
Relevant publications for each group member

Nidal Abu-Zahra, Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

  • High efficiency decolorization of wastewater by Fenton catalyst: Magnetic iron-copper hybrid oxides. Homa Ghasemi, Behzad Aghabarari, Mehdi Alizadeh, Ali Khanlarkhani, Nidal Abu-Zahra, J. Water Process Engineering, vol. 37, 2020.
  • High Removal Capacity of Arsenic from Drinking Water Using Modified Magnetic Polyurethane Foam Nanocomposites. Tamaddoni Moghaddam, S., Naimi-Jamal, M.R., Rohlwing, A. et al. J Polym Environ 27, 1497–1504 (2019).
  • Synthesis and characterization of polyethersulfone membranes impregnated with (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane) APTES-Fe3O4 nanoparticles for As(V) removal from water. Jiyoung Rowley, Nidal H. Abu-Zahra. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(1),2019.
  • Polyethersulfone Membranes Prepared with 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane Modified Alumina Nanoparticles for Cu(II) Removal from Water. Behnam Gohari and  Nidal Abu-Zahra. ACS Omega, 3(8), 2018.
  • Liquid flow in polyurethane foams for filtration applications: a study on their characterization and permeability estimation. Gunashekar, S., Pillai, K.M., Church, B.C. et al. J Porous Mater 22, 749–759 (2015).
  • A molecular dynamics study of the binding effectiveness between undoped conjugated polymer binders and tetra-sulfides in lithium–sulfur batteries. Yihan Xu, Dong Zheng, Weixiao Ji, Nidal Abu-Zahra, Deyang Qu. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 206, 2021.

Jin Li, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Nafsin, N., Bevers, B., Schruender, R.,Liao, Q., Li, J., 2022 “E. coli and Enterococci from Lake Michigan beach sand”, Environmental Engineering and Sciences, 39(1) 3-14.
  • Shresta, J., Li, J., 2017, “Influence of permeate from domestic reverse osmosis filters on lead pipe corrosion and plastic pipe leaching”, Journal of Water Processing Engineering 18: 126-133.
  • Johanson, J. J., Feriancikova, L., Banerjee, A., Saffarini, D. A., Wang, L. X., Li, J., Grundl, T., Xu, S. P., 2014, “Comparison of the transport of Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli within saturated sand packs”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 123: 439-451.
  • Tian, L.L., Xu, S.P., Hutchins, W.C., Yang, C.H., Li, J., 2014, “Impacts of exopolysacchrides on P. aeruginosa surface functional groups and adhesion”, Biofouling 30 (2): 213-222.
  • Wang, L.X., Xu, S. P.,Yang, C. H., Yamazaki, A., Li, J., 2013, “A laboratory study of E. coli O157:H7 contamination in groundwater”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering. 140(9): A4013001.
  • Feriancikova, L., Bardy, S., Wang, L.X., Li, J., Xu, S.P., 2013, “Effects of outer membrane protein TolC on the transport of Escherichia coli within saturated quartz sands”, Environmental Science and Technology. 47(11): 5720-5728.
  • Walczak1, J.J., Wang L.X., Feriancikova1, L., Li, J, Xu, S.P., 2012, “Effects of desiccation on the survival and transport of E. coli K12 in saturated porous media”, Air Water and Soil Pollution, 223(3): 1353-1362.
  • Walczak1, J.J., Wang L.X., Bardy S. L., Feriancikova1, L., Li, J., Xu, S.P., 2012, “The effects of starvation on the transport of Escherichia coli in saturated porous media are dependent on pH and ionic strength”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 90 (1): 129-136.
  • Yamazaki, A., Li, J., Zeng, Q., Khokhani, D., Yost, A. C., Biddle, E., Toone, E. J., Chen, X., Yang, C. H., 2012, “Derivatives of plant phenolic compounds affect the type III secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa via a GACs/GACa two component transduction”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 56(1): 36-43.
  • Wang, L.X., Xu, S.P., Li, J., 2011, “Effects of phosphate on the transport of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in saturated quartz sand”, Environmental Science and Technology, 45: 9566–9573.

