Provisional Patent Application, Inventors: Campbell-Kyureghyan, Campbell, Dix, Johnson, Narlow, Church. Gas Utility Wrench, UW-Milwaukee Research Foundation. Filed March 19, 2013.
Rane, Kaustubh, Swaroop Behera, Amir Kordijazi, Ajay Kumar, Benjamin Church, Rathindra Dasgupta, and Pradeep Rohatgi. “Residual Stress, Adhesion, Hardness, and Corrosion Resistance of Surface Alloyed Layer Formed during Sand Casting of Mild Steel.”
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 32, no. 11 (June 1, 2023): 4823–33.
Haider, Muhammad Istiaque, Benjamin Church, and Nathan Salowitz. “Evaluation of Interface Strength and Failure Between Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory-Alloy Wire and Bismuth-Tin Matrix for the Design of Self-Healing Composites.” American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection, 2023.
Chai, Andy, Keagan Schmidt, Gregory Brewster, Lu Shi Peng Xiong, Benjamin Church, Timothy Wahl, Hamed Sadabadi, Subha Kumpaty, and Wujie Zhang. “Design of Pectin-Based Hydrogel Microspheres for Targeted Pulmonary Delivery.”
Gels 9, no. 9 (September 2023): 707.
Rohlwing, Andrew, Kaustubh Rane, Amir Kordijazi, David Weiss, Nick Sonnentag, Benjamin Church, and Pradeep Rohatgi. “Cast-In Inserts, Including MMC Inserts in Aluminum Compound Castings”. AFS Transactions 130, 2022.
Rane, Kaustubh, Swaroop Behera, Amir Kordijazi, Ajay Kumar, Benjamin Church, Rathindra Dasgupta, and Pradeep Rohatgi. “Residual Stress, Adhesion, Hardness, and Corrosion Resistance of Surface Alloyed Layer Formed during Sand Casting of Mild Steel.” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, October 3, 2022.
Al-Barqawi MO, Church B, Thevamaran M, et al (2022) “Experimental Validation and Evaluation of the Bending Properties of Additively Manufactured Metallic Cellular Scaffold Structures for Bone Tissue Engineering.”
Materials 15:3447.
Ortiz, Lizeth and Benjamin Church “Rate of coke formation of centrifugally cast austenitic chromia-forming and alumina-forming alloys in coking conditions.” June 24, 2021 Corrosion Science 109637.
Ortiz, Lizeth, Kao Yang, and Benjamin Church. “Performance of Alumina-Forming Alloys under Coking–Decoking Cycles.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, May 28, 2020.
Muralidharan, Govindarajan, Mike Howell, Margarita Petrova, Michael Brady, Yukinori Yamamoto, Roman Pankiw, Don Voke, Tim Wilson, Jim Myers, and Ben Church. “Development of Novel Alloys for Use in Ethylene Cracking Furnaces.” AIChE, 2020.
Nezafati, Marjan, Ali Bakhshinejad, Benjamin Church, and Pradeep Rohatgi. “Finite Element Analysis of Particle Pushing During Selective Laser Melting of AlSi10Mg/AlN Composites.” In TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, 339–46. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Li, Shengyi, and Benjamin C. Church. “Effects of Sulfate and Nitrate Anions on Aluminum Corrosion in Slightly Alkaline Solution.” Applied Surface Science 440 (May 15, 2018): 861–72.
Church, Benjamin C., and Nidal H. Abu-Zahra. “Improving the Senior Design Experience: A Stepwise Process with Aligned Benefits for Students and Faculty.” JOM 70, no. 8 (August 1, 2018): 1363–65.
