William Washabaugh
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
College of Letters & Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Contact Information: 2412 E. Linnwood Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211.
Education: B.A., 1966, St. Bernard’s, Rochester, NY; M.A., 1970, U. of Connecticut Storrs, CT; Ph.D., 1974, Wayne State U., Detroit, MI
Academic Experience: Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1974-2011
Awards: Graduate School Distinguished Research Award, 1982.
Books Authored & Published
1986. Five Fingers for Survival: A Deaf Sign Language in the Caribbean. Ann Arbor: Karoma Press.
1988. (John Doe) Speak into the Mirror: A Story of Linguistic Anthropology. Lanham MD: University Press of America.
1996. Flamenco: Passion, Politics and Popular Culture. Oxford: Berg Publishers.
2000. Deep Trout: Angling in Popular Culture. Oxford: Berg Publishers.
2012. Flamenco Music and National Identity in Spain. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishers (reprinted by Routledge, 2016).
Books Edited
1983. The Social Context of Creolization. (edited by Ellen Woolford and Washabaugh). Karoma Press: Ann Arbor.
1998. The Passion of Music and Dance: Gender, Sexuality, and the Body. Oxford. Berg Publishers.
Web-Published Books
2004. (Dan DeLion) Waltzing Porcupines: Communication and Community. (67,000 words)
Books Completed but Not-Yet-Published
2024. Silvered Screens: Mirrors and the Self in Cinema
1. 1974. “Saussure, Durkheim, and Sociolinguistic Theory.” Archivum Linguisticum, Vol. 5, pp. 25-34.
2. 1975. “On the Development of Complementizers in Creolization.” Working Papers on Language Universals, Vol. 17, pp. 109-140.
3. 1976. “The History of Linguistics and the Theoretical Status of Inherent Variability.” Proceedings of the 1975 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, pp. 515-554.
4. 1977. “Decreolization and Second Language Acquisition.” Current Themes in Linguistics, ed. Fred Eckman, Hemisphere Press, pp. 7l-97.
5. 1977. “Constraining Variation in Decreolization.” Language, Vol. 53(2), pp. 329-353.
6. 1977. “The Iconic and the Analog in SIGN.” Aspects of Non-Verbal Communication, ed. W. von Raffler-Engel & B. Hoffer, Trinity University Press, pp. 75-120.
7. 1977. “Horizontal Variation in Decreolization.” Proceedings of the 1976 Mid-America Linguistics Conference. Minneapolis, pp. 415-428.
8. 1978. “Providence Island Sign Language: A Context-Dependent Language.” (Washabaugh, Woodward and DeSantis) Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 20(3), pp. 95-109.
9. 1978. “Aspects of the Syntax of Providence Island Sign Language.” Proceedings of the 1977 Mid-America Linguistics Conference. Columbia, Mo., p. 129-138
10. 1978. “Complexities in Creole Continua.” Lingua, Vol. 46, pp. 245-261.
11. 1979. “Linguistic Anti-Structure.” Journal of Anthropological Research, Vol. 35(1), pp. 30-46.
12. 1979. “Hearing and Deaf Signers on Providence Island.” Sign Language Studies, Vol. 24, pp. 191-214.
13. 1979. “On the Sociality of Creole Languages.” The Genesis of Language, ed. Kenneth Hill. Karoma Press, pp. 125-139. (Reprinted in Dialects and Language Variation, ed. by Harold B. Allen and Michael D. Linn, Academic Press.)
14. 1980. “The Manu-Facturing of a Language.” Semiotica, Vol. 29 (1/2), pp. 1-37. (Reprinted in Sign Language Studies, Vol. 29, pp. 291-330).
15. 1980. “The Organization and Use of Providence Island Sign Language.” Sign Language Studies, Vol 26, pp. 65-92.
16. 1980. “The Role of Speech in the Construction of Reality.” Semiotica, Vol. 31 (3/4), pp. 197-214.
17. 1980. “Brainstorming Creole Languages.” Theoretical Orientations in Creole Language Studies, ed. Albert Valdman. Academic Press, pp. 129-138.
18. 1980. “Complexities in the Organization of Sign Languages.” Semiotica, Vol 32(1/2), pp. 155-173.
