Representation, Reality, and Radical Right Memes

Download MP3: Dahlgren_Representation

In this episode, Barbara Dahlgren dives into the world of the alt-right’s memes (Trigger warning!) and Stuart Hall’s seminal work on Representation.  She will provide both a background and review of each item in under 13 minutes!

Barbara Dahlgren is a graduate student at UW-Milwaukee studying political campaigns as cultural industries, and how their campaign advertising functions to provide them legitimacy of public opinion that ballot access cannot.


A special thanks to Noir Et Blanc Vie, ELPHNT, Spazz Cardigan, SYBS, and Ani Pruni, for the fantastic, free music.  Another special thanks to Safa Khairy for her extra work on our title card.  Thank you to Jeff Loomis, whose invaluable guide made this possible.  Thank you to all the people doing fantastic work on YouTube and other media channels to educate about the alt-right misinformation on immigration, feminism, poverty, and a host of other topics as well.  I think it is important that we expose the arguments for their social fear mongering and corporatist philosophy.

Comments or questions? Email maniotis[at]uwm[dot]edu.