UWM CampusPress WordPress

What is CampusPress?

CampusPress is a self-service WordPress platform available to UWM faculty and staff for building and managing professional websites in support of their professional activities, centers, labs and institutes. This self-provisioning and flexible, online platform allows for hosting and maintaining a professional web presence and aids in expanding individual professional initiatives as well as collaborative efforts. Site administrators (faculty and staff) are able to create and maintain a professional site and are responsible for the contents and links featured on their site.

Edublogs is here to help!

CampusPress is hosted by Edublogs, designed to help educational institutions create and customize their professional sites. This blog platform is geared towards the field of education, providing resources necessary for faculty and staff to build professional sites that best fit their needs. The Edublogs User Guide offers detailed information on how to build your professional site!

How to get started:

When creating a professional site there are 10 key steps to keep in mind:

  1. Sign up for and obtain a site
  2. Login to the administrative interface
  3. Familiarize yourself with the site address (Ex: sites.uwm.edu/epantherid)
  4. Select a preferred theme to provide the look and feel that fits best
  5. Create a new page or post
  6. Create a menu navigational structure to allow visitor access to pages
  7. Upload content and/or media (images, PDFs, etc.) and embed or link them from page/page content
  8. Review content for accuracy and update accordingly
  9. Publish all pages and posts
  10. Your site is ready!