19. 1981. “Pursuing Creole Roots.” Generative Studies in Creole Languages, ed. Pieter Muysken. Dordrecht, Holland: Foris Publishers, pp. 85-102.
20. 1981. “From Preposition to Complementizer in Caribbean English Creole.” English World-Wide, ed. Richard Day. Verlag: Heildberg, pp. 97-109.
21. 1981. “Sign Language in its Social Context.” Annual Review of Anthropology. Vol 10, pp. 237-252.
22. 1981. “The Deaf of Grand Cayman, B.W.I.” Sign Language Studies, Vol. 31, pp. 117-134.
23. 1981. “Portuguese Expansion and the Development of the Atlantic Creole Languages.” (Washabaugh and Greenfield) Luso-Brazilian Review, Vol. 18(2), pp. 225-238. (Reprinted in The Social Context of Creolization, ed. Woolford & Washabaugh)
24. 1982. “The Performance of the Material Word.” Reviews in Anthropology, Spring, pp. 117-126.
25. 1983. “Creoles of the Off-Shore Islands: Providencia, San Andres and the Caymans. Central American English, ed. by John Holm & A. Herzfeld. Verlag, pp. 157-179.
26. 1983. “The Acculturation Model and the Problem of Variation in Second Language Acquisition.” (Eckman and Washabaugh) Pidginization, Creolization, and Second Language Acquisition, ed. Roger Andersen. Newbury House, pp. 275-290.
27. 1985. “Language and Self Consciousness among the Deaf of Providence Island.” Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Sign Language Research, Linstok Press, pp. 324-333.
28. 1986. “The Acquisition of Communicative Skills by the Deaf of Providence Island.” Semiotica 62(1/2): 179-190.
29. 1987. “A Response to Nylander’s ‘Irrealis in Pidgin and Creole Languages’.” Studies in Language 11(2): 443-5.
30. 1989 “A Reflexive Perspective in Linguistic Anthropology.” For a Semiotics of Emotion, ed. W. Koch. Verlag.
31. 1994. “Flamenco Body.” Popular Music 13(1): 75-90.
32. 1995. “Ironies in the History of Flamenco.” Theory, Culture & Society. 12(1): 133-156.
33. 1995. “Two Angles on Flamenco” Popular Music vol. 14(3): 365-71.
34. 1995. “The Politics of Passion” Journal of Musicological Research, 15: 85-112.
35. 1997. “Flamenco and Documentary” Ethnomusicology, vol. 41(1): 51-67.
36. 1998. “La invención del “Cante Gitano” in Flamenco y Nacionalismo, ed. by Gerhard Steingress and Enrique Baltanás. Sevilla: Fundación Machado, pp. 59-70.
37. 1998. “Flamenco de ida y vuelta y el nuevo orden mundial” in Flamenco y Nacionalismo, ed. by Gerhard Steingress and Enrique Baltanás. Sevilla: Fundación Machado, pp. 239-45.
38. 2003. “Screening the Classroom” New Technologies at Work, ed. Helena Wulff and Christina Garstean. Berg: Oxford, pp. 205-21.
39. 2003 “Learning Objects in a Constructivist Curriculum,” Teaching with Technology Today, Vol. 9, No. 6 ( HYPERLINK “http://www.uwsa.edu/ttt/”http://www.uwsa.edu/ttt/)
40. 2007 “Philosophical Bases for Visual Multiculturalism at the College Level,” Visual Literacy, edited by James Elkins. NY: Routledge, pp. 129-44.
41. 2010. “Flamenco Leaning Forward,” Flamenco Project, ed. by Steve Kahn. Sevilla: Cajasol, pp. 43-48.
42. 2015. “Blancanieves, Flamenco, and National Identity,” Flamenco on the Global Stage: Historical, Critical and Theoretical Perspectives, eds. Meira Goldberg, Ninotchka Bennahum, Michelle Heffner Hayes. McFarland Press.
1. 1974. “Crab Antics by Peter J. Wilson.” American Anthropologist, Vol. 76(3), pp. 627-8.