Qian Liao, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Vanden Boomen, R. L., Yu, Z., & Liao, Q.* (2021). Application of Deep Learning for Imaging-Based Stream Gaging. Water Resources Research, 57(11), e2021WR029980.
  • Cannon, D. J., Troy, C*., Bootsma, H., Liao, Q., & MacLellan-Hurd, R. A. (2021). Characterizing the Seasonal Variability of Hypolimnetic Mixing in a Large, Deep Lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(11), e2021JC017533.
  • Shen, C., Liao, Q.* and Bootsma, H. A. (2020). Modeling the influence of invasive mussels on phosphorus cycling in Lake Michigan. Ecological Modelling, 416, 108920.
  • Li, W., Liao, Q.*, and Ran, Q-H., (2019). Stereo-imaging LSPIV (SI-LSPIV) for 3D water surface reconstruction and discharge measurement in mountain river flows. Journal of Hydrology, 578, 124099.
  • Cannon, D. J.*, Troy, C. D., Liao, Q., and Bootsma, H. A. (2019). Ice‐free radiative convection drives spring mixing in a large lake. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1029/2019GL082916.
  • Jin, T. and Liao, Q*., (2019) Application of Large Scale PIV in river surface turbulence measurements and water depth estimation. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 67, 142-152.
  • Shen, C., Liao, Q*., Bootsma, H.A., Troy, C.D., and Cannon D. (2018) Regulation of plankton and nutrient dynamics by profundal quagga mussels in Lake Michigan: A one dimensional model. Hydrobiologia, 815(1), 47-63.
  • Wang B., and Liao, Q.* (2016) Field observations of turbulent dissipation rate profiles immediately below the air-water interface. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121(6), 4377-4391.
  • Li, W., Ran, Q-H., Liao, Q.*, Tang, H-L., and Wang, M-Y. (2016) Application of an Automated LSPIV System in a Mountainous Stream for Continuous Flood Flow Measurements. Hydrological Processes, 30(17), 3014-3029.
  • Wang B., Liao, Q*., Fillingham, J., and Bootsma H. A. (2015) On the coefficient of small eddy and surface divergence models for the air-water gas exchange. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(3), 2129-2146.

Xiaoli Ma, Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

  • V. Nguyen, T.T. Nguyen, R.S. Adha, L. Zheng, X.T. Bui, X. Ma, H. N. P. Vo, Forward osmosis: principle and recent applications in sustainable water and energy development, Membrane Technology for Sustainable Water and Energy Management, Elsevier, 2022.
  • Enhancing the salt rejections of covalent organic framework membranes by creating dual-layer membrane structure. North American Membrane Society Annual Meeting, Tempe, AZ, 2022.
  • Effect of interfacial polymerization conditions on the structure and property of covalent organic framework membranes. North American Membrane Society Annual Meeting, Tempe, AZ, 2022.
  • Ma, P. Kumar, N. Mittal, A. Khlyustova, P. Daoutidis, K. A. Mkhoyan, M. Tsapatsis, Zeolitic imidazolate framework membranes made by ligand-induced permselectivation, Science, 2018, 361, 1008-1011.
  • Ma, Y.S. Lin, Preparation Chemistry of Inorganic Membranes, Modern Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry, Elsevier, 2017, 669–686.
  • Ma, H. Wang, H. Wang, J. O’Brien-Abrahama, Y. S. Lin, Pore structure characterization of supported polycrystalline zeolite membranes by positron annihilation spectroscopy, Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 477, 41-48.
  • G. Li, X. Ma, M. R. Huang. Lead (II) ion-selective electrode based on polyaminoanthraquinone particles with intrinsic conductivity. Talanta, 2009, 78, 498-505.
  • G. Li, X. Ma, J. Sun, M. R. Huang. Powerful reactive sorption of silver(I) and mercury(II) onto poly(o-phenylenediamine) microparticles. Langmuir, 2009, 25, 1675-1684.

Krishna Pillai, Professor, Mechanical Engineering

  • “Modeling Transport and Adsorption of Arsenic Ions in Iron-Oxide Laden Porous Media. Part I: Theoretical Developments,” Krishna M Pillai and A. Raizada, invited paper, Water 2021, 13(6), 779, 13 Mar 2021.
  • “Towards developing a low-cost gravity-driven arsenic filtration system using iron oxide nanoparticle-loaded PU Foam,” A. Pillai, M.A.F. Zarandi, F. Hussein, K. Pillai, N. Abu-Zahra, Water Quality Research Journal, 55(3), pp 234-248, Aug 1, 2020.
  • “Liquid flow in polyurethane foams for filtration applications: A study on their characterization and permeability estimation,” S. Gunashekar, K.M. Pillai, B.C. Church, N.H. Abu-Zahra, Journal of Porous Materials, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 749– 759, June 2015.
  • “Fast and Inexpensive 2D-Micrograph based method of Permeability Estimation through Micro-Macro Coupling in Porous Media,” B. Barari, S. Beyhaghi, K.M. Pillai, Journal of Porous Media, v 22, n 7, pp 831-849, 2019.

