The following papers and posters were selected as award winners for the UW-Milwaukee WInSTEP Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Research Competition and are being highlighted in the 2023 WInSTEP SEPA Student Research Journal. This unique journal features outstanding work done by Wisconsin high school and middle school science students in the UW-Milwaukee WInSTEP SEPA program. Congratulations!
Click on the links below to view the student research papers and posters.
WInSTEP SEPA Student Research Papers
Do Earthworms Prefer Natural Bug Spray, Chemical Bug Spray, or Water? (Maggie Klaus, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
Do Earthworms Prefer Natural, Tap, or Purified Water? (Gabby Johnson and Talia Vukelich, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
Does Foundation Affect a Worm’s Burrowing Time? (Ellie Kirgues, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
Does Lotion Affect Earthworm Burrowing Time? (Isabelle Burris, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
The Effect of Caffeine on Memory and Learning in Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Martin Wolf)
The Effect of Caffeine on the Survival and Physical Development of Zebrafish (Analise Groh, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of the Concentration of Ethanol on the Capability of Zebrafish Embryos to Grow and Develop (Leah Laeuger and Katie Paz, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, Milwaukee, WI)
Effects of Melatonin on Zebrafish Embryonic Development (Alison Engelfried, Abigail Hockers, and Isabella Peterson, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effects of Pickle Juice on the Development of Zebra Fish Embryos (Emily Tschudy, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effects of Vape Juice on Zebrafish Embryos (Emma Blazina, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Ethanol’s Mortality Effect on Zebrafish Embryos (Sasha Bude and Roslyn Campbell, Waukesha South High School, Waukesha, WI)
How Does Caffeine Affect An Earthworm’s Burrowing Behavior (Chloe Droessler, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Does Yeast Affect an Earthworm’s Burrowing Behavior? (Ashley Kozik, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Do Glue Fumes Affect an Earthworm’s Burrowing Behavior? (Evan Brammeier-Zayas, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Do Perfumes Affect an Earthworm’s Burrowing Behavior? (Maddie Groubert, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Increasing Levels of Ethanol Impact the Mortality Rate of Zebrafish Embryos (Kiersten Van Dreser, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
How Nicotine Affects Zebrafish Mortality (Miykaelah Ellis, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI)
How Rising Levels of Nicotine Impact Zebrafish Mortality Rate (Lily Pociask, Waukesha North High School, Waukesha, WI
WInSTEP SEPA Student Research Posters
An Earthworm’s (Lumbricus terrestris) Choice of Natural, Tap, or Purified Water (Gabby Johnson and Talia Vukelich, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
Caffeine, A Legal Drug (Chloe Droessler, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
Do Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) Prefer Natural Bug Spray, Chemical Bug Spray, or Water? (Maggie Klaus, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
Does Ethanol Affect the Survival and Hatching Rates of Zebrafish? (Kaylie DeLuna, Alexander Hamilton High School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effect of Iodine on the Morality and Hatching of Zebrafish Embryos (Kaleb Schultz and Ryker Jones, Mauston High School, Mauston, WI)
The Effect of Lead Exposure on Reproductive Activity in Male Fathead Minnows (Edie Klebenow, Conor Shepherd, and Evan Page, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead Exposure to Reproductive Habits of Male Fathead Minnow Populations (Angelica Refinski, Natalia Stadler, and Lindsey Mayes, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead on Fathead Minnow Male Reproductive Behavior (Hannah Engel, Kate Larsen, and Sophie Kusek, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effect of Lead Nitrate on Breeding Behaviors of Fathead Minnows (Alex Lobotzke and Liam Warr, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Effect of Nicotine on the Hatch Rate of Zebrafish Embryos (Ben Beier, Connor Sloan, and Rhonda Fike-Perez, Mauston High School, Mauston, WI)
The Effect of Pre Compared to Post Vaporization of E-cigarette Liquid in Zebrafish (Jack Krysiak, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Effects of Acetaminophen and Dextromethorphan on Developing Embryos (Mason Wendt, Sarah Martens, and Sienna, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
The Effects of Caffeine on Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) Behavior (Dylan Nyquist, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
The Effect of Caffeine on Memory and Learning in Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Martin Wolf)
Effects of Caffeine on Zebrafish (Anissa Griffith and Deanna Hopkins, Germantown High School, Germantown, WI)
The Effects of Fast Food Packaging Chemicals on Developing Zebrafish Embryos (Sophie Grzenia, Abbie Morris, Callie Hawkins, and Katelyn Browne, Mauston High School, Mauston, WI)
The Effects of Foundation on Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) Burrowing Behavior (Ellie Kirgues, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
The Effects of Gasoline, Tequila, and Ibuprofen on Earthworm Burrowing and Distanced Traveled (Yareli Avina, Ricardo Calixto, Litzy Rodriguez, and Enzo Vallejo, Saint Joseph Academy Middle School, Milwaukee, WI)
The Effects of Lead Exposure in Adult Fathead Minnows (Lily Fuller, Butler Middle School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Lead (Pb) on Fathead Minnows over 12 Day in Waukesha, Wisconsin when in Tanks with Dividers and Tanks without Dividers (Tyler Earnest, Butler Middle School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Lead on Reproductive Behaviors of Fathead Minnows (Mason, Butler Middle School)
The Effects of Lead on Reproductive Behaviors of Fathead Minnows in Divided and Undivided Tanks (Calla Schafer, Butler Middle School, Waukesha, WI)
The Effects of Nicotine on the Development of Zebrafish (Audrey DeYong, Corinne DeYong, and Paige Vitek, Union Grove High School, Union Grove, WI)
The Effects of Nicotine on Zebrafish Embryos (Amber Larson)
The Effects of Toothpaste on an Earthworm’s (Lumbricus terrestris) Burrowing Time (Eli Cocker, Christ King School, Wauwatosa, WI)
Hairstyles For Worms (Evalyn, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)
How Do Fertilizer Levels Affect Burrowing Habits on Leaf Worms? (Amelia Carlson, Grace Porter, and Kayla Warnes, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha, WI)
Lead’s Effect on Sexual Characteristics of Fathead Minnows (Owen Parker, Muskego High School, Muskego, WI)
Setting Spray Should Finish Your Makeup, Not Your Muscles (Lauren Hytinen, Lake Country Middle School, Hartland, WI)