2. 1974. “Oscar: An Inquiry into the Nature of Sanity by Peter J. Wilson.” Caribbean Studies, Vol. 14 (3), pp. 176-8.
3. 1976. “Pidgins and Creoles by Loreto Todd.” Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 12, pp. 174-7.
4. 1976. “Cours de linguistique generale, edition critique, appendice par R. Engler.” Historiographica Linguistica, Vol. 3(1), pp. 117-120.
5. 1979. “Languages of the West Indies, by Douglas Taylor.” American Anthropologist, Vol. 81(1), p. 136.
6. 1979. “Sign Language of the Deaf edited by L. Namir and I.M. Schlesinger.” Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 15(1), pp. 154-7.
7. 1980. “Sign Language and Language Acquisition in Man and Ape edited by Fred C.C. Peng.” Language, Vol.56 (3), pp. 685-7.
8. 1982. “The Pidgin and Creole Languages, by Hugo Schuchardt, translated by Glenn Gilbert.” Language Problems and Language Planning, Vol. 7 (3), p. 348.
9. 1983. “Dialogues on the Psychology of Language and Thought, ed. Robert W. Rieber.” General Linguistics, 24(3): 201-04.
10. 1985. “The Man-of-Words in the West Indies, by Roger Abrahams.” American Anthropologist 87(2): 448.
11. 1986. “Papers of the Third and Fourth Meetings of the American Gypsy Lore Society.” American Anthropologist 88(4): 989-990.
12. 1988. “The Pariah Syndrome, by Ian Hancock.” American Anthropologist 90 (4).
13. 1989 “Pidgin and Creole Linguistics” edited by Glenn Gilbert.” Language 65 (1).
14. 1989. “Pidgins and Creoles, Vol. I by John Holm.” American Anthropologist 91 (2).
15. 1988. “The Politics of Language 1791-1819 by Olivia Smith.” Multilingua 8 (1)
16. 1994. “Language, Wittgenstein, Saussure by Roy Harris Multilingua. 13 (1/2): 225-7.
17. 1991 “Emics and Etics edited by Headlund Pike and Harris.” Journal of Asian Studies, 50 (3).
18. 1992. “Tense-Mood-Aspects Systems of Creole Languages by John Singler.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.
19. 1991. “Language and Species by Derek Bickerton”. Pacific Discovery 44(4).
20. 1992. “A Discourse Centered Approach to Language by Greg Urban.” Multilingua 14(1): 100-102.
21. 1994. “Competing Discourse by David Lee.” Multilingua. 13 (3): 320-321.
22. 1997. Focus and Case in Creole Grammar. by John Singler. Multilingua 16 (1): 423-6.
23. 1997. Modernism and Popular Culture in Egypt by Walter Armbrust. American Anthropologist, 99 (3):621.
24. 1998. Language Shock by Michael Agar. Multilingua 17 (1): 115-116.
25. 1999. Focus and Case in Creole Grammar, by John Singler. Multilingua 18.
26. 2000. Contesting Art: Art, Politics & Identity in the Modern World, by J. MacClancy, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 6 (2): 346-7.
27. 2000. Gesture in Naples by A. deJorio, translated and edited by Adam Kendon, Language in Society 30(4): 652-5.
28. 2003. Music, Race, and Nation by Peter Wade, J. of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 7(4): 620-1.
29. 2005. The Cantaoras: Music, Gender and Identity in Flamenco Song, Loren Chuse, Ethnomusicology Forum, 14(2):244-6.
30. 2009. Review of Flamenco postmoderno, Journal of Music and Society.Popular Music and Society, 32(2).
31. 2010. Review of Brazilian Popular Music: Caetano Veloso and the Regeneration of Tradition by Lorraine Leu, submitted for publication to Journal of Music and Society,33 (1):126 – 127.
Popular Essays
1. 1996. “Flamenco Videos Yesterday and Today: Reading Carmen,” The Journal of Flamenco Artistry 3(1): 11-14.
2. 1997. “Early Documentaries,” The Journal of Flamenco Artistry 3(2).
3. 1997. “Returning to Latin,” The Journal of Flamenco Artistry 3(4).
4. 1998. “Maria de la O.” The Journal of Flamenco Artistry 3(5).
– January, 2017