Li S, Church BC (2017) Electrochemical stability of aluminum current collector in aqueous rechargeable lithium-ion battery electrolytes. J Appl Electrochem 47:839–853. doi: 10.1007/s10800-017-1081-2
Wanninayake AP, Church BC, Abu-Zahra N (2017) CuO NPs incorporated single and double junction polymer solar cells. Int J Nanoelectronics and Materials 10:137–146
Church, B., Ortiz Reyes, L.N., Prenzlow, E., Li, S.Y., dos Santos, B.L., and Erwin, B. “An Initial Evaluation of the Effect of Alloy Composition and Oxide Layer on High Temperature Coking Resistance of Heat Resistant Alloys”, Paper presented at NACE Corrosion 2016, NACE International, Houston, TX
Li SY, Church BC (2016) Effect of aqueous-based cathode slurry pH and immersion time on corrosion of aluminum current collector in lithium-ion batteries. Materials and Corrosion 67:978–987. doi: 10.1002/maco.201608843
Wanninayake AP, Church BC, Abu-Zahra N (2016) Plasmonic Effect of Au Nanoparticles in Enhancing Power Conversion Efficiency of ZnO Buffer Layer Assembled Organic Solar Cells. Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering 3:333–342. doi: 10.7569/JSEE.2016.629504
A. P. Wanninayake, S. Gunashekar, S. Li, B.C. Church, N. Abu-Zahra (2015) “Effect of Thermal Annealing on the Power Conversion Efficiency of CuO-Bulk Heterojunction P3HT/ PC70BM Solar Cells” Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering issue #2 (2015), Scrivener Publishing LLC, doi: 10.7569/JSEE.2014.629521
A.P. Wanninayake, S. Gunashekar, S. Li, B.C. Church, N.H. Abu-Zahra (2015) “CuO Nanoparticles Based Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Investigations on Morphology and Performance.” J Sol Energy Eng 137:031016–031016. doi: 10.1115/1.4029542
S. Gunashekar, K.M. Pillai, B.C. Church, N.H. Abu-Zahra (2015) “Liquid flow in polyurethane foams for filtration applications: a study on their characterization and permeability estimation.” J Porous Mater 1–11. doi: 10.1007/s10934-015-9948-2
A. Wanninayake, S. Gunashekar, S. Li, B. Church, N. Abu-Zahra, (2015) “Performance and Morphology Analysis of P3HT/PC70BM-CuO Nanoparticle Hybrid Solar Cells.” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. doi: 10.1115/1.4029542
A. Wanninayake, S. Gunashekar, S. Li, B. Church, and N.H Abu-Zahra . (2015) Performance enhancement of polymer solar cells using copper oxide nanoparticles. Semicond Sci Technol 30:064004. doi: 10.1088/0268-1242/30/6/064004
Y. Sheng, C.R. Fell, Y K Son, B.M. Metz, J. Jiang, B.C. Church (2014) “Effect of calendering on electrode wettability in lithium-ion batteries.” Frontiers in Energy Research 2, 56. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2014.00056
B.C. Church, D.T. Kaminski, J. Jiang (2014) “Corrosion of aluminum electrodes in aqueous slurries for lithium-ion batteries”.Journal of Materials Science vol . 49 issue 8 (2014) pp.3234-3241 (2014): Published Online / In-Press doi:10.1007/s10853-014-8028-3.
H.F. Lopez, H. Mendoza, and B. Church. “High-Temperature Oxidation Resistance of a Nanoceria Spray-Coated 316L Stainless Steel Under Short-Term Air Exposure.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (n.d.): 1–9. ‘Online First’/In Press October 2013. doi: 10.1007/s11661-013-2051-x.
S. Serna, M Miranda, A. Molina, B. Campillo, B. Church, H. Lopez.“Microalloyed Steel Crack Propagation Resistance due to Hydrogen and Static Stress Level Effects in Notched MWOL Specimens” 2012 International Hydrogen Conference, Hydrogen-Materials Interactions, Sept 2012.
S. Serna, A. Molina, B. Church, M Miranda, B. Campillo, H. Lopez,“Analysis of Hydrogen Permeation in Microalloyed Steel Tig Welds.” 2012 International Hydrogen Conference, Hydrogen-Materials Interactions, Sept 2012.
D. W. Lipke, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, B. C. Church, K. H. Sandhage, “Near Net Shape/Net Dimension ZrC/W-based Composites with Complex Geometries via Rapid Prototyping and Displacive Compensation of Porosity (DCP),” J. Euro. Ceram. Soc.30 (2010) pp. 2265-2277.
E. M. Ernst, B. C. Church, C. S. Gaddis, R. L. Snyder, K. H. Sandhage, “Enhanced Hydrothermal Conversion of Surfactant-modified Diatom Microshells into Barium Titanate Replicas,” J. Mater. Res., 22 [5] 2007 pp. 1121-1127.
Z. Bao, M.R. Weatherspoon, S. Shian, Y. Cia, P.D. Graham, S.M. Allan, G Ahmad, M.B. Dickerson, B.C. Church, Z. Kang, H.W. Abernathy III, C.J. Summers, L. Meilin, and K.H. Sandhage, (2007). “Chemical reduction of three-dimensional silica micro-assemblies into microporous silicon replicas,” Nature, 446 (7132) pp. 172-175.
B.C. Church, T.H. Sanders, Jr., and R.F. Speyer, J.K. Cochran; “Thermal Expansion Matching and Oxidation Resistance of Fe-Ni-Cr Interconnect Alloys,” Materials Science and Engineering A vol. 452-453 (2007) pp. 334-340.
M.D. Trexler, B.C. Church, and T.H. Sanders, Jr.; “Determination of the Ni3(Ti,Al) Solvus Boundary in a Directionally Solidified Superalloy,” Scripta Materialia vol. 55 no. 6 (2006) pp. 561-564.
