The Wisconsin Herp Atlas (Herp Atlas) tracks the distributions of amphibians and reptiles in Wisconsin. The Herp Atlas was initiated in 1986 at the Milwaukee Public Museum, with the cooperative support of the Natural Heritage Inventory Program (Bureau of Endangered Resources, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; and The Nature Conservancy, Wisconsin Chapter). The Herp Atlas is a computerized database of amphibian and reptile distribution, based on records obtained from museum collections, field surveys, literature, and field notes provided by volunteer observers throughout the state. Over 450 new county records have been confirmed by the project. The data collected helps to:
- map species distributions
- document rare species occurrences
- analyze population trends
- examine habitat requirements
- plan conservation priorities
Funding for the Herp Atlas has been provided by major grants from the Jack Puelicher Natural History Fund, the Wisconsin DNR; the Citizen’s Natural Resources Association; The Nature Conservancy, Wisconsin Chapter; the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center; and the Lois Almon Fund. Institutional support has been provided by the Milwaukee Public Museum and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Field Station.