Recent Developments


Consider enrolling in the North Shore School for Seniors for discussions of:

What Space Aliens Can Teach Us (Fall, 2024)

Space-aliens are mirrors. When we look at them on screens big and small, we can see ourselves. But their images are usually contorted, and we often fail to recognize ourselves in the oddly shaped, awkwardly moving bodies that emerge from spaceships. Sometimes they are benign and endearing, but often they are disturbing and even terrorizing.

We will focus on the mirroring messages of aliens in films such as The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Forbidden Planet (1956), Solaris (1972), The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1979), Mars is Heaven (1990), Resident Alien (2024), and others. The task before us is to distill their lessons for living.

More information on this program will be posted during the summer at
