The following papers and posters were selected as award winners for the UW-
Milwaukee WInSTEP Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Research Competition and are being highlighted in the 2018 WInSTEP SEPA Student Research Journal. This unique journal features outstanding work done by Wisconsin high school and middle school science students in the UW-Milwaukee WInSTEP SEPA program. Congratulations!
Click on the links below to view the student research papers and posters.
WInSTEP SEPA Student Research Papers
Addition of Caffeine to Danio rerio Increases (Direction) of Heart Rate (Brian Zheng, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Addition of Glucose Solutions to Aquatic Environments of Danio rerio Embryos in Concentrations of 4 mM to 14 mM Increases Heart Rate BPM for Zebrafish Exposed to Elevated Glucose Levels (Nicole Konecke)
The Amount of Zebrafish Hatched and Living after Exposure to Caffeine (Mary Margaret Brennan, Haley Wolff, & Laetitia Faye, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
Boric Acid’s Effects on the Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Keanna Schulz, Valley New School, Appleton, WI)
Caffeine: Effects on Developing Zebrafish Embryos (Kennedy Peters, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
Does Earthworms’ Burrowing Time Increase if they have Absorbed Alcohol from their Surroundings? (Sophia, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
The Effect of Aspirin and Tylenol on Zebrafish Embryological Development (Nina Goyette, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
The Effect of Caffeine on the Development and Mortality Rate of Zebrafish Embryos (Mia Charnon, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
The Effect of Caffeine on Zebrafish Embryonic Development (Andrea Overmoyer-Soto, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
Effect of Different Concentrations of Road Salt on Earthworm Burrowing (Lexi Thota, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of Different Sources of Water on the Embryological Development of Danio rerio (Erin Rasch & Sydney Churchill, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
The Effect of Ethanol in Zebrafish Development (Ashley Blad, Julia, and Megan Thode, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effect of Exposure to Pool Water on Zebrafish Development (Trey Wisner, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effect of Lead Exposure and Elevated Temperatures on Male Fathead Minnow Reproduction (Alexandra Busalacchi, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead and Temperature Stress on Fathead Minnow Sexual Behaviors and Characteristics (Angie Li, Hailey Patel, & Ellie Olson, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Nicotine on Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Jared Gorman & Paul Selberg, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effect of Soil Contaminated with Copper on Earthworm Burrowing (Sofia Hernandez & Anna Lampereur, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of Sugar and Sucralose on the Embryonic Development of Zebrafish (Margaret Arndorfer, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
The Effect of Synthetic Versus Natural Caffeine on Zebrafish Embryo Development (Emily Rasmussen, Union Grove High School, Union Grove, WI)
Effect of UV Exposure to Zebrafish Development (Nicholas Schaefer & Justin Baerwald, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
The Effects of Aspirin and Tylenol on the Development of Embryonic Zebrafish Embryos (Annabelle Hoth, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
The Effects of Caffeine on the Development and Mortality Rates of Zebrafish Embryos (Makenna Taubel, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
The Effects of Caffeine on the Development of a Zebrafish Embryo (Paige Weyer, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
The Effects of Caffeine on the Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Jose Benitez, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Caffeine on Zebrafish Mortality and Development (Caleb Brauer & Madison Roemer, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Chlorpheniramine on Zebrafish Embryo Growth and Hatch Rate (Jenna Knoll, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
Effects of Different Concentrations of Atrazine on Developing Zebrafish Embryos (Emily Klawiter, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
The Effects of Ethanol on Developing Zebrafish Embryos (Zoe Ybarra, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Ethanol on Zebrafish Embryos (Melina Zenklusen & Anna Boppart, Mauston High School, Mauston, WI)
The Effects of Ethanol on Zebrafish Growth and Development (Caroline Dondlinger & Gracie Hecht, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effects of Hair Dye on the Developing Zebrafish Embryo (Joeley, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
The Effects of Nicotine on Embryonic Development (Ezequiel Diaz, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Polyethylene Plastics on the Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Leah Piso)
The Effects of Zebrafish Development Caused by Caffeine Exposure (Haley Gill, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
Embryonic Development, Survival, Hatch Rate, and Deformations of Zebrafish When Exposed to Ethanol (Brennan Vallier, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
Ethanol Effects on Developing Zebrafish: Neurotoxicity & Mortality (Catherine Nguyen, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
Exposed Zebrafish Embryos out of Homeostasis, Cell Division, and Development by Concentration of Drug Caffeine in Number of Embryos Hatched, Alive, and Appearance (Myriam Jaramillo, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
Exposure to Potassium Iodide Generates Signs of Hypothyroidism in Danio rerio Embryos (Cecelia Zielke, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Folic Acid Decreases the Mortality Rate of Danio rerio Embryos Exposed to Alcohol (Tyler Roeder, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Folic Acid Reduces Mortality Rates in Danio rerio Embryos Exposed to Ethanol (Chris Zhang, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Higher Concentrations of Nicotine Have No Significant Difference in Development Rates in Danio rerio Embryos (Kelsey Sbrocco, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
