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 On Grading Group Work, with Lucy Johnston and Gulsen Bagci Kilic

Group work in classroom is intriguing to me. For example, how do you assign grades for group projects? It is really hard. Here we try to help teachers answer one part of that question: can students rate their own contribution consistently? we suggest a G-theory framework to assess the rater reliability for peer and self assessments of group contribution.

On Grading Group Work, with Matthew Ohland

Another study on grading group projects. Here we look at different ways to account for individual contribution based on self and peer assessments. We actually did a Monte Carlo simulation. We found peer and self ratings can be effective. We suggest to adjust both within-group and between-group contribution differences.

On Survey Research, Interviewer Variance, with Nicole Traxel (first author)

Interviewer variance is similar to rater variance but not the same. It reflects the training of interviewers, like raters, plus real-time interaction between interviewers and interviewees. What we showed here is interviewer variance can be big enough to alter the inference one makes about the data.