Deyang Qu, Johnson Controls Endowed Professor in Energy Research, UWM Distinguished Professor, BioMedical Engineering

  • DY. Qu and H Shi, “Studies of Activated Carbon Used in Double-Layer Capacitors”, J. Power Sources, 74(1998)99-107.
  • D.Y. Qu, “Studies of the Activated Carbon Used in Double-layer Supercapacitors”, J Power Sources, 109(2002)403-411.
  • D.Y. Qu, “Investigation of hydrogen physisorption active sites on the surface of porous carbonaceous materials”, Chem-EUR. J. 14(2008)1040-1046.
  • J. Collins, T. Ngo, D.Y. Qu, M. Foster, “Spectroscopic investigations of sequential nitric acid treatments on granulated activated carbon: Effects of surface oxygen groups on p density”, Carbon  57(2013)174-183
  • J. Collins, D. Zheng, T. Ngo, D. Qu, M. Foster, “Partial Graphitization of Activated Carbon by Surface Acidification”, Carbon 79(2014)500-517.
  • J. Collins, G. Gourdin, D.Y. Qu*, Carbon Surface Functionalities and SEI Formation During Li Intercalation. Carbon 92(2015)193-244.

Yin Wang, Lawrence E. Sivak ’71 Professorship, Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Min X., Huo J., Dong Q., Shangping Xu, Wang Y. Enhanced sorption of perfluorooctanoic acid with organically functionalized layered double hydroxide. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 137019. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.137019.
  • Yang H., Zhu S., Lin X., Wu J., Du X., Chen R., Wang Y., Xu S., Ying G. Lanthanum(III) coated ceramic filters in point-of-use water treatment for bacterial removal. ACS ES&T Water, 2022, 2, 583-592. DOI: 10.1021/acsestwater.1c00427
  • Huo J., Min X., Dong Q., Xu S., Wang Y. Comparison of Zn-Al and Mg-Al layered doubled hydroxides for adsorption of perfluorooctanoic acid. Chemosphere, 2022, 287, 132297. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132297
  • Dong Q., Min X., Huo J., Wang Y. Efficient sorption of perfluoroalkyl acids by ionic liquid-modified natural clay. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2021, 7, 100135. DOI: 1016/j.ceja.2021.100135
  • Huo J., Min X., Wang Y. Zirconium-modified natural clays for phosphate removal: effect of clay minerals. Environmental Research, 2021, 194, 110685, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110685
  • Min X., Trujilio D.E., Huo J., Dong Q., Wang Y. Amine-bridged periodic mesoporous organosilica nanomaterial for efficient removal of selenate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396, 125278, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.125278
  • Yang H., Xu S., Chitwood D.E., Wang Y. Ceramic water filter for point-of-use water treatment in developing countries: Principles, challenges and opportunities. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2020, 14, 79, DOI:10.1007/s11783-020-1254-9
  • Yang H., Min X., Xu S., Bender J., Wang Y. Development of effective and fast-flow ceramic porous media for point-of-use water treatment: effect of pore size distribution. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 2531-2539, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b07177
  • Yang H., Wang Y., Bender J.T., Xu S. Removal of arsenate and chromate by lanthanum-modified granular ceramic material: the critical role of coating temperature. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 7690, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44165-8.
  • Yang H., Min X., Xu S., Wang Y. Lanthanum(III) coated ceramics as a promising material in point-of-use water treatment for arsenite and arsenate removal. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2019, 7, 9220-9227, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b06878.

Junjie Niu,  Professor, Materials science and Engineering

  • M Samuel, M Shang, Junjie Niu. Photocatalytic degradation of perfluoroalkyl substances in water by using a duo-functional tri-metallic-oxide hybrid catalyst. Chemosphere, 293 (2022) 133568.
  • M Samuel, M Shang, S Klimchuk, Junjie Niu. Novel Regenerative Hybrid Composite Adsorbent with Improved Removal Capacity for Lead Ions in Water. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60 (2021), 5124.
  • M Samuel, S Moghaddam, M Shang, Junjie Niu. A flexible anti-biofilm hygiene coating for water devices. ACS Applied Biomaterials, 5 (2022) 3991.
  • M Shang, M S Samuel, S Biswas, Junjie Niu. Dual-layered SiO2 nanoparticles and epoxy polymers for self-cleaning coatings on ceramic glaze. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 5 (2022) 15934.
  • S Klimchuk, M Shang, M Samuel, Junjie Niu. A robust hybrid hydrophilic coating on HDPE surface with enhanced mechanical property. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020), 32017.
  • Y Ye, S Klimchuk, M Shang, K McDonald, Junjie Niu. Acoustic bubble suppression by constructing a hydrophilic coating on HDPE surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,11(2019), 16944.
  • 3D hybrid composite coating, US Patent, Patent No. US11441051. Issue date: 9/13/2022. Junjie Niu, Y Kim.
  • Anti-biofilm hygiene coatings in water. US Patent (pending). 2022, Junjie Niu, M Samuel.