How do Candles and Essential Oils Affect a Earthworms Burrowing Time (Piper, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Does Antifreeze Affect The Burrowing Time Of An Earthworm? (Callie Peterson, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How does the Exposure of Scented Candles and Essential Oils Affect Earthworm Burrowing Time and Behavior? (Jane Berglin, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth subsalicylate) Affects Pregnancy Using Zebrafish as a Model Organism (Caleigh, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen Increase Mortality Rate in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos (Aleah Roeber, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
The Increase in Embryonic Size of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) after Embryonic Vitamin D Exposure (Cindy Zheng, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Introduction of Excessive Iodine Concentrations Increases Mortality in Danio rerio Embryos (Marcella Senti, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Introduction of Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride to Danio rerio Embryos Increases Mortality Rates (Noelle Candler, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
The Long Term Effects of Tartrazine (FD&C Yellow No. 5) on Learning, Cognitive Flexibility, and Memory of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos into Adulthood (Amanda Linskens, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
Nicotine Effects on Zebrafish Embryos (Preston Bauer, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
Nicotine’s Effect on Developmental Abnormalities of Zebrafish Embryos (Olivia Osborn, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
WInSTEP SEPA Student Research Posters
Comparing the Effects of Male and Female AXE Anarchy Body Spray on Humans by Using Earthworms as a Model Organism (Harsha Gaddapati & Keira Kundert, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha, WI)
Decreased Levels of Oxygen Lead to Early Hatching of Danio rerio embryos (Clara Montes, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Developmental Effects of Caffeine on Zebrafish Embryos (Sammy Skalla, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Developmental Effects of Vitamins on Zebrafish Embryos (Erin Brezovar & Sonia Gude, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Earthworms and Time Spent in Concentrations of Bonide (Faith Krajna & Ella Sobczak, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of Ammonia Polluted Soil on Where Earthworms Burrow (Camryn Keyes, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
Effect of Different Concentrations of Road Salt on Earthworm Burrowing (Lexi Thota, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
Effect of Ethanol on Number of Alive and Hatched Zebrafish (Grace Lois, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of Ethanol on Zebrafish Embryo Development (Gabby Renk, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead Exposure and Temperature Stressed to Fathead Minnow Sexual Behavior (Drew Iverson, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead on Fathead Minnows (Cora Trexell, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead and Temperature on Fathead Minnows (Angie Li, Hailey Patel, & Joshua Dietzler, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Nicotine on the Development on Zebrafish Eggs (Maddie Koster, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of Synthetic Versus Natural Caffeine on Zebrafish Embryo Development (Emily Rasmussen & Jessie Schweninger, Union Grove High School, Union Grove, WI)
The Effect of Wrinkle Releaser on Worms (Casey Bitters & Sean McGuire, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of BPA on Worms in the Short Term (Haasa Gaddipati, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Caffeine on the Developing Zebrafish Embryos (Kendra, Seymour Community High School, Seymour, WI)
Effects of Caffeine on Zebrafish Development (Katie Gomon & Uma Gude, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effects of Carbaryl on the Development of Zebrafish (Lindsey Moffatt, Union Grove High School, Union Grove, WI)
The Effects of CDP Choline on Zebrafish Embryos (Jordan Janusiak, South Milwaukee High School, South Milwaukee, WI)
Effects of Lead Exposure on Fathead Minnows (Isabella Acra, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Effects of Lead and Temperature on Fathead Minnow Reproduction (Sarah Anderson, Brady Bloomer, Kate Brandstatter, & Justina Sviatoslavsky, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Effects of Nicotine on the Growth of Zebrafish (Grace Janes & Tyler Wagner, Germantown High School, Germantown, WI)
Effects of Scented Lotion and Non-Scented Lotion on Earthworms (Elsie Touchstone & Abby, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Temperature and Lead on Male Fathead Minnows (Olivia Kudronowicz, Jordan Tyczkowski, Ashley Hackbarth & Sophia Pascutti, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Ethanol Effects on Developing Zebrafish: Neurotoxicity & Mortality (Catherine Nguyen, Greendale High School, Greendale, WI)
Eucalyptus Effect on Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Kate Jochims & Sydney Bartz, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Exposing Danio rerio Embryos to Potassium Iodide Increases Mortality (Olivia Grose, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Heart Development in Embryos Exposed to Different Concentrations of Ethanol (Mariela Sida, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
High Doses of Melatonin Increases Heart Rates and Mortality Rates in Danio rerio Embryos (Erin Farrell, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
How Caffeine Impacts the Homeostasis of Zebrafish Embryos (Myriam Jaramillo, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
Hyperglycemia Increases Heart Rate & Mortality in Danio rerio Embryos: A Model of Gestational Diabetes (Nicole Konecke)
Hyper Hermaphrodites (Addison Haney & Shaylin, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
An Investigation into the Effects of Varying Nitrate Concentrations on the Physiological Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Maddie Vogel, Union Grove High School, Union Grove, WI)
Lead Effects on a Fathead Minnow (Madisen Jensen, Morgan Butler Middle School, Waukesha, WI)
Measuring Effects of Varying Solutions of Caffeine on the Danio rerio Embryo (Madeline Thomas, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Nicotine’s Effects on Zebrafish Development and Hatch Rate (Justin Johnson, Mauston High School, Mauston, WI)
Overabundance of Iodine in Danio rerio Embryos Causes Hypothyroidism-like Signs (Emily Balint, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride Increase Heart Rate and Mortality in Danio rerio Embryos (Shelby Horth, Kohler High School, Kohler, WI)
Worms as a Model Organism to Determine Effects of Different Types of Sweeteners (Owen Antholine & Kaeley Kroenke, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha, WI)