Waushara Granite


The granites in Waushara county, Wisconsin were originally quarried by the Berlin Granite Company, and The Milwaukee Monument Company which started in 1889. The Spring Lake and Montello Granite Companies started in1897 in another area of Waushara County. The characteristics of the stone in these quarries are so similar they are considered the same rock form. The colors of the granites are mostly reddish brown, pinkish, or whitish or grayish with a ting of pink. The texture is fine to medium grain, which varies from quarry to quarry. The granite contains orthoclase feldspars, and quartzes, which determines the color. Minerals found in this granite are hornblende, muscovite, zircon, and iron oxides, but have relatively no importance. The Waushara Granite is another of the 1,760 million years old granites of north central Wisconsin.


The Waushara granite can be found in the Wisconsin State Capitol building. Wisconsin’s capitol is the only capitol to be made mostly from granites. Also Milwaukee used Waushara granite to line the tracks of their old streetcars on Broadway and Wisconsin. In 1884, Milwaukee used the Waushara granite at their train depot, which no longer exists