
Nidal Abu-Zahra

Professor and Department Chair, Materials Science & Engineering

Nidal Abu Zahra

Research Interests:

  • Water filtration (heavy metal removal)
  • Biofouling in water filtration systems
  • Lithium extraction from seawater and desalination brines
  • Polymer functionalization and performance characterization
  • MD (Molecular Dynamics) and DFT (Density Functional Theory) applications

Jin Li

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Jin Li

Research Interests:

  • Fate and Transport of Colloids in Porous Media
  • Biofilm Formation and Bacterial Adhesion
  • Membrane Filtration for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Qian Liao

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Qian Liao

Research Interests:

  • Environmental fluid mechanics
  • Hydraulics and hydrology
  • Mixing and turbulence in aquatic systems
  • Imaging-based flow analysis

Xiaoli Ma

Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

Xiaoli Ma

Research interests:

  • Removal of emerging pollutants
  • Porous materials for water purification
  • Membranes for water treatment and desalination
  • Novel membrane formation methods

Krishna Pillai

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Krishna Pillai

Research Interests:

  • Modeling filtration of contaminants from water in porous beds and filter-cartridges
  • Modeling of filtration of contaminants from water in porous membranes
  • Modeling of contaminant transport in groundwater flow

Deyang Qu

Johnson Controls Endowed Professor in Energy Storage Research, Professor and Department Chair, Biomedical Engineering, UWM Distinguished Professor

Deyang Qu

Research interests:

  • Determination of pore and pore distribution in a porous material.
  • Determination of ion diffusion and migration rate in the pore of different sizes.
  • Carbon surface functionalities.

Yin Wang

Lawrence E. Sivak ’71 Professorship, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Yin Wang

Research interests:

  • Environmental applications of advanced materials
  • Occurrence, fate and treatment of emerging and recalcitrant pollutants
  • Advanced technologies for water treatment and groundwater remediation
  • Environmental chemistry

Junjie Niu

Professor, Materials science and Engineering

Research interests:

  • Anti-bacterial and anti-biofilm coatings
  • Hydrophobic and hydrophilic self-clean coatings
  • Physical adsorption and degradation of PFAS pollutants: Super-high-capacity adsorbents and scalable degradation process via photocatalytic reaction and biological degradation
  • Portable biosensor and electrochemical sensor to rapidly detect bacteria and PFAS in Water
  • Other contaminations filtration in various water treatments