Wojtyna, A., & Heilmann, J. (2025, February). Turning Data into Collaborative Dialogue. Invited presentation at the CESA 5 SLP Institute (Wisconsin Dells, WI).
Heilmann, J., Wojtyna, A., & Merth-Johnson, D. (2025, February). Supporting speech-language pathologists’ implementation of standards-based assessments within comprehensive evaluations. Paper presented at the Pacific Coast Research Conference (San Diego, CA).
Wojtyna, A., Heilmann, J., & Merth-Johnson, D. (2024, December). Connecting Assessment Tools to the Curriculum to Elevate Student Success. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA.
Heilmann, J., Wojtyna, A., Bizub, J., Chase, J., & Merth-Johnson, D. (2024, May). Using clinician- and system-level factors to predict comprehensive assessment competency. Paper presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders (Madison, WI).
Heilmann, J., & Wojtyna, A. (2024, February). Using Criterion-Referenced Assessments to Document Access, Engagement, and Progress in the Curriculum. Presentation for the CESA 5 SLP Institute (Wisconsin Dells, WI).
Wojtyna, A., Heilmann, J., & Merth-Johnson, D. (2023, November). Supporting Access to the Curriculum Through Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation. Presentation for the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association (online).
Wojtyna, A., Merth-Johnson, D., & Heilmann, J. (2023, November). Igniting Access to the Curriculum Starts with Best Practices in Assessment. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA
Merth-Johnson, D., Heilmann, J., & Wojtyna, A. (2023, July). Inclusive Practices Begin with Collaborative Comprehensive Evaluations. Presentation for the Wisconsin Summer Inclusion Institute (online).
Wojtyna, A., Merth-Johnson, D., Douglas, N., Spector, A., Bizub, J., & Heilmann, J. (2023, July). Comprehensive Assessment Doesn’t Just Happen: Using Active Implementation to Move the Needle with School Practices. Poster presented at ASHA Schools Connect, Long Beach, CA.
Heilmann, J., Wojtyna, A., Merth-Johnson, D., Douglas, N., Spector, A., & Bizub, J. (2023, June). Using active implementation to enhance comprehensive assessment: Usability and facilitative administration. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
Heilmann, J., Bertone, A., Bizub, J., & Ferreira, S. (2022, November). Special Education Administrators’ Perspectives on Promoting Inclusive Service Delivery in the Schools. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Heilmann, J. & Andriacchi, K. (2022, November) Active Implementation of Language Sample Analysis in a School District. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Bertone, A. & Heilmann, J. (2022, November). Reframing Your Service Delivery: Strategies for More Inclusive Practices to Maximize Student Outcomes. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Heilmann, J. J., Bertone, A., & Wojtyna, A. (2023). How Inclusive Practice Increases the Educational Relevance of Individualized Education Programs. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 1-18.