Dr. Lingfeng Wang is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has a wide spectrum of research interests with the focus on cyber-physical energy systems. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, and IEEE Power Engineering Letters, and he serves on the Steering Committee for IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He is also on the Editorial Board for several other international journals including Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy (Springer), Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (Elsevier), and Intelligent Industrial Systems (Springer). Dr. Wang served as a member of technical program committee for numerous conferences, and a Guest-Editor-In-Chief for several international journals. He served as a co-chair for IEEE SmartGridComm15 Symposium on Data Management, Grid Analytics, and Dynamic Pricing. He has given seminar talks in more than 100 universities and national laboratories as an invited speaker. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 technical publications in the research fields of power system reliability and resiliency, smart grid cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection, electric vehicles integration, renewable energy integration, intelligent and energy-efficient buildings, microgrid analysis, cyber-physical systems, energy-water nexus, and industrial automation and manufacturing.
He is a recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Research Award of College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at UWM in 2018.
Dr. Wang’s research is focused on addressing the challenging issues related to the emerging fields of cyber-physical systems applied to smart grid, microgrid, energy-efficient buildings, water and natural gas distribution networks, intelligent and sustainable transportation, healthcare systems, smart manufacturing, etc. The key to this research is to build valid models capable of reflecting the true interactions between the cyber and physical portions of the integrated system. His team also working to build comprehensive, stochastic models for capturing the interdependencies among critical infrastructures in order to improve their resiliency in the presence of natural or man-made disasters.