UWM Center for Composite Materials

Changing the World

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Center for Composite Materials is continually making strides to further the center’s missions; education, research and outreach. The Center for Composite Materials conducts research that can help push the materials, supply, and foundry industry forward. The center also does a great deal of outreach into the community to encourage and facilitate the development and use of composite materials.  

UWM Center for Composite Materials

UWM’s Center for Composite Materials, directed by Dr. Pradeep Rohatgi, was established to provide a link between the materials processing industry and UWM’s students and faculty. Currently research efforts include the solidification synthesis and characterization of metal matrix-nanoparticle and nanotube composites, composites with improved machinability and self-lubricating composites; Ultralight metals incorporating hollow micro balloons that have applications in automotive and small engines as well as in the biomedical industry, and active and self-heating metal matrix micro and nanocomposites.  


Since it was founded in 1986, the Center for Composite Materials has received nearly 40 research grants and a total of 14 faculty members support the center’s research and development efforts. The Center for Composite Materials serves as a resource for the development of new and advanced composite materials and processing methods. Through the center’s research, companies like Eck Industries in Wisconsin, are able to manufacture and utilize products like aluminum-silicon carbide composites for lightweight brake rotors and computer components.  


Center for Composite Materials

Pradeep Rohatgi