, United States Geological Survey, March 2013 – August 2014, $78,556.
Urban Impervious Surface Estimation using Remote Sensing Techniques: a Simulation Approach, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative, PI, July 2012 – Dec 2013, $66,344.
Collaborative research: improving small area population estimation with high resolution remote sensing (with Dr. Le Wang from SUNY at Buffalo and Dr. Frederick Day from Texas State University – San Marcos), National Science Foundation, August 2008 – Jan 2012, $50,213.
GIS analysis of the Milwaukee and Menomonee Rivers: pathogen concentrations and correlations, Center for Urban Population Health, Co-PI, June 2008 – May 2009, (PI: Dr. Robert Burlage from School of Health, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), $21,049.
A GIS approach to waterborne infectious disease: cryptosporidium, Center for Urban Population Health, Co-PI, 5/21/07-5/25/08, (PI: Dr. Robert Burlage from School of Health, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), $30,334.
Impervious Surface estimation using IKONOS imagery, Research Infrastructure Program, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium, PI, June 2005 – June 2006, $4,000
Assessing the impact of brownfields redevelopment on Residential property values and real estate conditions, US Forest Service, North Central Research Station, Co-PI, September 2005 – March 2007, (PI: Dr. Chris DeSousa from Department of Geography at UWM), $51,849
Understanding Lyme Disease and Environmental Relationships in Wisconsin – A remote sensing and GIS approach, The Graduate School Research Committee Awards, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, PI, September 2005 – June 2006, $14,527