Recent Publications

Gilman, L. J., Zhang, B., & Jones, C. J. (2020). Measuring perceptions of school learning environments for younger learners. Learning Environments Research, 1-13.

Maeda, H., & Zhang, B. (2020). Bayesian extension of biweight and Huber weight for robust ability estimation. Journal of Educational Measurement57(1), 51-70.

Zhang, B., & Navejar, R. (2018). Effects of Ambient Noise on the Measurement of Mathematics Achievement for Urban High School Students. Urban Education. 53(10), 1195-1210.

Rome, L., & Zhang, B. (2018). Investigating the Effects of Differential Item Functioning on Proficiency Classification. Applied psychological measurement42(4), 259-274.

Maeda, H., & Zhang, B. (2017). An algorithm to improve test answer copying detection using the omega statistic. International Journal of Testing, 17(1), 55-73.

Zhang, B., & Misiak, J. (2015). Evaluating Three Grading Methods in Middle School Science Classrooms. Journal of Baltic Science Education14(2).

Zhang, B., Xiao, Y. & Luo, J. (2015). Rater Reliability and Score Discrepancy under Holistic and Analytic Scoring in Second Language Writing.  Language Testing in Asia.5:5.  DOI 10.1186/s40468-015-0014-4.