G. Ahmad, M.B. Dickerson, B.C. Church, Y. Cai, S.E. Jones, R. R. Naik, J.S. King, C.J. Summers, N. Kröger, and K.H. Sandhage; “Rapid, Room-Temperature Formation of Crystalline Calcium Molybdate Phosphor Microparticles via Peptide-Induced Precipitation,” Advanced Materials vol. 18 (2006) pp. 1759-1763.
B.C. Church, T.H. Sanders, Jr., R.F. Speyer, and J.K. Cochran; “Interconnect Thermal Expansion Matching to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” Journal of Materials Science vol. 40 no. 8 (2005) pp. 4893-4898.
B.C. Church, T.H. Sanders, Jr., and J.K. Cochran; “Copper Alloys from Metal Oxide Precursors for High Conductivity Applications,” Materials and Manufacturing Processes vol. 19 no. 5 (2004) pp. 813-837.
B.C. Church, T.H. Sanders, Jr., and R.F. Speyer; “Synthesis of Ni-CaO from Selective Reduction of Oxide Precursors,” TMS Letters vol. 1 no. 3 (2004) pp. 63-64.
Church, Benjamin. “Capstone Meets Pandemic; Experiences of Students and Mentors Working through the COVID-19 Lockdown.” Virtual: TMS, 2020.
Church, Benjamin, Elmer A. Prenzlow, Lizeth Ortiz, and James Myers. “Oxidation Kinetics of Cast Alumina-Forming Austenitic Alloys in Steam.” In NACE-2017-9785. New Orleans, LA: NACE International, 2017.
Church, Benjamin, Lizeth Ortiz, Elmer Prenzlow, and James Myers. “High Temperature Coking Resistance of an Alumina Forming Alloy.” In NACE-2017-9784, Vol. NACE-2016-7886. New Orleans, LA: NACE International, 2017.
Church B, Abu-Zahra N, (2016) The Organic Development of an ABET Continuous Improvement Process. MS&T October 2016 (Salt Lake City, UT)
Church, B., Ortiz Reyes, L.N., Prenzlow, E., Li, S.Y., dos Santos, B.L., and Erwin, B. An Initial Evaluation of the Effect of Alloy Composition and Oxide Layer on High Temperature Coking Resistance of Heat Resistant Alloys, NACE Corrosion 2016, Vancouver, B.C. Canada, March 14, 2016.
Church, B. “Understanding Material Concerns in Component Design” ASM – Milwaukee Bergmann Seminar, Milwaukee School of Engineering (Invited), April 14, 2015.
Church, B. “UW-Milwaukee MSE Overview” 2015 Regional Materials and Manufacturing Symposium, EauClaire, WI., September 21, 2015.
Church, B. “The Physical Metallurgy Wiki, Using a Collaborative Online Tool for Learning and Professional Development in Materials Science”, North American Materials Education Symposium, The Ohio State University, March 26, 2015
Y. Sheng, C.R. Fell, B. Church “Investigation on electrolyte transport properties in anode and cathode electrode film in lithium ion battery by wetting balance test” MS&T, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct 14, 2014.
M. Pidgurskyi, Y. Nikiforov, M. Wnuk, H. Lopez, B. Church, M. Greshchuk, “Research of Influence of the Laser Shock Wave Treatment on the Welded Joints of the Pipelines Made of Austenitic Steel”, In-service Damage of Materials, Its Diagnostics and Prediction, Ternopil, Ukraine, September 17-20, 2013.
L. Giraldez, B. Church; “Influencia de Humedad Relativa a Altas Temperaturas de Oxidacion Usando Recubrimientos de Nanoparticulas de Oxido de Cerio para un Acero Inoxidable Austenitico 316L,” 13th International Congress of Metallurgical Engineering, Materials and Environment, Arequipa, Peru, November 28-30, 2013.
B.C. Church, T.H. Sanders, R.F. Speyer; “Synthesis of Ni-CaO Material from Selective Reduction of Oxide Precursors,” Processing, Microstructure and Properties of Powder-Based Materials: Session II as held at TMS 133rd Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, 14-18 March 2004.
B.C. Church, T.H. Sanders, Jr., and J.K. Cochran; “Oxidation of Fuel Cell Interconnect Alloys Produced by Powder Extrusion,” Powder Materials: Current Research and Industrial Practices III as held at the Materials Science & Technology 2003 Conference; Chicago, IL.,USA; 9-12 Nov. 2003.
B.C. Church, “Processing and Properties of High Conductivity Extruded Honeycomb,” ASM Atlanta Chapter, January 15, 2001.